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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. If I told you he hates Dubas would you change your mind and welcome him with open arms?
  2. While I don't want to say anything good about Russia, they have fought a lot of terrorism themselves in their own country and outside their country. I'm not really sure that's accurate but with Putin who knows. I think this should put it into perspective for some. By recognizing that others are allowed to have an opinion as well. Also, if it's going to bother you that much, don't enter the thread.
  3. Greece, Ireland, Netherlands would be my top three.
  4. Oh wow I wasn't aware of that. Sounds like car insurance.
  5. I know! Personally, I don't care for the trade. However, the cost was very cheap and I'm just hoping and praying he turns into a decent top 9 forward watching those babies cry will be glorious!!!
  6. You must be in the lower mainland? The further east you go in British Columbia There's actually a lot of people that are closer to Alberta thinking than they are lower mainland thinking. But generally when you get annexed you don't have much say in the matter. His position probably comes with health insurance.
  7. Toronto fans crying and complaining online...I'm shocked!
  8. Calgary seems to do well with their later picks.
  9. I'll just quickly chime in while the price was cheap. I'm not necessarily sure we needed that. I thought we had more than enough forwards but a lot of them did show very little in camp. I don't think it's fair to ask who was the last impact player because I don't think we really received an impact player. That being said, there is good players that come out of the later rounds but the odds are quite low.
  10. There was such high hope for him at one time now I wouldn't be surprised if he clears and I doubt he ever plays a full season again
  11. Let me put it this way, just say no to PG!!
  12. @Bob Long just for clarification, Alberta is doing a similar thing. I think they're giving $2,000 to people that bring a specific skill set to Alberta. Ie trades, nurses, doctors, anti Trudeau bc'ers, etc. But that being said, it's my understanding that that is eligible to everybody, not just specific people. So I guess you do have a point. I mean. How do we address these issues without using monetary proposals? I guess I just don't like the idea that it excludes people, but you are making some compelling points here along with other members.
  13. So I quoted both because I think it is important what Bob is saying and maybe many of us are overlooking that myself included. We legitimately have houses that cannot be built because we don't have carpenters and framers to do it. Our population is growing at a faster rate than it ever has before. My personal preference would be to slow it down a little bit, but that is not the preference of both main political parties in this country. So if we want to go this route of getting more people in so they make more money in taxes, we need places for people to live because at the rate we're going now, my kids will be paying 5 million for an apartment unfortunately they'll have to ask somebody else because Dad will have to give the big no to that one lol.
  14. While it's anecdotal, it isn't that far from the reality I've witnessed and I have over 20 years in the industry. There probably is a few reasons for this and just quickly I will go over a couple. Being gone for extended periods of time with no exposure to the outside world can lead to addictions, alcohol consumption, drug consumption, etc. They're always has been a bit of a mentality of tough boys club. No gloves work through it. No hard hat. Figure it out. Feet are soaking wet. Don't be a sissy. Keep going. On and on. But I would also say people need to stand up for themselves and go to their higher ups because what I can tell you is if somebody came into my shack and told me these things were happening. I would go out and skid people within seconds.
  15. I'm not sure if you're saying you don't like me bringing up the transgender issue. My point is that nobody would know just like you wouldn't know if under my shirt I had a nazi SS stamp on my stomach. Further to that, if they wanted to come out and say they were transgender, an employer would not be able to terminate them on that grounds or they would be in violation of the law. I'm only saying it because what I'm trying to point out is the government didn't even need to mention it. It's almost like Morgan Freeman said just stop talking about it. As far as trades go, it is difficult to get women into these fields because well, as a man I think I can clearly say we don't always act the most respectfully towards women, but we need to put that onus unemployers to make sure it doesn't happen if these individuals are going to treat women in a poor way. Who was that one American general who said if you're any of these things leave! He broke down a list of things racist, homophobe, on and on. That should be the mantra and life. Treat everybody with dignity and respect! Except Trudeau.
  16. Last post until the election. Happy Thanksgiving guys.
  17. While you aren't wrong at all, there is instances where United Nations peacekeepers have made a significant difference towards peace. Yeah they are going to have to look at doing something. It's starting to get out of hand and it's only going to get worse.
  18. I'm actually going to block myself from this thread. Maybe I'll PM you what I was referring to lol
  19. Well I guess we could have an election any day from now until 2025. So I guess it's always good to court small business.
  20. The block list just keeps growing. Cheers man. Happy Thanksgiving
  21. Well, I don't buy into the transgender argument because nobody would have any way of knowing their biological gender. As for minorities and people of colour I do agree they're likely is still challenges in the country. I also agree women in trades is probably a tough one as it's dominated by men. So yes there is something that can be done but I hate these things that only help certain individuals. Small business owners don't seem to like all the tax breaks that big business gets and while we seem to get on board and say it's not fair, should we say maybe it is fair because actually they employ a lot of people and they pay high wages most of the time.
  22. Big corporations don't need the helping hand and to be honest big corporations are actually doing a lot for putting women in the workplace and for putting minorities in the workplace. That being said, I believe there is likely already incentives for them to be doing this. But I don't know for sure but it's my guess.
  23. I very much agree with the point you were making. I was being a smart-ass because we have governments all over the place, especially in Ottawa that loves to play gender and race politics
  24. It's discriminatory because it only benefits certain people. You are a very smart individual my friend. Please don't act as if you don't understand that point. While it may be about jobs and I agree, we need to fill those rolls I would argue @moosehead offered a common sense solution.
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