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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. So you just answered my question. It is in fact not true, thank you. I worried with Slovakias new leader and the US lack of new funds. Poland has played a very big role and it's just a little bit worried to hear this stuff
  2. I mean I get the whole right handed shot former first round young defenseman but honestly he hasn't shown anything that would warrant making a claim for him. I mean where would he slot in?
  3. I'm trying to gain more information on it so maybe somebody knows something more trustworthy. Like I said Russia today has been saying since the UN general Assembly that there's a rift. And I mean certainly some things were covered by other media outlets but I'm not sure about this particular situation but I think it's relatively recent as in like today.
  4. Absolutely, that's essentially what I'm asking for. I would like to know if somebody who's got more of a heads up with European news if they can corroborate this.
  5. While this is RT reporting this but they have been reporting riffs since the UN general Assembly. ‘Titanic effort’ required to repair relations with Kiev – Warsaw
  6. It was after that photo. Maybe it wasn't CDC. I can't remember where it was talked about but was pretty laughable like he looks like he's in costume for Halloween or something. Such an oddball. I bet he was a riot at the party.
  7. Yeah and you guys always call him an Alberta hillbilly. That's the weirdest dumbest looking cowboy I've ever seen. The US can have him.
  8. @aGENT @King Heffy at whoever else wants to listen, another real funny part is you guys blame the conservatives especially you king for wanting to take away a woman's right to choose Justin Trudeau didn't support abortion not too long ago at all. So again I asked why the hypocrisy?
  9. I actually have no issues with sharing the things I think he has failed on but that was a conversation with me and agent and he has made it pretty clear that no matter what he will look past it sounds familiar hey hip lol
  10. How come I can't seem to block you. I had you block for years and now I can't do it. Oh well I will figure it out. Who are you calling a homophobic a hole? Cuz I mean if you're referring to yourself, I know for sure you got one part right.
  11. Yeah and I stated a fact as well and you guys downplayed it. Conservatives commit racism bad liberals commit racism. No big deal. It wasn't that bad.
  12. @aGENT you guys can't see the hypocrisy then it's utterly pointless. I mean upvotes for calling the leader of the opposition racist while down playing the racism that the Prime Minister committed and admitted to himself and also essentially saying the JWR was a nothing burger. Especially coming from that poster when he would skin Trump for anything I mean hell He went on and on about the Russia stuff with no proof. This is the issue I have with some you guys. You are so partisan. It makes it utterly pointless to have any sort of conversation with you.
  13. I could care less what you have on me. I was responding to him when he asked my age. But thanks for your helpful tip, I guess
  14. Ok I actually probably will leave this convo with you. Your fear mongering is not factual at all.
  15. Slovakia As for Poland they were pissed at VZ As for the 45 days there is no guarantee the government will get funding after that. I will be optimistic but I just see a few things splitting at the seems.
  16. Just so we don't have to go through about 200 posts. Why don't you just tell me what I'm missing? Because it was just a compromise made. And from what I've seen there's no money in it for Ukraine. Second to that you mentioned the European Union, yet there was just an Eastern European country that said there will be no more aid for Ukraine. And what's Poland been up to the last couple weeks. So yeah I do have some concerns and some questions and feel free to respond to them. You seem pretty active with this Ukraine stuff so I mean we can save ourselves time and you can just tell me where I'm wrong or allow somebody else to.
  17. Yes, the 2 billion that I pointed out. However, unless I missing something, hasn't the US essentially abandoned Ukraine?
  18. While I do agree with the point you're making, didn't the last deal struck cancel all the funding for Ukraine? Is this you confirming what I was asking is accurate? Also, that's hardly that much money. I would imagine the big players will have to be Germany, France and great Britain Edit: I see it's part of a $2 billion plan that's not even close to enough. So either Canada is going to have to pony up a lot more or the United States will have to get back on board and with them have an election coming up. I highly doubt they will continue to fund Ukraine. So yeah, it looks like Canada and the European Union are going to have to dig deep in their pockets.
  19. Well you see here it is. You just make excuses why racism is okay. I'm willing to give you a list of things that I think are problematic with him. I mean I'll probably do it in the morning. I just checked my phone one last time to see if there was any breaking news lol. But I would be more than happy to make a list for you for the things that he is responsible for as I'm very well versed in municipal, provincial and federal politics. So then rather than just call me the right or conservatives just ask what it is that I think and I'd be more than happy to answer those. But if you've already got a predetermined decision made up then what's the point? The real irony is is that if Harper or PP did black face you guys would be up in arms about it. Even in this thread we've got people blaming Harper for racism and being a homophobe and taking away a woman's right to choose all of those are flat out lies. I don't even care for the guy nor did I even vote for him in his last election, but I feel like it's ridiculous when things are just made up but we see that in the United States as well. Look at the Donald Trump thread. You had people wishing death upon his child for crying out loud.
  20. Ontario isn't he didn't. He work at a university out there? I thought that's what all the hoopla was about. They fired him or something for his views? You know I talk into my phone most of the time. So I guess just blame pixels. But also what a thought out response you made towards this discussion. Honestly, I would have thought you had tons of woke gibberish to add.
  21. @aGENT you won't be changing my mind on Trudeau or the NDP at least not tonight and I don't think I'll be changing yours so you have a good night my friend. We can discuss more tomorrow. Maybe some breaking news will happen lol
  22. So when you say you kick the conservative out, you know that a big chunk of them were re-elected because you understand the Canadian system, don't you? Listen the fact that you think the prime minister has very little power is a bit odd to me. You are correct We didn't see any fuck Harper bumper stickers but I don't think that's on Canadians. I think that's on Harper and Trudeau. I remember ABC! But yeah, I don't think you should blame Canadians. I think you should probably understand where they are coming from and why the stickers are out against Trudeau. Also, as far as these conspiracy theories go, I don't know why you are bringing them up. I don't think I've ever brought up a conspiracy theory involving Trudeau I will point out the things that he has done and that he is responsible for but you just down play it. So what's the point? I can't remember if it was you that said, black face was a nothing burger. The prime minister himself said it was racist and imagine that his supporters defend it yet he himself said it was racist lol
  23. I think that's very debatable. It's been more of the same delay. Delay delay. Our ships won't floating in the water until probably into the 20 30s and our fighter jets will be 50 years old before we have our new fleet. I do like that they were trying to grow the military. I don't know what the exact numbers are right now but I know that was in their plan but to see cuts come to the military and makes it difficult to understand how they grow it. More of the same essentially been the same ever since. Trudeau's dad was prime minister cut cut cut, conservative or liberal doesn't matter.
  24. So I don't really know much about him and maybe he did promote that but I think he's most famous for engaging in a transgender war with anyone and everyone.
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