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Calamity K

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  1. So protecting Biden's millions ultimately caused the Ukraine invasion? Aid always has stipulations, what do you care if Biden had his empire nipped, someone else maybe slightly competent could have won the presidency.
  2. That's a great response, because it's the only type possible imo. Well, you could have found a meme I suppose.
  3. Did Biden engage with Russia in a positive manner when he took office or was he confrontational? Was his approach effective?
  4. Yes, because they got along which means each of them would be hoping to better the other diplomatically. When a blow hard donkey arrives, a wtf attitude results. In other words, the USA hates us anyway so no point wasting time with diplomacy. Putin invades Ukraine (why not?) and is forming alliance with China and Iran instead. Great work guys. We were much safer not having a power with supersonic nukes as an enemy. But I guess that natural gas from Russia that was lost (when Putin blew up his own pipeline, lmfao and roll my eyes to the heavens)can be replaced by good old American LNG. Maybe it was all worth it eh?
  5. A leftist fantasy. You are in the minority. If you're going to use Carlin you may regret it. Nothing stopping dems from breaking party ranks, is there? Pretty sick.
  6. Sarah Silverman trended...then deleted it claiming she was drunk. I believe this was the post.
  7. Since there hasn't been any earth-shattering puppet evidence coming forward, I grabbed another article from your list. The first line read, Most Americans think that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were president. No frickin kidding. Thank you.
  8. Two lines within a post that aren't necessarily about Ukraine and you find it necessary to pollute the thread with your heroism. The debate moved exactly when it should have long ago without your help or anyone elses.
  9. You better get over there. They need your help.
  10. Yeah, I would have had to use google too. I figured since the poster wanted to use the term Putins puppet he might have some knowledge about it, but probably not. I read the first article and predictably there was nothing there. He didn't yell enough at Putin for taking advantage of Obama's Crimea incompetence. Oooooo what a puppet. Are you googling articles too?
  11. Refresh my memory. What exactly did Trump do for Putin?
  12. Putin didn't invade Ukraine because he knew the house wouldn't have a speaker 2 years later, he did it because there is a feckless donkey in the Whitehouse. Donkeys that send billions to Iran to fund terrorists. Oh yeah, Biden is the man. Are you enjoying runaway inflation and interest rates that are crushing regular folks, you know, the ones that have or need loans? It's much easier to fool people than for them to admit they've been fooled. @Kootenay Gold
  13. This game was a big test for the team. There was no "taking on the would be champs" vibe, so we get a real sample of what to expect going forward. I hope not.
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