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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Lol no proof has been provided. A biased website has been provided which doesn't offer any proof or any evidence. You are right, it is in the weeds because it was a big swing and a miss.
  2. Serious question for those who keep wanting to think it's going to happen. Do you guys truly believe a majority conservative government could overturn a woman's right to choose and gay marriage in this country? Maybe that's where we should start the debate and then we can do a little correcting of each other here.
  3. So a couple things it's me that's asking for proof of all the abortion stuff with conservatives and it's me that's getting no answers. Given that I'm the conservative on a very left leaning forum, it's me that has more questions thrown at them. So it's me that's actually responding to these more often. Also, I find it odd you put right/ authoritarian throughout our history. Most authoritarian governments were left just saying.
  4. No no I didn't miss what you're saying at all. I was just pointing out that 25 years ago it was totally acceptable. So I guess I was asking like what years it was that you were firing people? These days I'm in a position where I'm the top dog on a lease and to be perfectly honest, most people don't talk to me anyways. They try to stay out of my shack. But I don't tolerate any belittling of others and the old mentality that i grew up working on a drilling rig with.
  5. In my opinion, it is very acceptable to have a discussion about immigration and what immigration looks like in this country. What isn't acceptable is to say we will take immigrants from Western Europe but we won't take any from South America, India, Pakistan, etc. That just kind of shows blatant racism.
  6. So I'm willing to give you this one person and she's a terrible human being for her never-ending attempts at this, if in fact this is true. I don't even know her to be perfectly honest. I never even heard her name until you guys brought it up. But I don't think her last bill had anything to do with abortion, but I would be okay with throwing her out of the party. Every single party has racist people in it. You need to do better when calling out racism and not point to political parties. Just call it out for what it is. Racism. Didn't you say you served in the armed forces? Feel free not to share, but I'm curious to know which years? Also, as far as firing people and giving written warnings again, I don't know which year's these were in but I can tell you 25 years ago managers laughed and said let's get him to buy us some smokes..
  7. I don't think I told you you had to do anything. I asked you a question. You said I switched the channel. I said no I didn't. I asked you a question. You don't need to answer it. That's fine. I actually think a lot of what you said is just wrong and if you could point to any proof of me acting in this manner other than having a few that up vote each other with no proof as long as it's an attack on conservatives as your source please. Or we can just ignore each other, although I don't think I can actually by the rules ignore you.
  8. can understand this sort of stuff. Try being First Nations and while you are a teenager getting your first job, it's acceptable for your co-workers to make derogatory racist comments because they don't think you are actually dark enough to be First Nations.
  9. So a couple things it is correct to discuss the alternative but I don't think it's accurate to blame the previous government for all the government's failures that's being in power for 8 years. As for your take on the easy pickings on abortion, I disagree. You've made your mind up without there actually being anything said or done to back it up. You are suggesting these things are being done because of a bigger broader picture that nobody knows but will rear its ugly face. I mean that would be like somebody saying Trudeau is doing the things he's doing because he wants a communist Canada similar to one like China or he wants a Canada that's run under Sharia law. I mean if I told you those two things you would probably laugh right? Because there's no proof of that but he has done things that would make you scratch your head and go if I thought hard enough and smoked enough Blunts I could probably say these are the starting points for those end results.
  10. You remind me of my dad a lot. For the record, he's a staunch NDPer. Too much hate and not enough love.
  11. I didn't change the channel. I just asked you something. I responded to what you said. To my knowledge you haven't responded back to it. There has not been one thing that Trudeau has done that anybody's brought to your attention that you've criticized you've defended everything that's been brought up. Exactly. I don't think I meant to quote you there. My bad. I'll have to go back and check it out. You'll have to accept my apology being a right-wing in a BC forum inbox gets pretty full quite fast. Speaking of government handouts, you said you are a farmer and a teacher? I guess you would know all about those.
  12. Well my friend, I don't want you to lose any sleep at night because we haven't even begun to talk about the supreme court yet. And don't you worry whose side they are on. A woman's right to choose will never be taken away in this country. But I have no doubt that there will always remain to be people that will try to correlate certain bills with it when there is no proof to suggest that. And there will be people that keep this constant argument going about the conservatives attempting to do this without proof. It's worked well for the liberals in the past, so I'm not surprised to see them attempt to do it again. This is just dead. It's the way the left seems to work and it's bizarre. Go over to the Trump thread or sorry the American politics thread and it's all about Trump. Look at this thread. It's all about the conservatives. A couple things are in common. The conservatives nor Trump are in power. Both countries are doing absolutely pitiful and they are choosing to blame people from 8 years ago and 4 years ago. Like it makes me think they're just doing this to argue there. Can't actually believe this, can they? And then yes light clockwork up comes the abortion stuff up comes the game marriage stuff as if any of its factual. We had a government that was conservative for what 9 years. Neither one of those things were ever touched. Yet in some crazy world here we are 10 years later thinking oh my god the Boogeyman will come and take away all these rights. We work so hard for. I think you can tell who's glued to CBC and who isn't.
  13. Did I say that? Are you honestly a teacher?
  14. Lol if a picture is worth a thousand words, what is the guy's actual comments worth? Do you remember who praised Fidel Castro? @Optimist Prime
  15. Well we are debating it based on facts and proof. The prime minister admitted himself that for a long time he opposed abortion. I'm hoping that you guys that say the conservatives are more anti-abortion could provide proof. I mean Bob did provide some from years ago, although I don't think that would help your case. There was a lot of liberals there that wanted to take away a woman's right to choose. Is it too much to ask for you guys to provide facts or proof when you make statements? It seems pretty bizarre to live in a world where we can just say whatever we want. People should treat it as the gospel. Actually wait a second. Isn't that what you guys blame Trump for doing? Just saying stuff even when it's not true without proof? Yet here we are.
  16. 1) You need to get something a little more environmentally friendly. Those 318s are nothing but a carbon spreader. 2) well I don't know what you would call me but I make significantly more than the average Canadian. According to Trudeau I'm part of the 1% because I don't get any of his kickbacks whatsoever. I'm fine with that. I would like to point out though and I'm not criticizing anybody else or saying they should do more. But I actually went out and bought seven jackets for Syrian refugees when they were coming to this country. I reached out to my MP to find out the best way I could make sure that the money I was giving towards Ukrainian refugees in my area would go to that of single moms who needed a little help. I actually do try to give quite a bit, especially to single moms and struggling families. I have no issues with helping those that legitimately need the help. I take issue with this socialist utopia idea because there's lazy people that don't want to work. In my opinion, those are the people that are being mentioned. They want everybody to share their wealth because they have none because they don't want to work hard. Dude, did you even read the article? It's nothing but a political attack with made up nonsense. It's funny. Trudeau admitted he didn't support abortion at one time in his life. That is what you call factual. It came from the horse's mouth. You guys have not provided any of that yet. You come to Trudeau's defense and then turn around and blast conservatives with no proof whatsoever. This is bizarre man Yeah but you guys move the goal post quite a bit. You're blaming a woman for an anti-abortion bill when it has nothing to do with anti-abortion. Even the pro-life movement pointed out that the bill would not stop abortions lol. Hard to take this serious. If you actually have facts or proof of these individuals doing this and an increasing number of individuals like agent said I would love to see it. There's no need to get argumentative or he did. I'm just asking for the proof to be provided.
  17. I'm not missing the point at all. I don't remember it being that big of a deal other than those on the left constantly calling him a racist for doing it. I would imagine those on the right would have been disappointed because he never even got it done. Who are all these people that said Biden's a clown because he's not going to do it. I guess that's what I'm asking for. You're saying there's a bunch of people and prominent ones at that. I'm just asking who they are. Between the two of them at this rate building that wall it'll be done by the year 2090
  18. @Warhippy I did Google it and I'm trying to be nice to you guys because the reality is you guys are just spewing a bunch of bullshit. I think when you make comments like grounded in fact and in arguable I think you misunderstand what those things actually mean. You guys have provided no proof whatsoever about all the claims you have made.
  19. Okay I'll go over this shortly. But so far you have offered me one member of parliament and it was a decade ago actually over that? So similar to Trudeau previously he held views that he's changed his mind on? I'm confused on my friend because I was told there was an increasing number of members of parliament. Thus far there has not been one person to show me any proof of this.
  20. Okay so again I'm not really offered any proof into who all these members of parliament are. Based off the very last one which wasn't an anti -abortion bill, it's hard to take it serious. But again I don't see nothing about any members of parliament there other than a whole lot of liberals and reform members. It's also a biased take on what is considered an anti-abortion bill lol. Again, I'm just asking and trying to be very nice about it for somebody to provide actual proof of somebody being against a woman's right to choose. Thank you
  21. I just see a bunch of people on here telling me about all the conservative members of parliament that are anti-woman's right to choose but have not shown me any verifiable proof. The website they point to is a very biased group that actually doesn't provide any evidence other than just writing down what the person allegedly said. So if you are able to offer me who these members of parliament are, I would appreciate that. Thank you.
  22. I can't even recall. I believe it was when Michael was the leader. It was a pretty big story at the time because it was telling everybody they would likely support the liberal party. It was during the campaign. When I get a little free time today, I can find you the story if you like.
  23. I mean I better tread lightly here. I believe years back You told me you are from Saskatchewan? That being said, training and education isn't exactly something that stands out in that province..
  24. I remember when MI was the liberal leader and CBC had a poll to tell Canadians which party they support based off the poll on the website and I remember it was something ridiculously high pointing to the liberals, yet the liberals got beat in a landslide. Basically no matter what you answered, it was going to tell you you were a liberal. Pretty biased corporation for sure
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