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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. I mean you have a point but then that makes our bottom four guys really weak. If we could somehow figure it out with the offense this team has right now and the goaltending we are expecting, I don't see why we aren't going deep in the playoffs with a legit top two defenseman.
  2. Well I do agree with you on the overrated part. The problem is the conservatives and liberals don't agree with you and I.
  3. I feel sorry for you man. You're lumping a lot of people together and hoping for their death or celebrating it. There's a lot of people throughout history that were a lot like that. Thankfully they are all dead and were defeated. Just imagine if I said how happy I would be if all NDpers and liberals were dead.
  4. I agree Helly is likely a pure rental and to be honest, while I will admit he is a decent goaltender I'm not sure he's a difference maker. Seems like they would give up a lot for one year. As for Broberg I'm on board especially if they would do it for podz but I doubt it.
  5. I constantly see these proposals of pairing Hughes with guys that really have no business being on a top pair. I would like us to go after a legitimate top 2 defenseman to play with him. I realize that would cost a lot in a trade but I think having Hughes, Hronek and another top pairing guy would be putting us in a contender position, especially with our offense and if TD gets back to his usual self.
  6. Maybe he blocked you. You're so mean and aggressive. The liberals and conservatives will never change the status quo otherwise they will never form a majority. Well sure that's one thing but there was people calling for his son's death and honestly wishing death upon anybody in the conservatives is just ridiculous and that's happened. I mean we have people on this board one person in particular that calls almost any conservative a Nazi. It's just it's hard to say you're pushing for peace and equalization when you wish death upon those that disagree with you.
  7. Yep, here we go... Thanks for that hip but yeah I mean beat them out or obviously it was going to be a liberal. I mean it's kind of the way it goes in Canada. I would just like to see them elect somebody from a third or fourth party that way just kind of shows. True democracy if you know what I mean. Yeah man. You defended how it was okay to wish death upon Trump and his son. I believe it's in this thread. Listen, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe I misunderstood or maybe you were under the weather. But I'm glad you're reassuring me that that wasn't your intention. I have no doubt you are an excellent teacher and for the record, I stand behind teachers 100% overworked and way underpaid.
  8. So just imagine if the PPC won a dozen seats or so and PP need a 10 more seats to form a majority government. Some of you guys would be getting out your passports and leaving the country lol Truthfully though it's still not the same. Any way you want to look at it? Because here we have the NDP who have essentially gotten nothing out of this deal and they are still propping up the government in these European countries they have elections all the time because the parties will pull the pin on them. We actually need politicians who stand up for their constituents. That's why I always laugh in this country doesn't matter if it's conservative or liberal. They'll all stand up and vote the same way. How can everything be the same from British Columbia all the way to Newfoundland? It's absolutely ridiculous. Maybe a better way to go would be make everything a free vote in the House of Commons but then our politicians knowing that they have a pension after 6 years they might not be willing to do that. That was a nice treat that the liberals made only 6 years. Don't believe @Warhippy When he tells you it was a conservatives under Harper I had to correct him a few times. I'm still waiting for him to thank me. It's been years now.
  9. No, it's not at all because I actually support proportional representation which it's clear you dislike. I wonder if you disliked it when Trudeau liked it or if you just disliked it after he disliked it? Again, the point I was making let's say you need a true majority 50 plus one. You may need three parties. You may need four, not two parties, one of which is only doing this so they don't have to go through an election as they have no money.
  10. Oh I fully understand there is. It's just the title of the thread is mass shooting/ gun thread. That's pretty much speaking for itself, that title.
  11. Is that what you took from that? No, many European countries have three or four different parties involved in the coalition. Also, in my opinion the only reason that happened is because the NDP is bankrupt and don't have any money for an election lol
  12. You can't compare Canada and the United States when talking about speakers of the house. They're two totally different roles. But I do agree with you the fact that his own party tossed him out and bragged about wanting to do it a year before an election has to show some sort of dysfunction. As I said previously, if this was in canada this infighting one year before an election that party would be left with likely no chance to form government.
  13. I mean if we look to European countries, we see some of the models that we should consider following in my opinion. You can't even form a government until you go to the other parties to see if you can make a coalition with them and when you make a coalition with them means there has to be something on the table for the folks that would have voted for that party. In my opinion, more Canadians are represented that way.
  14. I just realized the title of this thread is mass shootings/ guns thread. Why not Just have a mass shootings/ anti-gun title. I mean I doubt anybody's talking about hunting or going to the gun range lol
  15. I believe it's a person of colour and that's why maybe you said it was an excellent choice. While I won't criticize the choice, I do wonder why somebody that was in a conflict of interest scandal is a good choice. Also, our government is hardly a minority. It's a coalition at this point.
  16. Do you honestly believe this? It was 100% a broken promise. The prime minister even said that it would allow fringe parties to enter into the hoc. That's actually quite a scary thing to say because how Canadians vote is how Canadians vote and to have one person determine who is fringe or not is pretty ridiculous and pretty dictatorial. It's the same old ball game. They'll never change it because if they do the conservatives and liberals will not be able to gain a majority. Trudeau himself may have meant it but the moment he took power those in the know told him that'll never happen. At least that's what I believe.
  17. As far as the speaker of the house goes, I mean I totally understand why the conservatives and liberals don't do it. But I would like to see them pick a member from the NDP or the greens to be the speaker. I think that would be good for democracy. With that said, I actually think Jag would be good at that role. I mean I don't support the NDP at all and I think his policies would be disastrous for the nation but I actually don't mind him that much as an individual and his passion for his views for Canada.
  18. You make a great point. However, I'm skeptical that American offensive capabilities would ever fall behind China, Russia or any other nation.
  19. I'm curious to know why you feel that way? Didn't He have a conflict of interest scandal?
  20. Every empire before you has died as well. The concerning part about the American empire is it'll probably take us with it.
  21. Right. It almost makes you think all the bickering is just for show.
  22. Yeah uninformed that's a clever one to use lol. But I'm disappointed. I thought for sure I would be the nut, cracker or meatball.
  23. So two things I think that in the years to come it might take some time. But we are going to learn that the Russians took a staggering number of losses in this war. But number two $300 a month. Omg that's insane. I didn't realize things were that rough over there.
  24. Are fully understand that you have a pretty good grasp of Canadian politics, but I find in canada once the parties start in fighting. It usually leads to disaster for them in the next election. I would think given that the United States has an election in a year from now, this was probably a bad decision for the Republicans to do. Wouldn't it be wise of the Democrats to point out that they can't even get along with each other? I actually feel like that's pretty rare for you.
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