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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Hey, honest question. Would you consider me the spice or the meatball? Same goes for you futz, am I the cracker, the nut or the banana? @Sabrefan1 I thought you told me McCarthy would be okay? I can't believe this all happened so fast. I'm going to have to turn the TV on. I hardly watch any TV at all. Especially I don't watch American news as of late so I'll have to tune in to see what the noise is all about
  2. Plus 1 I concur. Yeah the liberals and conservative will never actually bring electoral reform because if they do they will never form another majority government. But I imagine they will continue to lie to us. That being said, if the NDP ever finds themselves in a position to form government, I imagine they will change their position on electoral reform as well. Our politicians in this country are far too greedy because our system allows them absolute power with the majority government.
  3. Who are you calling a radical? Just the other day you said it was all right to teach people to wish death upon people they don't like. I would call that radicalization. I actually find it more scary given that you teach children in school as a profession. So what's that thing about staying on topic? I
  4. Such compelling evidence. I know a guy lol Lol As for marijuana, I think you have me pegged wrong. I have no issues with it being legalized but if that's the main purpose of why somebody voted for them then it shows me that they weren't too concerned about policy but rather just being able to enjoy going into a store to buy a pack of joints. So for the record I do support legalization of marijuana and I do enjoy smoking every now and again.
  5. is the Canadian politics thread So we are discussing the prime minister as he is an important player in Canadian politics at the moment. Looked at the American politics thread. It's all about a guy who hasn't been president since 2020. I don't see you telling anybody in there, they're talking about the former president too much.
  6. Never once said I was the smartest. You must be a blast at a party oh who am I kidding you probably don't get invited.
  7. Now it all makes sense. Sure there was a point. I really enjoy political debates but I don't enjoy the tribalism in politics today. I mean I like PP but admittedly is lack of real life work experience is a huge red flag. But it's almost laughable that a filthy rich guy who has had a security detail since the day he was born knows anything about the middle class, yet liberals believe him..
  8. Omg that would be absolutely hilarious to see him in jail. I have an honest question. Is the United States even a country or is it just a hilarious soap opera? between Biden NeverEnding gaffes and Trump potentially in jail. I need to make more popcorn and wait for the end of it the sh!t show!
  9. Well I mean I guess you have a point, but just so you know, there is lots of liberals that don't support same-sex marriage and don't support a woman's right to choose how the prime minister was one of those people not too long ago. So I think all sides have people in the party that are not ones you and I would like to be friends with. But again, I will hold firm that she will never ever be anything in the party than a small backroom voice that nobody listens to. Why don't you point to the achievements that Trudeau has actually got under his belt? Because all I hear from you is more the same rather than giving somebody else a try. Oh I do think it's a monumental achievement and I'm more than happy to see it done considering I belong to the indigenous community. But again, if you are able to look past everything and say well, at least it got done. I don't have to trust what they tell me then what's the point really, you'll always support the guy. See if you hadn't noticed. There is conservative that I've called out and criticized in the past, but that's the thing I've noticed with liberals is they don't seem to ever call out Trudeau or other liberals. The fact of the matter is he was wrong and at this point it was a lie and if you can't admit that and you're willing to look past it, is there really any point for you and me to debate this?
  10. I'm not smarter than anything. You're giving me too much credit lol. If you make a promise in politics and you can't keep it, you deserve to be called out for it. I remember a thread pointing out the promises that Jason Kenney was unable to keep and wouldn't you know we did the right thing and threw him out for it.
  11. I mean I don't think I would have ever caught this, but now that you did what the hell are on his feet?
  12. No my point is didn't he give a date on when it would be completed?
  13. She actually is a nobody though. I mean, I know that the CBC likes to portray her as if she's some sort of queen of conservative politics, but she is nothing but a nobody with archaic views. I Mean if you hold on to one person like that then didn't Dominic LeBlanc run for the leadership of the Liberal party at one time? He's a pretty crooked criminal. I don't think all liberals are crooked criminals..
  14. But to be fair, didn't he say that he was going to make sure everybody had clean drinking water?
  15. Well yeah if we are going to compare it to the progressive conservatives then I would agree with you. However, I think near the end the progressive conservatives and the liberals were getting so close in policy that it was hard to tell the difference. I don't know. I just see Trudeau moving to the left and I mean you might have some points in that the conservatives are moving to the right but I just don't think it's as far right as some would say. As far as the moving to the left for Trudeau, I thought that for some time and I do wonder if it's a bigger plan to do away with the NDP. But like I've said many times you look at Britain. Their liberal party was pretty much gone and now they just have the labour and the conservatives. So I wonder if there is a world in the future where we just have the conservatives and the NDP a true choice between left and right. Edit: it is worth noting that in Alberta it's a true choice between left and right, although our NDP is more in the middle Centre. But the liberal party here finishes behind pretty much everybody and they only run in about maybe a quarter of the ridings. but yeah in Alberta it's just a two-party race.
  16. Probably overworked. Is it possibility underpaid not at all. Truck drivers are pulling in 100 grand a year. Easy Yeah this is nothing but a complete generalization. The bigger problem is is how easy it is to put anybody behind the wheel of a big rig in this country. There isn't enough qualified drivers so they end up having people slip through the cracks and this is the result among other things we have seen in recent years. This is just it. This is why experience and competence matters. A driver has to know the weight of their unit, the height, the width. If they don't know those things, they should not be driving one inch.
  17. I agree. Maybe just stop posting in here hip and it'll be better.
  18. I love how you couldn't actually say conservatives. You had to say con men. It kind of already shows your position. That being said, I actually agree with you on Jack Layton to be perfectly honest of all the politicians that I followed. So let's say over the last 25 years he was probably my favorite yet I would never vote NDP nor did I ever vote NDP while he was the leader. But I do respect the guy. Think he was a true leadership candidate in that while I disagreed with him. I'm glad he had the passion for the positions that he was trying to move towards. That's the thing. I don't hate anybody if they vote NDP, liberal or even green as long as they are passionate and they have a idea of why they are behind that movement. But when they blindly just say Trudeau or the liberals are better than conservatives then no, I can't respect that. As far as the conservatives moving further to the right, I don't think that's the case. I mean, what's the most right-wing thing about them that they don't support mass vaccination?? I mean hell half of them do lol. But let's just look under the previous conservative government. Remember the boogeyman Stephen Harper that was so far right from his reformer days. Yeah that same Stephen Harper brought in more immigrants than any other prime minister before him he never took away a woman's right to choose and he also never ban gay marriage and he kept up with the universal health care. So I mean, let's be honest. Do you really think they're that far right? And in my opinion, if anybody thinks the conservatives in Canada are that far right? Or attempting to be. They are really left wing to think that lol.
  19. Imagine that I'm making my voice. Heard about the prime minister of the country I live in. I wonder do you make these comments to your cohorts that have legitimately thousands of posts about a guy who isn't even president in a country they don't even live in? Yeah, I think that's the conventional thing about Canada is that we are all in the center. That's why the liberal party seem to be so popular for so long because they were that center party. The NDP was on the left and the conservatives were on the right. However, as I've said many times now, the liberals have moved as far left as they ever could and I don't know if their end game is to try to knock out the NDP or if this is just a Trudeau thing and who he is. I guess we'll have to see who the next leader is of the party to make a assessment.
  20. So it's a 50/50 split so the rich like Trudeau interesting. I mean he's been rich his whole life so I guess takes one to know one. Nope, you have freedom of speech. Hate speech however, is illegal as it should be. Do your homework bucko Wrong again bucko Albertans earn the highest and it's not a little bit more. You need to do your homework. Also Saskatchewan certainly was in second as of last year. Did that change or you just make it up more nonsense? But yes, of all the provinces Alberta's number one and it's significantly higher than British Columbia.
  21. Actually they both are called complete morons by both sides and yet they both have vaccines for coronavirus. Interesting.
  22. That would have been so embarrassing. Like wtf is wrong with you 15 votes..they don't want you give up. They'll rip the whole party apart.
  23. Oh wow I was reading about this potentially happening this morning. I assumed it was just a wild story. Exciting times. Serious in- fighting ahead?
  24. You need something. You have free speech. Hate speech is illegal as it should be. Do your own research. Aren't right wing voters typically the higher earners? Alberta highest earners Saskatchewan second highest both very pro conservative and both provinces have tons of fu(k Trudeau flags, stickers and signs.
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