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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. I was only joking around Snoop. I was hoping @moosehead would see my post and then threaten to kill me. I agree with you on Edmonton though. I live in Calgary and cringe Every time I take the kids up to West Edmonton mall. I hate that city lol
  2. This is just it and your earlier post is spot on as well. It's actually Roman That is the only one taking sides. I think the rest of us have been quite clear. While we condemn this, we need to be realistic and understand. Israel plays a big role in all of this as well.
  3. The first thing I said that morning to my roommate was I'm not surprised that this happened. I'm not saying that was the right thing to say. I'm telling you what I did say. Just like what took place the other day it wasn't right but I'm not surprised. Palestinians feel like they are being attacked by terrorists every day. Your two state solution in my opinion is the only path to peace
  4. I didn't ask him anything other than why he shares a similar position to the Soviet Union.
  5. Well we also have planes and artillery from the United States. Obviously I under stand the humor but the point I'm making is you don't threaten peacekeepers. Even in their war with Egypt a high up Egyptian I can't remember who went to the top Canadian general and told the peacekeepers to leave instead of slaughtering them. It was actually that Canadian general that had told the Egyptian that he was making a big mistake and he wouldn't like the outcome of this conflict. That Canadian general was 100% accurate.
  6. Again, this would be accurate but there's no excuses that should be made. It's an online forum. If it'll make you that heated, don't come on. Would he be willing to give somebody the same benefit of the doubt if they lived in, let's say Gaza city and we're commenting in this thread with a different point of view?
  7. He likely does. However, I would agree 100% with your assessment. While this is very admirable and honorable what you said and you probably are right, he has been very rude to anybody that has just tried to say look at the other side. I mean Canadians died in Afghanistan but I was still willing to recognize the other viewpoint without calling everybody derogatory names and belittling people. Great response. Thank you sir.
  8. Very doubtful. Cap space is few and far between Right now. I was just reading Calgary will be starting with 11 forwards and seven defensemen most likely because of cap restrictions. Imagine that an aging team that can't make the playoffs having to have a shortened roster to be cap compliant.
  9. Yeah that's what I thought too. I already don't trust the media as it relates to news and now I'm beginning to not trust them as it relates to sports.
  10. That's probably what a bottom six player will make at that point the way the cap is expected to rise
  11. The more concerning part is his response to you to call you a clown because you asked a question. I think that says a lot about the person. Also everything is advocating for is what Putin and the Soviet Union advocated for so I do find that bizarre. This is exactly what I'm talking about Korea
  12. I totally agree on using him. I actually thought when he was debating and listening to him prior to that election. I thought man if there was anybody that should try a green government maybe this is the guy that should lead it. Boy was I wrong lol
  13. It's my understanding that he isn't pro oil, however everybody kind of changes a little bit once they come into government and we see what money looks like on certain projects. Your previous premier would be a perfect example of that wasn't he hell bent on stopping the site c project? I know Dr. Weaver was and then he changed course as well. Politics or money really changes people haha
  14. So if you are 54 and this is how you respond to people when they ask you legitimate question. I don't think they are the problem I think you are.
  15. It's actually been talked about for some time. Believe it or not under conservative government in Manitoba there was a little bit of resistance to the idea probably to do with money. I do know a little bit about their new premiere, but again I don't know how he will act as premiere, but that could become a little more difficult. This is why I don't buy that story about Alberta oil and some of the reasons it sells cheaper. While la Bamba is correct and what he's saying in my opinion it's just not the full story because Saskatchewan oil sells at a discount as well and they have light sweet crude.
  16. Well if we don't have the will for that then we better have the stomach for this every couple years. You need to go back into the thread. He told us where he gained his experience. He's Jewish and he's been to Tel Aviv a couple times. Try to keep up.
  17. One to the east, west and potentially Saskatchewan could put one up into northern Manitoba. But hydroelectric dams are so good for the environment...
  18. You know for years I've wondered why countries like Canada and the Netherlands couldn't put together a significant peacekeeping force and negotiate with both sides and have that force there and convince Israel to stop the occupations. Keep those forces there for 50 years if need be. Again, this is exactly what Vladimir Putin said. You two are so similar.
  19. I don't think anybody is too fond of that idea Albertan or not. History has shown that it wasn't. Also, let's look at oil prices during the coronavirus pandemic taxpayers would have been on the hook for a lot of money So if Canadians had their say they would have said no and our oil industry would have collapsed. We certainly don't need the federal government involved in the Alberta oil industry. Otherwise, let's get the federal government calling the shots on the British Columbia mining and logging industry.
  20. This isn't all entirely true my friend. But I do agree with a lot of what you said. Because provinces said no. They also are very costly things to build and it isn't a good idea to have government pay for everything.
  21. Yeah it's pretty bizarre I seen people just even mention why is a Russian athlete being penalized for this and they were just attacked but meanwhile I don't recall American athletes being banned from things. In my opinion Hamas is trying to drag Iran into this war. If I ran in Israel end up in a war that will be a very big deal that has the most likely scenario of dragging the United States into that war. To be perfectly honest, that would probably be exactly what Putin would love to see right now.
  22. Well well, well suddenly you are a Russian fan hey? I'm going to give you a little history lesson. When the Soviet Union conquered all of Eastern Europe, they were using that as a buffer zone against the west. I think most of us would agree the Soviets were wrong. What do you think? This should be interesting.. Maybe try leaving your neighbour's land?
  23. Of course there is. Honest question here because I respect you r views, When you make a statement like that, can you understand why the Arabs view them as freedom fighters? The Israelis took their land occupied It killed them starved them they're basically living under the thumb of Israel and these people are fighting against it. Not very hard to have to brainwash is it? This is just it. It's like the Russian invasion of Ukraine and everybody hates every Russian and not letting Russians take part in anything as if every Russian supported that. I'm sure there's many Palestinians as you say that did not support this. That being said I share your opinion on sympathy towards Palestinians, but this heinous attack by Hamas will only make their suffering far worse.
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