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Ryan Strome

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Posts posted by Ryan Strome

  1. 1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

    Great news isn't it?

    It's too bad that American disinformation is able to sway Canadians so much to want to hurt their own industries. I'm hopeful that Canadian see through this and stand together and promote all our industries. While that may change in the future, even the politician I dislike the most agrees we should make money while we can.

  2. 8 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    Are you talking just in general or this particular example?

    In general. So from the start of the terrorist operation we heard claims of beheaded babies, rape, etc. Like the individual in the video with PM that I posted  He's not insinuating It's not true but would like to see proof. This is like the Iraq war all over again in my opinion. Just believe what we are saying.

  3. 3 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    Journalists shown footage recorded by cell phones, gopro, surveillance cameras etc.


    You know what is beginning to bug me is we are getting no verifiable proof of the very serious accusations that were made. All we are getting is secondary proof. I heard from a person who heard from a person.

    • Cheers 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


    There’s no point asking him. This is the problem with Western idealists - they believe that they have solution to everything and it’s all simple. Zelensky’s first pitch as the President of Ukraine was also that he can have peace with Russia, “we just need to stop shooting”. Look how that worked out.

    I think sometimes it's worth listening to others and in your case you should do that a lot more. This was my response to Bob. As for your comment about VZ it almost shows me how little you really actually do know. VZ did make a lot of comments and campaigned about peace. However, when he was elected, he certainly did not go in that direction whatsoever. I get it though you know more... You have a family member in Ukraine and family in Israel, so between the two countries there's about 50 million people and you know five or six of them and they are nothing but the truth.

    29 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I think if I could answer that question for you I would win Nobel Peace prize. But I do believe there has to be people above my pay grade that can potentially become candidates for the Nobel Peace prize and solve this problem.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    I'm still struggling to see what choice Israel has. Hamas has to be eliminated for everyone's sake including Palestinians. 


    How do you eliminate something like Hamas, or at least drive it down to a shell of what it was, without at least a brief occupation and ground invasion?


    I think if I could answer that question for you I would win Nobel Peace prize. But I do believe there has to be people above my pay grade that can potentially become candidates for the Nobel Peace prize and solve this problem.

    • Vintage 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Johngould21 said:

    I can't "think" of anyone who has had anything but a very minor reaction to any of the vaccines. Headaches, aching bodies, yes, but I'm sure that individual from Summerland had other things going on. 

    According to his doctor he had nothing else going on. He was in his mid 30s. I'm just pointing out don't blanket statement. They are safe. If you want to use the term effective okay but don't blanket Use the term safe. I'm not saying that you did. That's just kind of my beef with people like that alien and the prime minister is there using it in doctor talk and believe you me. I fully understand doctor talk lol.

    14 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    the sad reality is you get to pick between the risk of a vaccine and still being exposed to covid, and the risks of getting covid with no vaccine protection. There's no choice, it's one of the other. You can't avoid covid exposure forever. 


    What it comes down to is the math. Whats your chance of getting hurt by either scenario? 


    What people like McCullough do is hyper inflate your risk from vaccines, I guess so he can be some sort of populist figure? not sure, but he's been discredited for his statements and rightly so. He spreads fear not rational medical science.


    And you actually don't need guys like this to make your decision. Vaccine manufacturers have to publish the type and number adverse side effects, and so does the province. And you also get to see the numbers from the effects of covid.


    So when you compare the numbers, the math is quite tilted to taking the vaccine, because your chance of a severe outcome is far less in the vaccine+exposure risk scenario, vs. no vaccine+exposure scenario. 


    I know thats not the only factor (e.g., age, if you care for seniors, etc.) for many, but just based on the percentages your risk is lower with a vaccine. 


    Thank you and I wish more people would describe it the way that you just did. These blanket statements of how safe they are are absolutely false! That being said to insinuate covid isn't that bad is also false because many people have died and many have suffered long-term effects of it. I appreciate your response.

    • Vintage 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Provost said:

    Well I literally provided you a link (not Fox News) and you didn’t want to read it.


    He didn’t speak in front of the EU, he was invited by a small conference to speak and lies about it.  The EU didn’t “give him a seat”.  


    He is some dude who has said that if the West and Israel depose the King of Jordan and install him in charge (despite not having ANY support or political party actually in Jordan or Palestine), he will be friendly to them and solve Israel’s problem by making Jordan the Palestinian state.


    He is a crackpot who doesn’t even have anything to do with Palestine.  He was born in Jordan and wants to rule Palestine.  The only reason he has gotten any attention is that he will say what people want him to say.


    If you want to just rant and find random things that confirm to your preconceived feelings, stick your fingers in your ears and lash out when confronted with contrary information… fine.  Don’t pretend you are interested in discourse or intellectual honesty.


    Here are some Israeli links about this guy in case anyone is interested in learning stuff… unlike you apparently.














    The European Union will be airlifting aid in to Gaza. It sounds like Borrell is very concerned with the Israeli response to Gaza and the killing.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    What condition would that be? 

    I will ask you because you have a background in the medical field, but Rupert and the alien aren't actually refuting what he said they are just criticizing him. The ironic part is they asked about the methodology but provided nothing of their own. I find the alien to be off track when he says they are safe. If you say effective okay that's one argument but actually are they safe for everybody? I'm not sure that's the case and he provided no proof as the how they are safe. How are they safe for that individual in Summerland British Columbia that got paralyzed from the waist down and will never walk again?

  9. 10 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


    Who is "you guys who are obsessive"? Last I checked you are the number 1 poster in the Canadian Politics thread.

    475 posts. The next poster comes in at less than half that. Obsessive indeed.



    Yeah because I live in canada. I assume that most of you guys who got thousands of posts in the Trump thread, sorry the American politics thread also live in Canada just have a serious desire for the United States. But again, I'm not sure the point you're making because I'm not the one that's said nobody cares, it was you and I'm actually quite saddened by that. But like I said I'm going to bed. I was just checking out some around the league stuff so cheers. I don't feel like having any other discussion tonight

    • Huggy Bear 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    The Israeli government is a coalition. They are controlled by Bibi and his far right faction. They just need to get rid of that part of the government. 

    Yeah but it wasn't better before him either and even the short time he was gone there was issues. Israel is like the United States. It doesn't matter the leadership. They will continue their crimes against humanity. And it really is alarming that of all people that are doing this it's coming from the jewish race.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


    Bullshit, it gets reported all the time. It only make the headlines when it gets big, like now. The rest of the time nobody cares because it's not front and centre, but if you look there's articles and reports constantly.

    Maybe that's the bigger issue then hey. Some of you guys are so obsessive over everything that happens in the United States whether the president needs an extra scoop of ice cream or what some judge said 20 years ago. But meanwhile you just clearly stated nobody cares as innocent women and children are killed by Israelis. Maybe it's the sad world we live in That is the problem

  12. Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

    Most of the mainstream media is dog shit. I don’t even watch the news anymore. I get 99% of my news from X. 


    I think it's laughable when I read people say I trust other stations like the CBC or the BBC over CNN or Fox They are all garbage. 

    I thought it was ironic and hilarious when I read a story about a year back and the CBC reporter was calling RT Russian State run propaganda. I sent him an email to let him know because it appeared he had forgot that he also was state-run..

    • Cheers 1
  13. Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

    Sure, by that logic the US would also be considered a terrorist organization as well. The current Israeli government is controlled primarily by a far right faction. Bibi and his crew also need to be wiped out. But supporting Israel is not a crime, nor is supporting the Palestinian people. Supporting a terrorist organization is. 

    The Taliban for example aren’t even recognized as a legitimate government by 99% of the world. 

    Right, so I shouldn't support the Israeli government. I wholeheartedly agree.


    Google the very meaning of terrorist or terror and then tell me how the Israeli regime is not a terrorist regime.


    As for the United States, yeah I agree with that as well, Bush, Obama and so many others should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Provost said:

    CNN gets ok late at night when their global reporters are on and not the dumbed down infotainment meant for the US markets.


    It is actually quite startling how different it is when a serious person like Michael Holmes is on compared with one of their empty suits and talking heads.

    To be honest, I don't think I will ever check in on CNN again as long as I live. All their nonsense and shady shit in 2016 and then from 2016 to 2020 is absolutely laughable and I'm not even a trump fan.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


    Have you seen any journalists praising Israeli troops that have killed children?

    If you did, then I really have to wonder what your news source is.


    How many Israeli soldiers have ever been tried for the crimes against humanity? How many western media pundits have ever lost their job for praising Israel? That's the thing you are seeming to misunderstand is when Israel does something like murdering children or killing women, the media doesn't report it. Some of you guys that are so hell bent on the mainstream media failed to realize how one side of they are on so many different levels. Doesn't matter if it's conservative or liberal, They protect Israeli war crimes.

  16. Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

    She lost her job because she supports a terrorist organization which is actually a criminal offence in Canada…

    Yes, but the government decides who the terrorist group is and I think there's a lot of people around the world that were consider the Israeli government a terrorist group. Again, I don't see anybody condemning the Israelis when they kill kids and innocent people.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Don’t have TV. CNN.com. And reporters like Fareed and Amanpour are very good. Maybe try watching Fareed’s report? 

    I'm all right. I'm also not surprised to hear you're a big fan. 


    Anyhow my alien friend you have a good night. I'm going to bed. The flames lost so life is good!

    • Cheers 1
  18. 47 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    You can see the difference here tho right between the freedom to speak between the west and Hamas/Iran?

    Apparently there isn't all that much freedom of expression in Israel. Somebody was posting in the earlier pages of this thread that a Palestinian got 10 years or something in Israeli jail.

    36 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


    Did you read the fake mainstream news article?

    I did. Is it the connection to Hamas that you are referring to? I mean while that's problematic, has anybody lost their job or being removed for praising Israeli troops that have killed children? Or is it the fact that they feel they are under pressure because they have being too equal in their reporting and haven't been pro israel enough?

  19. 2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    Jewish people in Washington, DC don't want to slaughter the Palestinians either...



    It's probably a very difficult thing as a citizen of a nation when you got to look in the mirror and say we as a nation are wrong!

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