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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Dude, you were the one that posted something that wasn't correct about American political history. Just own it lol
  2. Great point but how would that advance the government's never ending gender and race politics?
  3. Imagine logical thinking +1
  4. That is the question we need to figure out. Imo this policy is discriminatory it also allows for fraud just like in female sports. While I can agree it is harder for some I would know because what @Canuckle doesn't understand I'm not European white is as it relates to transgender, employers or schools would not be discriminating against them as they wouldn't know the individuals biological gender. Lol you didn't call anything. You haven't made a point. Meow.
  5. Honest question. If Peeke is as good as you say why are we getting him for an unmovable contract and a 2nd?
  6. There is no contradiction at all. Much like your copied Facebook nonsense maybe you should look into that. It seems like you don't like facts? You were being helped with your misunderstanding of factual history.
  7. 1) In Canada as it relates to sports there is no requirement just self identify as a woman. Did you miss the bodybuilder who set world records? 2) no I called it discriminatory because it is. You are supporting fighting discrimination with discrimination. Finally, I just want to add you just showed that you know very little about indigenous people. So your assumption is they must be brown or lightly tanned?
  8. @Playoff Beered should fact check his Facebook friends.
  9. That didn't work very well for South Korea over 70 years ago. How about a large UN peace keeping force that is stationed there indefinitely?
  10. Well I mean the world has take Israel's side for 50 years. Maybe a different strategy?
  11. Ya...just self identify hey? Hmm sounds like women's sports..
  12. Gurn secretly wants to be a mod. J/k Honestly though, yes there is an unwritten rule in the Trump thread. Only liberal and you must wish death upon Trump. Oh and everything gop bad. Everything!
  13. It's ironic that he told you to view all sides because in this thread it's clear he hasn't.
  14. Well I mean maybe it's discriminatory no?
  15. @Alflives I have asked you multiple times and in multiple threads and I do get the alerts so the block isn't working. But out of respect if I repeatedly ask you why not just stop? As for your fisher comment I remember when you joined CDC and I won't say anymore so don't talk to me about any fishing..
  16. I feel like you spend a lot of time on the internet. I think you should google passive aggressive.
  17. Nope, I don't think I'm putting words in your mouth.
  18. Back to the block list with you. You need to learn in life, I've asked you kindly multiple times. I don't wish to engage with you, very little that you say ever makes any sense. Cheers, happy thanksgiving
  19. Ok.. Benny is that you? You said your block list was going to grow. I'll volunteer myself up.
  20. I don't think I suggested that at all. I pointed out what Israel's been doing to Palestine for some time as has a lot of other people in this thread. I did unblock you this morning. However I would ask you to ask them that question because I don't wish to engage with you when you do this. Never ending question after question about things I'm suggesting that I haven't actually suggested. I think the statements in this thread that I've made are quite clear. I welcome you to browse through them there is four or five of them.
  21. @RomanPer according to you, none of us know anything about Israel because we haven't been there as much as you have and speaking for myself I'm not Jewish so it would appear that those of us that aren't Jewish and haven't spent as much time there as you have don't know anything about it. Such a sound excuse for bombing and killing innocent children for decades. I think most of us here have all agreed. What took place was absolutely appalling but we aren't willing to let Israel off the hook and you are. Another thing you bring up "never again" the biggest warmonger outside the United States and Russia over the last 50 years has been Israel.
  22. I might need a refresher because that is not my understanding. I suppose on the technicality of using the term occupation you may be correct. However, when you totally blockade an area and lay siege to it, what would you call that? And that's without pointing out that it's Palestinian land in the first place.
  23. Right! This blind support for Israel frustrates me a lot. Admittedly, what happened to the civilian population is absolutely appalling, but what Israel has done to Palestine is inexcusable.
  24. Am I missing something? Has Israel not been illegally occupying the Gaza strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 1967?
  25. https://www.timesofisrael.com/promising-merciless-war-on-hamas-netanyahu-says-israel-will-avenge-this-black-day/ It's all right there in his national address.
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