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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. I'm not so sure. I agree he has not looked very good in the preseason.
  2. I think it was super fitting just days after truth and reconciliation day that Manitoba elected an indigenous premiere.
  3. Some days I feel like if you're not a socialist Loving hippy you are swore out and ridiculed. Is this the new left that you guys are talking about? That is such a great thing for this country? Lol It must be fun when you kick out all the conservatives cuz then we can just share the same voice. Like some sort of race for up votes. Anyhow, I seem to be bothering a bunch of you people so maybe I will take a break from the off topics stick to hockey. If an election gets called I'll be back.
  4. Is that what's happening or you must be speaking about the ones I'm chatting with? Cuz yeah that's pretty much what they're doing. Nah, I just know Canadian law better than many. Again must be a district by district thing or maybe a provincial thing. But then again we have clearly had the OP. Now admit that there is in fact ipads in elementary schools where he teaches. But again, I have no idea what this has to do with Canadian politics, but I guess it seems as though we really derail threads nowadays. Although I guess we always did do that.
  5. You know probably any other time up until a couple months ago. I would have agreed with this but I'm really thinking we need to hold on to McDonough.
  6. They need to get NH signed. If they don't they need to trade him. I cannot imagine Calgary fans would be happy about losing another substantial player for nothing. As for EL I hate to say it but if I were them I would probably trade him because they're going to put themselves in another situation like Kadri where they will be overpaying an aging player who has shown some decline and at this point with their team would be a terrible idea. Like they might be one of the oldest teams in the league or at least in a few years. They will by far be the oldest team in the league. If I were them I would try to trade EL to maybe Boston and try and get NH signed. Otherwise move him at the deadline and just rebuild because that's an aging team that has no decent future. I mean why be a cap team of aging players if you aren't even going to be making the playoffs?
  7. You know what I don't understand is this has nothing to do with anything. How much time do you kids have on your hands? I was just pointing out an example of how we're moving forward in the future for our kids. Some of you just need to argue for the sake of arguing. It's sad really. I mean we had a historic event take place in Manitoba We had a historic event take place in the House of Commons, yet you guys are holding on to something that was just an example of how the future is different for the kids today than it was for us or some of us. Anyways, because the way some of you are responding, I don't think you can be that much older than a teenager either.
  8. It might be wise for you to actually pay attention to what's being said. I realize you are and you are making a good point. But as I said, I can understand why Jag would do what he did but if they were allowed to be there they should take the questions. You said no, no they don't. I guess you don't share in your classroom. Good to know lol. Do you have anything to add to the topic? Or are you in here to attempt to think you're smarter than others? How much time do you have on your hands? This is funny because it's you. That's on the cry baby side of things. I just pointed out what you did and how ridiculous it was. Like you made such a compelling argument to him. But again, I'm not surprised. Consider the source hey? Considering you weren't even responding to me, this doesn't actually make any sense. Also, I wasn't playing the victim. I just pointed out how ridiculous it was that you get away with that nonsense. Well the prime minister use that incorrect term not too long ago. Anyways, I kind of feel like conversating with you is kind of pointless. I felt this way a few years ago, but I mean if we are essentially saying the same things but you don't like the wording. Is it really worth continuing? Yeah that's a great point. Admittedly, I don't stay up to speed on individual schools or school districts. I guess that was just kind of my naive thought.
  9. Not staying on topic. Look it up. Again, that member has pointed out that there are in fact iPads in his schools. Spend your time a little more wisely Gurn
  10. Oh so who decides the credentials? Because I mean rebel was allowed to be there. A judge said so! It was the liberals and NDP who wanted to restrict these people but our judges disagreed.
  11. Yeah, based off your previous post you've shown how worthwhile you are to have any conversations with. I got to get this block function working a little bit better and add you to it
  12. So I think we remember what everybody said about Trump not answering those questions, right? As far as Jag goes, I mean I can understand wholeheartedly while he doesn't like rebel media, but at the same time if you're in his position, you are supposed to be transparent with the media. Otherwise, you're saying following Trump's footsteps is the way to go or should we be better? Then by the same logic, please get your cohorts not to speak for all schools. I don't see you doing that, boss! They have now admitted that they have iPads in that school so your little late to the party fella. What exactly are you and a couple others even adding to this thread? Stay on topic. You're not adding nothing. In fact, I only said that to show how society's moving towards the future. Some of you guys just come on here to argue points that aren't even being made and the irony is it's off topic just stop. Fill your time better. Lol Nope, I don't think that's what I'm doing at all. I mean sure by the correct term there is no freedom of speech but again there is freedom of speech. However, you don't have freedom of hate speech which I think we can all support or I would hope at least. And again why they've had trouble prosecuting a lot because expression and speech are very similar. I never said we are Americans. I know you have a lot of American friends. The Trump thread was about what 11,000 pages.
  13. Unless I'm missing something I feel like we are saying the same thing
  14. I never actually knew this. I always kind of thought the province looked after making sure there was equal learning throughout it's schools. Okay so now you admit they do have iPads. I don't even know why you respond to me sometimes man you keep changing things. Almost like you forget you said it. But then again I have two kids and sometimes I find that a challenge. So who knows. Maybe having 30 or so causes you to forget where your brain is lol. Very much on topic. I felt because of the historic event. Maybe it should have its own thread but sharpshooter said it's good for now. Was quite a historic day yesterday.
  15. Because sometimes I like to know what someone's personal preferences on it rather than you know as war hippie says well Tell me how this is different when all you're asking is what his opinion is. I see a lot of I don't like Trudeau but this is why he's good. This is why I support this but I don't like the guy lol. I mean it's a back door way of saying I support his policies just come out and say it. I don't support this kind of overreach. Because who decides hate speech or who decides what's okay? We see political parties push the envelope all the time but for some reason they're not held accountable. Why? Because in the house of commons you can get away with things you can't get away with outside the house of commons. If it violates Canadian law sure it should be taken down. But then again, I imagine that it would be taken down without even violating Canadian law. For example, rebel Media doesn't violate Canadian law. However, we seen the leader of the NDP flat out not take questions from them and Trudeau not even answer their questions. Again, the question I have is simple. What other countries do this?
  16. @Rook you are actually essentially just coming in here and complaining about me because of my position on politics within Canada. What you should be sharing is your position because otherwise you're actually doing nothing on CDC These were actually violations of the rules. You're not on topic. You're just coming into complain about people.
  17. You know I was on that other site for like 14 years. How long were you on there? In fact, it wasn't until more political discussion came up that a few of you couldn't handle somebody with a different point of view and I do believe you're one of them. I think you're that small business owner somewhere in the lower mainland. That was always calling everybody racist but I could be wrong.
  18. Again, that might be a school in Surrey. As I know British Columbia is a laggard on education funding but they do share them so all kids get access to them. Well then I guess I get to give you an lol because I thought that was pretty humorous and witty. So how long have we had online streaming? Why now? Oh wait, I asked the question. My bad
  19. Nobody knew about him. Sadly there is lots of closet racists in Canada. On him though. Are you aware that for all he did he was crying like a newborn about being in jail with people that potentially had covid. I thought that was hilarious
  20. Why don't you look at what Moosehead said? I have a feeling if it's in Surrey, it's in wherever Stawns lives as well. I highly doubt it's only Calgary and Surrey because I know for a fact it's also in Kelowna as I have friends over there that have said the same thing. So good job on the defense but again but again the puck got through.
  21. I don't think anybody has ever complained about it. I think if you even read the original post you will see that. Also to the bolded, It's 2023. Try to be a little more inclusive of my friend. Again, like I said in Calgary, at least in the school my kids go to there is more than two or three per room. So you have nothing to say that's actually on topic? Again, you came in here to tell me I have no respect for others when you clearly have no respect for me. That makes you just as guilty, right? Also, I do believe I have respect for others. In fact, I quite respect Bishop and yet we are on two opposite sides of the spectrum. I respect Jimmy McGill even though he switched his name again. Different sides of the aisle. But I can have a worthwhile conversation with people like you. I can't because I can't think of when I have an admitted. I was wrong and when I have said factually incorrect things. If you would like to share them go ahead because at least it might be on topic because right now what you are doing is violating all the rules. Again go to work, go to school, whatever it is you do because it seems like you just came on here to argue. Had a rough night? Go out. Have a little fun in the evenings. Maybe you'll wake up in a better mood. Yes because it's the first time they've done this lol
  22. This is actually really sad you touched on something really important here. The amount of people I see with their kids at the park and their kids are playing They haven't even got a clue where their kids are and they're staring on messenger or CDC (lol) or whatever they're on lol. People are becoming absolutely obsessed with screens.
  23. Okay. Well then you ask the questions. My guess is it's over 10 million because at that point there were they might have a following.
  24. Listen I can't speak for British Columbia. My kids don't go to school there. I'm well aware they have a very small education funding. Maybe they all share one. That's not the case out here. Which is quite clear what I said. You are essentially arguing well not every kid's got access to it lol. The fact remains they are in there and he said they are not in there. So again, don't you have better things to do than try to come on here and play defense?
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