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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. I didn't post anything claiming it was factual. I responded to somebody who decided to point out the president had good job numbers. I thought it was quite admirable of him for his love and compassion for Americans. I just don't remember him ever pointing out good job numbers under the previous administration. No need to oblige me. Have a good day yourself. Happy Thanksgiving
  2. @Satchmo Let me offer you a breakdown of this thread. - Alf ask for evidence of Jack Layton being at a Rub and tug so I provide the evidence. But he tells me that no charges were laid so it didn't happen. When it's factual he was at the house. The more bizarre part was it was brought up as a joke because I don't think anybody would care what he does in his personal time. But because there was no charges laid it didn't happen. Agent asks for proof of Trudeau saying personally he's against abortion so I provide them with the proof and he claims I misled him when I even apologized if I use the wording wrong. My bad but I made clear Trudeau's position previously and now. He then proceeds to tell me that facts are important but doesn't have one fact or piece of evidence to point towards all the conservatives he claimed that were anti-woman's right to choose. Blackface is a nothing burger and wasn't racist even though the person in question said it was racist. Whatever conservative MP is being attacked at any given time is called a racist with no facts or proof. Interfering and getting rid of your justice minister is just fine and okay as long as it's Trudeau but if it's a conservative prime minister, they shouldn't interfere on these things. Honest question my man. Do you see any sort of trend here?
  3. I'm not trying to change anybody's mind. I'm just looking for all this proof and evidence that I was told existed. I was told things were in arguable and grounded in facts yet I haven't seen any of that. If you wanted to change the name of the thread, might I propose left-wing views only? I mean that's how it was on the old forum..
  4. I mean I suppose I can but we were the ones having the discussion. You had no issues answering the other questions and actually it was you That responded to me. I didn't actually reach out to you. I think the answer is pretty clear then because I know previously this discussion has come up. And the way inflation is calculated, I think we'd have a lot of Canadians and Americans going wtf You left out a lot..
  5. No need to leave. It's just it seems like when there's a counter position to left wing ideology it makes you angry. Then you blame me for it when it's quite clear that I am the odd one out. In this forum and the previous forum, you could probably count the number of conservatives on one hand in the election threads over their whole duration and in fact the previous forum had a bad habit of allowing those on the left of the spectrum to constantly violate board rules while not trying very hard to get rid of people that didn't share the same views. You said the protesters or terrorists or whatever you guys want to call them were buddying up with the leader of the opposition. I clearly pointed out he was not the leader of the opposition. It would be no different if you said Thomas Mulcair didn't support it I would have corrected you and said Jag was the leader of the NDP. It wasn't personal nor was I trying to obfuscate anything. I was stating the truth.
  6. Does the United States track their inflation the same way Canada does? I'm only asking because if they do that number you just gave is very misleading.
  7. Personal attacks from a moderator. Cool stuff. Anyhow, I will be above that and point out to you that it is very much you that is doing this during political discussion. The fact of the matter is very simple. He was not the leader of the opposition. you claim They were trying to court the leader of the opposition. So unless they have magical powers, what you said was just not accurate. You can own that or not own it. That's your choice but I'm going to keep my word and not quote you and I would ask just out of respect not to quote me because otherwise it comes across as I'm ignoring you if I don't respond back.
  8. He wasn't even the leader of the opposition then was he? So did these convoyers have the ability to see the future?
  9. So then is mass inflation going to continue?
  10. If our government can be overthrown by a bunch of deadbeat, near broke(outside of the farmer from Saskatchewan) losers then our nation is in serious trouble.
  11. And did it have anything to do with the so called freedom convoy in Ottawa? And for the record, I thought it was that Muslim extremist in Ontario that was the last one charged with domestic terrorism?
  12. Again who was the last person charged with domestic terrorism in Canada? I can help if you would like. As for your last part, I feel like there's a few of you that would be more than happy to overthrow the democratically elected government in Alberta..
  13. Sorry I got confused at domestic terrorism. Who was the last person charged with domestic terrorism in this country?
  14. I'd say a few slip through the cracks and even made their way into the NHL hey king?
  15. That's good news for Americans. Their previous president as well had near record level Lows of unemployment but unless I'm confused I don't ever recall you posting that.
  16. Is there any examples of this? I mean his constituents seem to overwhelmingly support him. You guys can't even play the Alberta conservative card with him..
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth. -meatloaf-
  18. I disagree. You didn't answer my question. I could have swore you were talking about Justin Trudeau.
  19. So are you suggesting we stick with the status quo?
  20. Yeah that brown conservative. I wonder how us racist Let him in lol. Hey I promise you I wouldn't quote you so if you quote me I have to respond. I only added it because I thought it was interesting. This just came up the other day and you posted that article about Canada. They seemed quite happy over there to make it a party position. Okay if you feel that way. I appreciate you sharing it. Now I would ask you to look into the supreme Court of Canada.
  21. No, I'm not. I'm looking for that increasing number of MPs that are against a woman's right to choose. I haven't been offered that evidence yet. While people attending those rallies, I would not support but to put it into a little bit of context We know the prime minister supports BLM but I'm willing to bet he doesn't support the idea of "kill all white people." Are these people at these events because it's what they're constituents want to see? Are these members of parliament discussing a woman's right to choose in the house? Have we had anything to suggest a conservative government would overturn this? Or do you think there might be a chance? This is a ploy for the left wing to play when they're doing terrible in the polls? I don't know how old you are and admittedly you seem quite young at heart haha. But to be perfectly honest, this is nothing new for the liberals to do. They play boogeyman when they do bad in the polls
  22. Interestingly enough great Britain government is having this debate and wants to be quite clear about it in their election next year. A man is a man and a woman is a woman is I believe what the prime minister was quoted as saying.
  23. @Optimist Prime I will do your solid though I won't quote you anymore. I don't feel like it'll get us anywhere. You really play that left wing right Wing card pretty hard and then blame me if I do it lol. But either way, I do think you make some decent comments now and again I'll remember to upvote you and of course thank you for your service.
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