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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Yeah I don't know. I sometimes wonder if you look around the world for example the Korean peninsula. Would there be peace if the Americans left? Palestine would there be peace if the Israelis left? We hear all the time. There would be no more war if the Russians left, so I just wonder if in this case the Israelis left with that end the war. Let's be realistic. Palestine or hamas could never defeat Israel in a war So if they got their country back could they be happy with a Jewish neighbour? Could a country like Canada put peacekeepers at the border for a decade or two? I think what happened was absolutely terrible and makes me sick to my stomach. But that being said, the suffering and the brutality that the Palestinians have endured also makes me sick to my stomach and very sad.
  2. Maybe you are right because it sounds like this might turn into a full scale war with the capitulation of the Palestine. “All the places that Hamas hides in, operates in, we will turn them into ruins,” Netanyahu stated. “Get out of there now.” “What happened today has never been seen before in Israel, and I will ensure it never happens again. The entire government supports this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its power to destroy Hamas’ capabilities,” he added, warning that Israel is headed for a “difficult” war that is set to “take time.”
  3. Have you considered maybe stop occupying Palestine?
  4. I'll pass. No need for the complete opposite of CDC.
  5. This is the issue with this thread if anybody disagrees with the echo chamber you get attacked.
  6. I thought the covid comment was hilarious. I feel like the other woman was like "oh my f$&k...you didn't.
  7. Who has to go by the end of this year so they are not in camp hell?
  8. Of course It's not a stretch because it's completely factual.
  9. comparisons to Russia seem bizarre. One is a global power or used to be I guess. The other is a ragtag group trying to defend the land that was stolen from them built on and occupied. All these innocent people being massacred is heartbreaking, but the ones who can solve this problem are the Israelis.
  10. Alberta separating and annexing BC save for Surrey.
  11. Oh I think you forgot the message Justin Trudeau -- a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.
  12. Well if I ever get cable back I'll go to the mainstream media. Then when you see me again I will be far left leaning and trying to blame everybody else for any sort of issue that might arise in my life.
  13. Based on the video I watched, it seems far more balanced than it ever was, but I'm glad I could make you chuckle. Laughter is a great thing
  14. I shall never show my face again. Please don't let @Warhippy see this.
  15. Layton? Man he got like 10 billion dollars in a back room deal for Canadians so that he wouldn't collapse the government. That was money The liberals and conservatives said wasn't available yet Still ran a surplus after... Wtf did you just paint me into a corner where I'm defending the socialists?
  16. This statement is actually incorrect in my opinion. Let's be honest here how many things have ever been rolled back that are popular? If the new government comes in and the decision from the NDP got put into place under the liberal government and it was popular. PP would have no choice but to leave it in place. It would be political suicide to do otherwise. Do you think Harper supported universal health Care? Do you think he supported a woman's right to choose? Do you think he supported gay marriage? Do you think he supported a five shot magazine cap? I would argue he didn't support any of these things but they were popular throughout the country so he kept them all in place just like what would happen if Jag got something popular done.
  17. That's exactly what it is. The party was near bankrupt. It pretty much was a no win situation for them but trying to convince voters that you are getting changes done, They would be better off Just admitting the truth and saying we are broke lol. When Layton was the balance of power under the Martin government, he got significant things done. Singh has gotten nothing done because for the longest time I think Trudeau hoped he would pull his support and he would attempt to get a majority government. Singh needs right now to be making serious demands and requests, knowing that Trudeau has no choice but to give him what he wants. Because as it stands right now it wouldn't matter if Jag was the leader of the opposition in a conservative majority government or the junior partner in this coalition that hasn't benefited him or his party at all in my opinion.
  18. This is actually pitiful and true leadership would probably scold these members. That being said, all parties in the house have laughed at the other party when they're making genuine statements. It's like they're so dumb and they forget there is cameras rolling
  19. The NDP is bankrupt. He needs 6 years for an all inclusive pension. On a personality and compassion level he would probably be the best of the three. Politically what he has done is probably started the decimation of the federal NDP party.
  20. Agreed. Well before putting down their weapons they could stop their occupation and see if that would be effective. Of course they will. I'm right wing and I don't support war but Israel keeps taking and occupying so war will never end.
  21. Dude I haven't had cable for some time so admittedly it's YouTube on my phone. CNN still seems quite bias to me but who knows.
  22. The more and more I think about that statement I think wow that is the best freest(is that a word) comment I have heard by a Canadian politician in long my whole adult life.
  23. Fox seems a little more balanced. Maybe CNN will follow suit and then their new stations will actually be doing it right.
  24. Yeah, I just meant that he doesn't like globalism either. He was anti-nafta as well. I think it's an American thing. They can't only win on every agreement. They have to win by a mile or they are furious.
  25. I can tell you what I'm hoping for a 10-0 victory for us Keep in mind, I'm surrounded by Calgary fans all day long. It makes me want to puke
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