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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. They must have ran out of money because their director of goaltending development and scouting wasn't much of a goaltender.
  2. Agreed. I was out hiking today. No cell phone no nothing out in the middle of nowhere. Enjoying the weather came back opened up my phone and seen this and I still thought it was some sort of joke I thought for sure both were getting traded this season at some point. What? What exactly do you expect these two to sign for? We are talking about top players at their respected positions. Again what are you talking about? With the cap going up these are actually very good deals. Hell without a cap increase you would be lucky to get MS at that price. Well they do have a lot of talent on their team so I'm not sure it makes sense from a management point of view to say hey We are a playoff team but let's just rip it all apart. While I can understand the sentiment, it's not a video game. Yeah they actually have very good prospects so not even close to Calgary. Yeah absolutely! I was totally shocked by this news. Happy for the peg.
  3. Well, considering you do live in this country, you told all of us the world was coming to an end when Trump was president. Yet everything seemed to be better for you when Biden was president. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how either affected you, but you seemed pretty involved in American politics and still very involved in Trump. As far as the Russian invasion, what is more money in canada because of the Russian invasion? Fuel is more because of the never-ending increases to the ridiculous carbon tax that hasn't helped climate targets in this country whatsoever. But then again, some of us said that would be the case and people like you ridiculed us. I love these posts like this though. Yes, things are terrible right now but in my opinion they wouldn't be better under another person. So let's keep things terrible under the guy that's done a terrible job because that's my preference. Stick to Trump, guy.
  4. Boom! Just look at the oil industry! Some including on CDC brainwashed by the United States to shut down our oil industry while theres thrives.
  5. I don't know if it's a trend or if it's just me running into specific people, but I have met more and more people in the last two years that are changing career paths in their mid 30s to mid 40s, then I would have ever thought I would have met
  6. They are a net exporter, however they buy ours at a reduced rate, refine it(which helps job creation) and then sell it at a higher rate. He isn't wrong with his suggestion about Canada. People need to stop thinking the Americans are friends. If we had a hostile government they would just move in and take what they wanted. Because both our parties have decided to not spend on the military, they have no choice but to bend over backwards for the Americans.
  7. How much does playing on a bottom feeder team weigh in to those numbers he posted? I feel like those numbers are based on plus minus.
  8. I really didn't care for this trade but I was pretty much indifferent because the price was so cheap. But the more I smoke this evening I'm actually really liking this deal.
  9. Wow steep penalties in Israel. Not much freedom? So I was going to explain to you what others already have as far as the convoys in Ottawa until I seen your next post and it got me thinking if the podcast business doesn't work out for you, maybe you should think about law. I'm pretty versed in this stuff and I would have missed that, but I think you're absolutely right that would be punishable because Canada has them listed as a terrorist group. You're very smart. This is absolute bullshit. Shameful. I've been wondering today if this has a possibility of dragging Iran into the war if Israel Does go full force into Palestine. Again well done. As an American you would be on the hook for funding three militaries while potentially having a show down with Iran.
  10. I don't think there was peace before Hamas was there?
  11. Oh I think I misunderstood. My bad. I guess that's what happens when you jump in mid conversation. Sorry guys. The point I was trying to make was if you want to be a doctor or a dentist. They actually look at high school credentials yet everything else they don't and I think that's exactly what lock is saying and moose head for that matter. Sorry fellas.
  12. No but the country has a massive shortage of trades people
  13. Tell that to somebody aspiring to be a doctor or a dentist
  14. -worst case Ontario -Capital of BC Victoriaville -1,2,4,6,7,9,10 -Sorry about your house collapsing, I actually failed math. - Oh you needed a plumber? I actually just got gifted this position..
  15. I mean that's a fair point, but is it really worth the waiver claim? While you are correct, there should be a reason for concern, but I just don't know if he solves that concern. I mean if he was on the roster I would still have concern about the bottom pair
  16. Yeah, they take our best and brightest to work in those industries and then sell the product back to us at an inflated price because any military hardware sold from the United States has something like a 10% fee on top. It's just like people in here Wonder time and time again Why we had to go with the f-35? Why not a different jet well it's because the United States bullies us into enriching their programs. The f-35 offered the least amount to Canadian industry. In fact, Canadian industry has to bid on it all to get any work. Gripen would have been an immediate door opener to the r&d you were talking about and the technology transfer is key as is the fact that this Swedish company would be investing in this country. But nope, we get bullied around by our southern neighbour.
  17. I have to imagine all the clamoring for Bogosian in here must be people living 10 years ago. The guy is a fringe nhler.
  18. Apparently Canadian and American citizens were killed at that event
  19. God bless him. Yes, Kandahar was a nightmare for so many. Sadly being part of a american-led NATO is if you aren't prepared to do what they want, you have to make it up to them somehow. While Canada as a country did make it up to them Canadian citizens paid the price and that wasn't right.
  20. Absolutely! We should be producing our own. I mean for crying out loud turkey does and let's be honest they are near bankrupt. I also would agree with you completely that they would be difference makers in the north attack drones and reconnaissance drones. If you look at us choosing to give tax breaks to Canadians and free everything to anybody who needs it, it comes at a cost of taking it away from defense. While I would like to find the best way to manage both, we need to understand we need to be spending more than 2% Hell we need to be closer to 4% for 10 or 15 years and then maybe drop down to 2%. Canada choosing to go laxidasy on defense and a generation of Canadian supporting that. How many Canadians I've met that have said "Oh America will protect us." It makes my blood boil because the only reason they would be protecting us is because we share a continent with them and we are their neighbour and they wouldn't want an adversary that close. Also if they came into "protect us" They wouldn't be doing it for free. Another big issue with being a Flunky on military spending is that we have to make it up in manpower to our allies. So when you look at Kandahar which was pretty much the most dangerous place in Afghanistan Paul Martin had no choice but to offer up Canadian men and women because he wasn't prepared to offer up Canadian money and that's sad that our soldiers had to fight in a place that the Americans didn't even really want to fight in.
  21. Listen my post is attacking both parties. I'm not going to come here and play this partisan game on a big issue like this when both have failed miserably.
  22. Well it is Thanksgiving.. Honestly though, it does bug me a lot. I'll give you a couple examples. Look at that balloon the Americans shot out of the air that should have never been the Americans doing that over Canadian airspace hell if the Canadians did that over American airspace we would be in serious hot water. Just like all the intelligence gathering on India and China, it should not be coming from the United States. We need to invest more in our intelligence gathering. Canadians and politicians being more than happy of taking advantage of the fact we are neighbours to the United States drives me nuts. The only thing Pierre Trudeau ever said that's worth repeating was when he talked about the United States and being next to them. I think he said it's something like sleeping next to an elephant. I remember there was a member on CDC. I forgot his name now, but he was so opposed to spending billions on new fighter jets. He said we don't need them because America will look after Canada. He was one of the biggest critics of Donald Trump yet he was more than happy that Donald Trump would be the commander in chief that would protect Canada. Shameful! At the end of the second world war we had the third biggest navy I believe and the third biggest Air force I believe. There is no reason why this could not continue today. In fact, the only ones that would have an issue with that in my opinion would be the Americans, but I could care less what they think. For years on CDC I talked about pipelines to the east coast and the west coast. We seen when Trump was president joke about the idea of putting tariffs on our oil. We would be absolutely hooped had he have done that and in reality any future president could do the same. So while I made those other comments, we also need to diversify our economy because the United States could absolutely bankrupt us.
  23. Man this goes back all the way to like 1950. I certainly don't want to defend the liberals here, but both parties have been more than happy to not incentivize corporations or not invest themselves in Canadian brilliance. For them is just cheaper and easier to ride the coattails of the United States and take advantage of their large rich market. How about our own military industry? How about our own space programs? How about our own entertainment industry? How about our own auto industry? Any of these and so many more I would be more than happy to put billions of taxpayer dollars into as they would have a payoff in the future and a sense of Canadian pride. To be honest, any of what I just mentioned, even if we did one of those things would probably create a ton of unity within this nation.
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