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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Flu shot invite? What is going on in British Columbia? In Alberta You just walk into the drug store and get a flu shot
  2. While there certainly could be an argument made about participation in NATO I think in this case I would disagree with you because NATO is a defensive alliance and Russia did not attack a NATO member.
  3. The Ukrainians don't have anything to do with the housing issue. Trudeau has been bringing in a million immigrants a year and certain provinces like British Columbia, for example in certain areas make it very difficult to build houses. This country uses immigration and home construction as a means to prop up the economy, but unfortunately immigration is moving faster than home construction. I think immediately we should subsidize the housing for all Canadian soldiers in this predicament because there's no quick fix to this problem that has been created in this country. I'm not surprised to hear these stories. It is a shame what this government and governments before have done to our military. This government talks a good talk about investing in the military and then budget after budget makes cuts to the military. Very sad!
  4. So it could only be two options? Thank you Mr Almighty haha. The slogan at that rally means nothing as it relates to us normal folk.
  5. If you choose to take National unity and national pride as a meaning of something bad because somebody used a flag or a hat, that's a Canada first that's on you, not on the rest of us. To you it says it all and that's fine. You can have your opinion, but I don't live in your world where I want to fight racism with racism. I've seen more than enough of your posts to make my mind up.
  6. To be fair though my man, if we went into the Russia, Ukraine thread, I don't think people would be encouraged by this comment.
  7. Great! Now we won't even have an armed forces because they can't afford to live in Trudeau's, Canada.
  8. Canadian Armed Forces members asking for donations to help with housing, food costs: memo https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canada-soldiers-donations-rising-costs
  9. The picture is a fake! Second, when Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama say America first. Do you have an issue with that?
  10. The potential involvement of other Arab countries could make things very bad as well. You're right. It is a very shitty situation
  11. No, I'm not. What you are doing is allowing that to go with slogans like that. But you do you? Everybody needs a social justice warrior lol
  12. Let me look into this a little bit. It would be better for discussion if I had a better understanding in my opinion.
  13. I love the way you think now Bring home that top four right shot Defenseman! Such a breath of fresh air, Phillip!
  14. Nope, don't buy a lottery ticket my friend! Listen if you want to make a point that there's crazy lunatics holding these flags and saying Canada first, we can agree on that. But you won't change my mind when I say it is okay to say Canada first and to fly many Canadian flags. These people at certain events are just piss ants and that's all they'll ever be.
  15. Yep, this is the conclusion I come to last night as well. Palestine will be absolutely liberated from Hamas. What that leads to in the future I don't know, but I think this will drag on for some time.
  16. No, I don't live by that comment and I don't think it's similar because when I say Canada first it encompasses 40 million people. It's not saying white people first. It's not saying brown people first. It's not saying black people first. It's not saying this race first or that race first or this religion first it's saying Canada first all of us! Now I know that individual posted, although you said it was a fake but anybody doing that probably doesn't hold the point of view I have, but I don't care what it means to them. It's not what it should mean to the rest of us that live in the civilized country.
  17. I'm thinking PA has exhausted all avenues and is basically putting it on the player to say go find yourself a new home and we'll make it happen. So while I would love a right shot Dman I'm not holding my breath either.
  18. I also quoted your other post so I will stick to those topics. But the thing about farmers is when you outlaw their rifles immediately turn them into criminals. The parents rights should have legs as parents should have rights in fact more rights than any publicly funded institution. But feel free if you want to keep the discussion to that to enlighten me a little bit on what Scotty has done as I'm not staying up to speed on Saskatchewan laws and rules. Furthermore, unless I'm mistaken abortion in a woman's right to choose his federal, not provincial. Am I missing something? Serious question. Because it's not a bad thing to say Canada first! In my opinion, it's a patriotic and admirable thing to say.
  19. Anyways ladies and gentlemen, I'm not ignoring your comments but I've got a bunch of things to get done for a couple hours here. So if you do send me some compelling evidence @Bob Long give me some time and I'll get back to you.
  20. No conservative government took away a woman's right to choose. That is factual! As for parental rights, that is absolutely not horse crap. In fact, I posted a study last night that contradicts you on that and I only deleted it because I thought you know what for Thanksgiving. It's going to be far too divisive. If you want to look it up, it's from the National Post. I never said it was a gun thing. You claimed he's given out more rights. I disagree you claim the conservatives take away rights again. I disagree and I just want some facts to back it up. So I take it you don't care for Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama? I don't drive around with flags on my truck either, but to insinuate when you see this national pride that it's something bad is in fact giving them the power in my opinion. Actually, just based off what I know of the guy, I feel like I've taken Trudeau's position here and you have taken the position of an apologist.
  21. You are allowing them to win. You are giving up without a fight. On each side of my deck I have a Canadian flag and an Alberta flag. I never removed either because some skinhead flies a Canadian flag. They don't represent Canada and they never will. Canadians died in large numbers so that these people would never take over this country so I will never support giving up.
  22. Listen you either have freedom of expression which would cover freedom of speech. Of course you don't have hate speech, but if you just move the goal posts over and over to suit your purpose well then we'll all find exactly what we want with differing candidates. The bottom line is he has taken away freedoms. He turned Farmers into criminals with one signature. He attempted to take away my right to criticize Islam. In fact that could still happen. Essentially he put it away for a rainy day. He attempted to take away the rights of parliamentarians to take their constituents concerns in the House of Commons to the prime minister by only trying to address them once a week. I mean the list goes on but if you want to say he hasn't taken away individual rights okay then but the onus would be on you to tell me which individual rights to conservatives took away. As you made the claim
  23. This is really sad. You would rather be ashamed of national unity and pride because some clowns decided to use it for their purpose.
  24. It doesn't cover anything actually and if your long-winded post would have been anything similar it would have been incorrect in my opinion as well. You are allowing those people to win and that is not right. Clowns that want to be against everything that is Canadian are the problem and that they shouldn't take away from anybody else's pride for putting this country first.
  25. 1) Dafuk it does! No clowns or morons should be ever powerful enough to allow you to give up Canadian pride! 2) based on what I bolded how can you vote for Trudeau after saying that? I'm not even joking. That's a dead serious question.
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