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NHL Grinder (10/14)

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  1. https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-says-three-us-service-members-killed-drone-attack-us-forces-jordan-2024-01-28/ https://www.militarytimes.com/breaking-news/2024/08/31/15-isis-militants-killed-7-us-troops-injured-during-iraq-raid/ Do you believe Kamala is telling 100% truth all of the time? This was a clear lie. I must have forgot only Trump and PP lie.
  2. Kamala Harris gets the ultimate fact check by Active combat American solidiers
  3. Yawn as if the Liberals spend money effiently.
  4. More like down 7-0. They are on track to be just 4th in seat totals.
  5. Voting Results for the electoral district ofLaSalle—Émard—Verdun Party Candidate Votes Percentof Votes NDP-New Democratic Party Craig Sauvé 4,764 27.5 % Bloc Québécois Louis-Philippe Sauvé 4,757 27.5 % Liberal Laura Palestini 4,649 26.9 % Conservative Louis Ialenti 1,944 11.2 % Green Party Jency Mercier 308 1.8 % Elmwood—Transcona Party Candidate Votes Percentof Votes NDP-New Democratic Party Leila Dance 10,644 48.8 % Conservative Colin Reynolds 9,473 43.4 % Liberal Ian MacIntyre 1,030 4.7 % People's Party - PPC Sarah Couture 285 1.3 % Green Party Nicolas Geddert 284 1.3 %
  6. Bloc 100%. The Bloc have a deal to enrich their province from the Liberals. If I was a Quebecer i would vote for that regardless of political leanings. NDP will win the Manitoba riding after the Liberals abandoned the union vote. Along with the popular NDP premier, There will be not enough vote liberal-ndp vote splitting to have the Conservatives win in Manitoba. If the Federal NDP were smart they would replace Jagmeet with Kinew as quick as possible. It wouldn't even matter if Kinew is bilingual or not...
  7. "He has to be eliminated" Left wing extremism is real.
  8. The Liberals disownment of Canadian tax dollars is a huge part of the dismay. It probably won't make much of difference who their leader is. Owning up to their failure and correcting it would be a start.
  9. 2 assassination attempts on a former president and the left pats themselves on the back. Left wing extremism is on the rise. Their protests are violent, they scream racists chants, but lets pretend there's no problem with the new left wing movement.
  10. Oh so that justifies the latest school shootings.
  11. Hahaha "Registered republican" Did you do your own research? What was his motive from your cutting investigation?
  12. The sad fact is the last few mass school shootings have been the result of the radicalized left. Ignoring left wing radiclization and extremism is a huge problem in North America
  13. Why have the left become so angry and violent? Far left extremism is real
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/us/trump-safe-after-gunshots-his-vicinity-campaign-says Another crazed left wing extremist...loved the medias term "vicintiy" to downplay shots from an Ak47 just 200 yards away
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