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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Myers on the top pairing oh my f#@k!! Yes I know a preseason but still may as well put @Alflives in over that scrub.
  2. Okay then it clearly wasn't Trump that I heard it from but what I had heard was since the second world war. And I do believe that is accurate. But if you want to educate me, I'm all ears. Otherwise you have yourself a happy Thanksgiving.
  3. I think I wrote near record lows. Did I not? And admittedly I don't actually know the numbers but I believe I heard Republicans or Trumper s saying their unemployment rate was the lowest it had been since the second world war. Is this not true?
  4. Is it shut down? I thought they were investing or had invested at a bunch of money to make this a long-term thing for Canada. Or am I totally off base here but I thought it was that that they were doing. Maybe in Quebec i could be wrong?
  5. I don't like the idea of paying even higher taxes than we already pay, but out of respect I'll watch this video for you. I have a couple things I have to finish up here. I'm heading home tomorrow so but I will get to it at some point today I promise. And if you change my mind the next time I'm in BC you owe me a beer lol
  6. So now we know you don't like Trump and you don't like Sanders. Good luck finding someone in the center down south lol
  7. Also, just to be perfectly honest, I'm not like a conspiracy theorist saying they're putting something in your body and these vaccines aren't tried and tested. That's not my position here. It was more of the immune response issues with mRNA
  8. I know you have. I remember you telling me you've even been to China and stuff for work. I was just bugging, Jimmy.. It's like me. I used to own a bunch of trucks. Hauling oil ended up selling them a year and a half back and now I'm just back out in the field. One thing I will say about inflation is that I made a lot of money on reselling these used trucks lol
  9. I didn't even know there was anything similar going on in British Columbia. Well I see where you want to take this and I'm going pass. I'll just make it clear. I don't support Scandinavian style governments. I did however need a South African and I asked him what he thought he had been here 90 days. He said. He said it's very expensive and the health care isn't very good. What surprise me is he told me they have private healthcare over there. I thought the United States was an outlier on that one
  10. Maybe I'm used to it. My wife votes for the green party, my dad is a staunch new democrat and my sister well she belongs on that socialist utopia island.
  11. I know and previously you used to be a lawyer for a few years too. Lol Truthfully, I won't get into all of it, but it was recommended to me early on that these vaccines wouldn't be a good idea for me. That changed and I was concerned with why that changed. Never got a straight answer other than well, It's just what's being suggested. Yeah that's a fair point to make. As for there could be worse. Do you ever notice in Canada? When things are bad we can always look to the United States and say well at least it's not this bad? I don't know what that makes things better or if that just sets the bar really low.
  12. Yeah I share your sentiment. As much as I disagree with what a lot say, I would actually die fighting for their right to say it.
  13. Oh I know what you're saying. I just didn't want to be called a Nazi anytime soon so I was making clear of my position if you weren't sure.
  14. I'm telling you what I recall him saying not what I'm saying. As an Albertan, these protests took a chunk out of our economy as well because while you guys were focused on Ottawa, it was quite a blockade in Southern Alberta as well.
  15. So just to be crystal clear, I have my own shack that nobody else was entering during this time. They left their paperwork in a box outside. Then on my days off I was pretty much just a homebody. That's why when everybody freaked out and said they lost all their freedom. I learned I was a very boring person because life wasn't all that bad for me lol
  16. It's my understanding that he made it clear he was willing to listen to law abiding protesters. I also never said the slate is wiped clean if there was wrong doing on his part. Be perfectly honest, I'm likely not voting for him or the CPC. I was just pointing out when the OP had said they were courting him that he wasn't even the leader.
  17. The South Okanagan By the way, no need to feel sorry for me. It probably made me stronger to be perfectly honest. My life turned out pretty good at least in my opinion.
  18. I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I didn't get a covid shot and nobody forced me to. I mean they tried to do things to make me do it but to be honest, I live a pretty boring life and that was provincial anyways. But where I live they didn't keep him in place that long anyhow. So here I am unvaccinated and have all my freedom. The flying bit was problematic I guess but at the time I wasn't flying. So yeah I'm all good. How's for the rest of your comment it is a tricky situation because like I said, certainly we don't want these people around us but it is their right to disagree and in fact it's potentially their responsibility given their constituents as you just pointed out. Want them to bring this stuff up. What's the perfect answer to this? I maintain these politicians can say whatever they want, but it's the supreme court of Canada that has a rude awakening for them
  19. Listen, I'm not saying that your argument is a bad one because if I was the party leader I wouldn't want these people in my party either. That being said though it's not the leader's party and we need to remember that it's the constituents that put these people there. If they are voting for this, who Is Pierre, Justin or Jag to say otherwise, this is how democracy works. The reason I showed you that quote was to show you that he was not going to go along with that. He couldn't support it. The point he was making was is people are allowed to disagree with laws that's called freedom and democracy. So to have a party member that doesn't support something because they are put there by their constituents who are staunchly agree with it You want an authoritarian leader to stop it all? The irony with this is if I go over to other threads, let's say the Trump thread suddenly authoritarianism isn't good, is it? It's difficult to say for sure because I share your view and that we don't want these people in society, but I think that the comment he made was very good in that While we might disagree, it's their right to have that opinion and as it goes for these conservatives or so far actually all I've been showed is one conservative in particular Is that clearly her constituents want this? And if we are only going to let the leader decide on everything then why are we wasting our money on MPs?
  20. You don't need to tell me to breathe brother. None of this stuff gets to me. And while I appreciate you can recognize the prominent left wing that does exist I would also like you if you find the time just to go over it and say jeez he gets attacked just because he isn't left wing. Now don't feel bad for me. I can handle it. I feel like I'm told to provide facts and proof which is very fair and I do and somehow people make excuses for it. Just like the black face they make the excuse that the prime minister never even made himself. But when I asked for proof and facts I get told I'm complicit in the bad behavior yet I don't even know what the bad behavior is cuz I'm not provided the proof. That was told to me from a teacher if you can believe that.
  21. I used the CBC.. I think it's fair to say most of you treat it as the gospel. It also quotes the police force. The other link is a partisan website with no proof as to who said what. Also the one MP it mentions they later say her bill never mentioned abortion but I assume most stopped reading by then. Rook called everyone assholes -2002 Must be true, right? I don't know what to tell you if you can't see the difference. 1) it's their right as elected officials and it's also the right of their constituents to say you're history for that. 2) "his backbenchers" are elected by their constituents not PP. What kind of parliament do you want? Sounds pretty authoritarian, no? Good quote from a long time ndper who is pro choice. David Christopherson is pro-choice and has been an elected New Democrat for three decades. But on Monday night, he simply couldn’t bring himself to vote with the rest of his party on the Canada Summer Jobs attestation, which requires applicants to declare their core mandate respects abortion rights. “Canadians have a right to disagree with the law, recognizing they will respect it and will honour the law,” he said. “You have the right to say anything you want about a law, and that attestation took that right away. I cannot condone that.”
  22. Whoa whoa @The Arrogant Worms that was supposed to say might not like.
  23. That's what happens when you don't go to work and think you can just hang out and relax and smoke blunts on a beach all day.
  24. She might not like being referred to as your "wide." Edit. fking Strome.
  25. Would you just stop. Maybe if you weren't such a far left lunatic, he would have remembered speaking to you.
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