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Ryan Strome

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Posts posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Just now, King Heffy said:

    Highly doubt he'd want to deal with the media here after his time in Toronto.  He's still a good guy to have in the room and can help out a scoring third line.

    Totally disagree. He's not the type of player you want on the third line, at least not the third line I want to have. Nor do I think he's good in the room. In fact, I don't think he's good at too much other than scarfing back hot dogs and hamburgers

  2. 6 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


    This is one of the most honest things you have ever written on this forum.

    I'll give you the win on this one because you probably haven't won much in your life so I'm glad you got to get that off your chest. Cheers


    And just because I don't want the endless responses, I'm going to have to throw you on the block list maybe just for a few days.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    I mean....🤷‍♂️



    I'm not really sure what's happening here or what the point is you're making but I was being a smart-ass. As I said, I'm going to take a break from this thread though. Cheers

  4. 4 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


    So you don't believe eye witness testimony?  There are many testimonials on X talking about the rape and murder of those kids at the music festival.  The 40 beheaded babies was disproven and acknowledged, but there were still babies that were killed...

    As I said, I'm going to take a break from this thread. You are correct It was disproven but when the president of the United States claimed it did happen and he seen the photos, do you think that's swayed a lot of people? And no, I witness testimony is questionable at best always. This is why courtrooms generally ask for evidence.

    Just now, Warhippy said:

    That is an incredibly bold statement that will need proof.  Sorry mate.  Your insistence of KNOWING that it was a mistake vs not deliberate based on either false information or malicious intent needs to be justified.



    No, it doesn't. He's Jewish try to keep up.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


    Calling out bullshit.

    No you aren't. I went by the video that was posted. I had to keep reading to see that he responded to that later. But it wasn't in the initial video. So had I of not received your response I never would have checked again. I'm actually coming to the end with this thread. Look at what Roman just said. We don't know if it's deliberate but he knows it wasn't. This is what some are using as facts now somebody That is Jewish gets to speak for everything Jewish in the world. It's the same as in the Russia thread Half of what is posted is bs yet it's treated as the gospel because it's against Russia. Actually you know what I am going to take a break from this thread. Let's all Hope for peace in the middle East 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

     And that's why he specifically said if it was, it was due to ammo storage, but you know that. Your twisting of people words is really something.

    No he didn't. Not in the video he posted. But also are you some sort of backup or security personnel? What exactly are you doing?

  7. 3 hours ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


    Pasting this snippet for emphasis:



    Let me build on that - almost 100% know someone who died after birth.  Simple solution: stop making babies.  :classic_rolleyes:



  8. 1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


    Why would women and girls film themselves getting raped?  How exactly do you get proof on that besides eye witness testimony?  Do young people at music festival usually film themselves getting murdered?  


    This is one thing that confuses me...

    But media outlets are claiming they have seen beheaded babies. They are claiming They have seen things but won't share the proof. So should I just believe anything anybody tells me? I once met a person that told me the Holocaust was all made up. Should I believe that?

  9. 11 minutes ago, stawns said:

    He can play defense, it's just not his strong suit.  I watched almost every game in Abby last year, he's not nearly as bad as he's made out to be.


    I don't care that he was traded, I just think they could have found a better deal for a younger player

    What is his position again?

    11 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    In a couple of years time, Rathbone will be on a pairing somewhere in Sweden with Juolevi. 


    7 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    If he had more value, he wouldn't have cleared waivers.

    Again, Bingo

    6 minutes ago, BlockerHigh said:

    He’s played 65 games in the NHL and has 12 points at that level. Sounds like a depth call up piece on the right side that they know 

    This was a good trade for us. We essentially lost nothing and gained potentially something.

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  10. Just now, CBH1926 said:

    KSA is not getting involved, they are too cozy with Israel and the U.S. They could give two shits about the Palestinians. Iran on the other hand will use Hezbollah to do their bidding for them. I don’t see Egypt getting involved either. 

    Apparently Saudi Arabia cut their peace negotiations with Israel and are actually quite disappointed with the US response to all this. While I would agree with much of what you were saying, war has a funny way of snowballing out of control.

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  11. 1 minute ago, CBH1926 said:

    The only bomb that would cause this type of carnage would be laser guided 1000-2000 lb bomb dropped from a plane.

    The only way a grad or katyusha type of rocket killing this many people would be if this place was used as a very very large explosive storage facility.

    Exactly. Apparently the individual you are quoting is a veteran of the Canadian armed forces. I will fully think that he knows the rocket could not do that damage.

  12. 2 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    Hezbollah has around 15-25k fighters plus just as much if not more in reserve. With surface to air missiles, various anti tank weaponry and large amounts of artillery and rocket launchers, they have the potential to inflict heavy casualties on Israel. 


    Iran, Saudia Arabia and Egypt getting pissed off. How long before their citizens urge their governments to respond to Israeli war crimes?

  13. 1 minute ago, Scottish Canuck 2.0 said:

    Do you really believe a Hamas rocket could level a hospital?

    Common sense gets lost while attempting to defend the Israelis. This isn't the first time but hopefully it will be one of the last times.

  14. 3 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    I can see Hezbollah getting involved very soon.

    Involved meaning like 2006, just with greater military capabilities in 2023.

    At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it's 1967 all over again. Thankfully Harper isn't PM because he wanted to defend Israel "no matter the cost."


    The US tax payer will be on the hook for at least three militaries, US, Israel and Ukraine. If China goes after Taiwan, then it'll be four militaries..

  15. Just now, Bob Long said:


    Yea that pp's spin. We shall see.



    Good, it just makes so much sense.

    No man nothing to do with any opposition figure. It wasn't a good deal for Canada. It was an amazing deal for Volkswagen. It doesn't matter though it's done. It's like one of those things if you pay a little too much for a vehicle but you got the vehicle you wanted. So what does it matter.

  16. 1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


    I'm really happy about the investments -  we should be leading on this stuff.


    AB should be the hydrogen capital of North America too.

    1) sure we can agree on investments for future growth and jobs it's just that wasn't a well negotiated deal from Canada's perspective.


    2) that is the plan.

  17. 14 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    I disagree, you can sometimes get rid of the worst parts of a situation and make life better for some places. Is that Palestine? we'll see. 


    Where has that ever worked since Germany in world war II?

    10 minutes ago, Scottish Canuck 2.0 said:

    Of course, we all know the best way to eliminate Hamas is to kill 500 civilians by bombing a hospital. Textbook defending themselves.


    At what point does someone step in here and urge Netanyahu to stop? Imagine that was Ukraine. Russia would have been condemned the second it happened, and rightly so.

    This is the most ridiculous part is seeing some of these people Especially the guy who's the most emotional about it all. Say what they say about Russia and then totally ignore the facts about what Israel is doing. I don't even know if it's sad or if it is flat out  pathetic.

    1 minute ago, 24K said:

    If it is the IDF then that is some genocidal behavior right there. 


    Ask Palestinians to evacuate from norther Gaza to the south and them proceed to bomb their shelter afterwards. Concentrate then eliminate. That is what the Nazi did. 


    This pretty much ensures that something worse than Hamas is gonna pop up. Israel just created a whole new generation of extremist if they did it. 

    Of course it's the IDF They have done this sort of stuff in the past. But I'm willing to bet as they internally investigate it They will claim it wasn't them..

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