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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. I do think the government making threats towards them is maybe the only card they had to play at the moment, but in reality it's a losing hand. The threat of increasing taxes on them so all they will do is turn around and raise the prices on the consumers. The vast majority of Canadians cannot afford to go back to the mom and pop grocery stores as much as I would support that and love that. It's just far too expensive shopping at mom and pop shops. Sadly big corporations control all of us in one form or another
  2. Shocking..the country was in lockdown with pretty much only grocery stores open and you are telling me they took advantage of the situation? Colour me shocked. It's absolutely disturbing how much money they made on the backs of struggling Canadians.
  3. It's absolutely pathetic what the left wing has become, calling everyone Nazis.
  4. We've lost the war of drugs. @King Heffy is right just legalize everything. I mean we have shoot up clinics anyways. May as well save the taxpayers money by fighting an endless war on drugs. Never thought I would ever say that but that's where I'm at. Ya both parties have welcomed Nazis into Canada. As long as you hate the Soviet Union. Same answer I gave Rupert. Ya the Soviet Union and United States divided up the smartest Nazis and Churchill wanted to use the remaining Nazis to fight the Soviets. Colourful background for sure.
  5. @LaBamba is from salmon arm Is salmon arm in Alberta now? I mean if we're going to annex a place maybe we could do better.. Also only you and warhippy are the only two people that I've ever heard say Trudeau's national energy program was a good thing. Those who worked on it in his own government pointed out how it was a failure lol.
  6. I think I did admit that I didn't write it as accurately as I could have but made clear that he didn't support abortion. Again, this is me telling you I didn't write it as clear as I could have but I was not attempting to manipulate anything. So do better and call out those that say all conservatives are against abortion. If you need to find the articles just look in this thread but I don't see you calling those people out. when they are absolutely misleading! I wonder why or wait Actually I think it's quite clear..
  7. Considering Canada brought in something like 2,000 Nazis after world war II, I think the government of the day so today is the liberals need to explain exactly why this happened.
  8. I don't think I was trying to manipulate anything and while it looks powerful with what you bolded if you look just under it I clearly wrote he doesn't support abortion Edit. The hilarious part is all conservatives are against abortion and a woman's right to choose, but yet you and so many have no proof of any of that. But we seem to paint all conservatives at the same brush. I get the wording messed up but actually do very clearly admit to what he did say. So I'm not manipulating nothing and yet I get attacked for it and told to do better yet we have post after post pointing out how conservatives with no proof are against abortion. Do better my friend. Call that sort of stuff out
  9. See I knew there was good people in the liberal party.. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/liberal-mp-sides-with-conservatives-on-failed-motion-to-repeal-all-carbon-taxes-1.6588972
  10. No need to paraphrase I posted the article lol I can tell where it's going though. It's okay because he actually supports it. He just was confused. Can't blame Trudeau lol.
  11. Ya it didn't play out well before on CDC.
  12. Yeah I mean maybe I should have worded it the way you have. I actually at one time held that view you are mentioning but now I've come to think there is no distinction. You either support a woman's right to choose or you don't and that comes with everything it entails. But yeah, I do apologize if that caused you some confusion Edit: I should know that through all my posting I attempted to make clear and I think I did that he had changed his views. I wasn't saying these were present day. But most Catholics aren't necessarily in support of a woman's right to choose https://globalnews.ca/news/5990813/trudeau-says-hes-now-totally-pro-choice-personal-abortion-views-evolved/
  13. What a waste of time a God thread was made just for non-believers to come in and attack believers. As you were..
  14. Edmonton. Calgary will probably get a top 5 pick in 2024 draft!
  15. Omg there is a thread on this right underneath. My bad, y'all. I blame marijuana. Lock er up!
  16. Thanks man, I appreciate that. When he announced I thought oh wow he'll end up winning the Democratic nomination. Admittedly, I haven't been following things all that much but it doesn't seem like he's got much support from what I've noticed. But that's why I thought I would get somebody that maybe got a better feel for US politics.
  17. Sorry I stopped reading at the bolded part. That being said, it would certainly be amazing if you were right.
  18. I think most of us would agree we are in need of a legit top four defenseman. In my opinion our offense is as good as it may get and if TD returns to his vezina caliber goaltending this team might be a legit contender with one more legitimate right shot top four Dman. Clearly nobody is available to sign. Is there potentially any trade options out there worth discussing? I made a proposal yesterday based on a if but in my opinion, a realistic if. I think it's safe to say Calgary will likely implode this year and if they do would they consider making Weegar available? I think Weegar with Hughes gives us a very good top four group. Any other thoughts via trade? I mean clearly my suggestion is based on it if but with players potentially rumored to be made available, do we see a top four guy that we could realistically trade for? Not so long ago I would have suggested Parayko but I think his career is likely nearing an end or he will be an overpaid bottom pairing defenseman at this point moving forward. So throw your suggestions out there but remember, let's try to keep it to top four guys not bottom pairing guys that we think QH will make better.
  19. If you're referring to one and three okay but trade two? Wow. The only ones that wouldn't do trade two in my opinion is Arizona. I can't see Arizona doing that. Imo Arizona says no to both offers. As for Peeke I do like him, but he's not a top pairing defenseman. Hughes deserves better.
  20. Great post. Yeah years back my wife worked with a woman from Turkey she was super friendly and always upbeat. That was like 2006 and I still remember how chipper she always was. She went crazy in the end though she moved to Vancouver..
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