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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Isn't it interesting you talk about respect. You have not been respectful to me once. The irony is hilarious with you. Again, I don't need to show respect when somebody tells me something that is factually wrong. I will do my best to correct them. He also had somebody who I'm pretty sure lives in Surrey Tell him the exact same thing. So I mean if you want to add to the conversation feel free, but otherwise I don't think he needs a defender and if he did it certainly wouldn't be you I imagine.
  2. So which other country is taking these same measures? Let's look to our allies first. If you guys disagree that's fine. I don't share your enthusiasm for this but I mean we shouldn't be saying it's nothing and defending it because it certainly is something
  3. Yeah so that was my feeling honestly a few years ago when this took place. I just thought you know it isn't right but my daughter's teacher did a wonderful job and explaining it to me and that they need to set the kids up for the future so it does make sense.
  4. Nope, I'm telling you exactly what I've witnessed first had in parent teacher interviews and you also had another member point out that yes in fact there are iPads in elementary classes so you can keep denying it but you have multiple people telling you now. I'm not digging nothing. I'm still waiting for you to retract wishing death upon people you don't like
  5. I would note I think what he's also trying to tell you is that speech is a big part of expression, right? So sadly there has actually been cases of blatant racism and no charges laid because hate speech hasn't been prosecuted near as much as it should be in this nation.
  6. @moosehead and given that Alberta invests a lot more in education, it probably explains why they had more than two or three iPads. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. At first I thought it was but when the teacher explained it to me that it's the way of the future. It does make a bit of sense whether I agree or disagree.
  7. I never said it was a something burger. I just pointed out that they are in schools and it's the way of the future as was told to me by my daughter's grade one teacher so for @stawns to tell me that it's not happening. I appreciate you reaffirming that you know this is as well
  8. I'm telling you exactly what is happening and you are denying it. So I would suggest you are lying about your career or you aren't very informed on it.
  9. Because the government can clearly reject them, that's the issue. It's similar to Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China, Russia in present day.
  10. This is just it for all intents and purposes. There is free speech holding somebody criminally responsible for hate speech seems like the logical way to go to me.
  11. Yes, yes they do! Please don't speak for all schools when you work in one school and God knows where the island I think you said. I very much have seen them and discuss them with my kids teachers starting from grade one. They had iPads in Calgary elementary schools! So before you suggest I'm wrong maybe do a little homework
  12. How long do you really think we're going to have TV news, outlets and radio? Look to the future my friend just like they do in elementary school and they give iPads to all the kids now.
  13. You have free speech in Canada. Hate speech however, is against the law. So for example you can walk up to a police officer and tell him or her to fu(k off without fear of any retaliation, however, you cannot disparage people and run them down in racial ways, which seems to me to be a very good law to have in place.
  14. Yes, we actually do. However, hate speech is against the law as it should be. Well just think for example if one has to register with the government similar to Russia or North Korea or say China than the government could just say no. You know if their sole purpose is to criticize the government.. Whether or not you like the media outlets or the podcast is irrelevant just like if I like it or not. But if we can't hold our politicians to account because the government might decide well, we don't want to hear from them then. It's really not very transparent is it? The rebel Media thing all over again. We aren't taking your questions. We're only going to take questions from the media we trust lol.
  15. Just for those who missed it. I remember it like it was yesterday. This is what true leadership looks like when you call out lies the moment they are said.
  16. That is correct. But I don't think that changes what I said does it?
  17. They have to register with the government so doesn't really make it free speech anymore because it can clearly just get rejected. It's kind of like the state decides what can be released and what can't be. Just think of what other nations do that sort of stuff..
  18. Quite a historic moment. I feel like it deserves its own thread. Obviously, Canadian politics thread would most likely be slamming, liberals and conservatives when this is a very positive time in the history of our nation
  19. If you are referring to me, I certainly never acted in a gotcha. In fact, I think I posted it. Did I not? I wasn't making any sort of judgment. I just think maybe people know very little about him and just say they love the decision because he's a person of colour. It is wonderful We put a person of colour as a speaker of the house but I don't think that means we should ignore anything he or she may have done in their past. Somewhat of a nothing burger imo but an ethics violation nonetheless. I have a feeling that you actually know very little about the individual. You know at any time since 2015 the liberals could have changed this right? So the fact they didn't. Does that make them social conservatives or is that they think it's right to have an accountability act? I imagine you're in a far different role than an elected official. It makes it far more difficult for them to help because unfortunately people aren't as honorable as say you might be.
  20. Yeah I hear what you're saying. It's just I don't know. I feel like we've got a star goaltender a high scoring offensive team if we could just sure up that back end. I actually think Weegar is very defensively inclined. I really like his play. Yeah, I guess I'm looking for one of the two hardest positions to fill without recognizing that it's what everybody else is looking for as well. I just hate the potential of not putting together a whole team with all the high scoring we have at the moment. Edit as for Garland, I don't actually mind him at all. I know some people want him gone but I think for what he brings sure he might be a little overpaid but I don't know in the open market you would probably pay more
  21. You know I love reading the hockey trade rumors you get so hopeful you're going to see some action. I really appreciate you posting these. Now I only have to make one stop instead of multiple ones. @RWJC
  22. Reminds me that Islanders prospect a number of years back. For some reason his name is not coming to me right now. He was quite talented but he seemed to think he was the greatest player to ever play the game. And to be honest, I don't even think he has hardly even played many games at the NHL level.
  23. Well I wonder if Calgary implodes this year would Weegar come available? He is signed long term at a very decent cap considering the cap is going up significantly and he is just such a solid defenseman and doesn't get the credit he deserves. I think he would be a perfect top pairing defenseman but that's a big if whether he's available or not. And of course trading with Calgary. While we do have a history may or may not work. That being said, they've done well in trades with us cough, Anderson cough. And while you are not wrong, I feel like we somehow have to move these dead weight overpaid wingers to free up a little bit of space. And if we could move Myers do we have the ability to find a trade partner with even a potentially overpaid top four right shot guy? Definitely everybody in the league is looking for this player. It just bugs me sometimes when we see some of these proposals put together and we've got bottom pairing defenseman at best playing with Hughes. I mean it just isn't fair.
  24. Hey man, I knew we could agree on something!
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