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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Yeah I'm going to guess that was pre-Erdogan. The guy is a dictator! Nato should kick turkey out!
  2. But would the state of New York and or the cities view him as a Democrat alternative or would they view him more as a republican or as an independent? In your opinion as a New Yorker.
  3. Oh man now you just gave me homework to do this evening.
  4. Yeah I'm not sure I share that opinion. But you are correct. He does screw up a lot.
  5. I actually do think we might be to that point. I guess the next federal election will be telling. It's funny you mention that though because I remember when Danielle Smith ran against Rachel Notley recently and there was times I thought Smith should have popped up and said something but she actually was more respectful during the debates than I suspected she would have been and it would appear voters rewarded her for that.
  6. To be fair, the sitting president isn't much better. "Repeat the line."
  7. Yeah I'm just kind of wondering after considering what @The Lock has said if this wasn't just a I'll turn crazy and try to be like Trump to see if I can get votes acting like that. Like I wonder if this is actually him or if the quiet kind of never heard much of him was actually the true Bernier. But yes we can agree he's pretty much lost any credibility he ever had. Yeah you do make a really good point there. However, I would argue that it isn't only the far right that does it. I mean here in Alberta Notley constantly interrupts during debate. But then again, I don't know if you can really call the Alberta NDP left wing. I mean if they were in British Columbia you guys would probably call her party right wing lol
  8. I don't know man cuz as you say when he was in the Harper government outside of leaving important paperwork had a Hell's Angel house. You never really heard much about the guy. Then he loses and turns psycho
  9. Well yes I remember that but I thought there had to be a mistake or something lol
  10. Has there ever been any explanation as to why Rudy held that press conference outside of a adult film store back in like 2020?
  11. @Sabrefan1 I had a question for you. Does Kennedy move the dial at all for splitting the Democratic vote in New York? Or is New York more likely to be establishment democrat?
  12. No man France does a piss poor job of assimilating their immigrants. Though we have work to do in this country, we are actually far better than most nations for assimilation.
  13. You just raised some interesting points. I guess I was sticking to kind of the debate discussion myself. I just see that they don't debate policy. They just shout over each other. So while I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said, the bolded part kind of contradicts what you said in my opinion. Because that Bernier was totally different. After he lost he went completely psycho.
  14. Oh I mean looking at the Republican debates now and even in 2016 absolutely he is the reason for it. My point was though, is it just too easy for us to blame him for how our politicians act in this country? I mean I'm not suggesting you are wrong. I just wonder if this was a trend that was taking place anyways.
  15. While you aren't wrong, is Trump really to blame for it or was this a trend that's been happening for decades? I watched the United States debate on YouTube from 1960 with John Kennedy and the respect they showed for each other. They got up and talked and then went and sat back down while the other talked. So from then until now it has changed drastically. But even if we look pre-trump debates were constantly interrupted and mud slinging so I don't know if he's to blame, but he certainly probably is exacerbated it.
  16. Thanks King. Good read. Oh I understand the birth rate. I was just wondering if religion as a whole is declining globally? Yeah this was my thinking as well but I certainly have nothing to back it up with. Given you are a teacher and likely teaching potentially kids of Muslim immigrants I wonder if you've got more insight on this that you could share?
  17. So that's with the assumption that the Muslim religion will continue to grow. So I asked this question earlier in the thread. Are other nations seeing a decline in religion like Western nations are? If that's the case, maybe in 20 years from now we see all religions declining in numbers?
  18. I have voted for a libertarian candidate or some party with no chance in my riding since 2015 so I know all about voting for someone who will never make it. As for what you said I can respect your values and concerns. As far as your concerns go I can understand them but I don't think any party can be anti LGBTQ+ because imo Canadians wouldn't support that. I do feel like the media plays this card against the conservative party when in reality they have never done anything while in power federally to limit any rights to that community. I mean I live in Alberta and we have a government where people from other provinces, namely British Columbia attack the premier and call her some sort of barbaric crazy lunatic but the reality is she is done nothing to the hurt the LGBTQ community. In fact, she had somebody that won a significant victory north of Red deer who made disparaging comments about transgender community and she threw her out of the party. Made her sit as an independent I do believe. So sometimes it's just the media playing it up and creating division within this country in my opinion. For example, it was Trudeau that was against a woman's right to choose as he admitted he didn't support abortion yet I never heard the mainstream media in this country talk about it. I know there's going to be some that won't buy that excuse and think oh if it was true, the media would have talked about it and I know sometimes it's hard to explain to people that are more on the left that the media is very left leaning in this country, but it is in fact the case. But again, I appreciate you sharing those thoughts and concerns with me. Sounds like you put a lot of effort and thought into this.
  19. I mean one wouldn't think so but watching lots of flames games last year( I live in Calgary) he did not look like an elite player. I think this contract could turn out to be Scott Gomez terrible.
  20. My bad bud. Talking into my phone and obviously something from the background got in there, I'm thinking anyways. Otherwise smoking a little too early in the day lol Oh, she won't listen to my right wing nonsense. Calls me barbaric.. Whoa whoa! I don't even know what I'm reading way above my pay grade!
  21. Well I don't really need to convince anybody of anything. I'm not trying to change anybody's point of view. If somebody comes and says to me hey I need help politically what do you think the best route is to go? I will ask them what their situation is in life and what they're looking to get out of their government and what they think is important for them and then tell them to figure it out themselves based off party positions. Just so we are clear, my wife votes for the green party and she has ever since she's been old enough to vote. We have been married for a pretty long time..
  22. Hey friend, I believe it's your perception of it all. I had a big smile on my face because you are just Saturday and then corrected yourself I thought it was funny as fu*k! I actually thought you were doing it for humour purposes. It made me laugh anyways.
  23. Yeah the problem is we don't have a federal party anymore that believes in small government. The liberals believe in a government that is centralized to Ottawa. The conservatives say they believe in a government that gives people more freedom, but meanwhile they want it centralized to Ottawa and clearly the NDP is a centralized to Ottawa government if they could ever make it. About what you are suggesting is exactly what I would like myself.
  24. Oh I'm a big boy if you feel you want to giver. I will say if I'm being shown disrespect I don't need to show any respect out of just being the bigger man so to speak. Also, if somebody disagrees with my opinion, go ahead and share it with me. But if you attack me for it, don't assume that I shouldn't attack back right. But anyways, being a middle-aged man who knows if I'll actually change. And I don't want to derail this thread anymore. We've actually had some pretty big news in the last couple days in this country and for whatever reason we're attacking each other. I've seen very few people talk about what's even happened in Manitoba and I think that's monumental news for this nation.
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