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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. So you came in here to argue. Are you that bored? I mean, feel free to argue. Just stay on topic whether my posts enlighten you are not. They are regarding the Canadian government and Canadian politics and Canadian policy proposed or legislated. Feel free to join in, but otherwise what you're doing is absolutely useless and in fact shouldn't be taking place.
  2. At least you're staying on topic. As I said, hate speech is a crime as it should be. the Charter permits the government to enforce "reasonable" limits censoring speech.
  3. Yeah but then they would have Alberta plates or if you're seeing it with BC plates like I do all the time when I'm in the Okanagan I think it's more of a signal that Canadians all over the country are just tired of the guy.
  4. Yeah I have a question for you because your last three posts have been absolutely useless and had nothing to do with Canadian politics and I know sharpshooter wanted people to stay on topic. So what exactly was the point you were trying to make regarding Canadian politics?
  5. What? I don't think you should have played lol. Oh absolutely! You are right about that. However, the previous conservative government never brought this up and I don't think a future one would either because it would be the end of the road for them. We have liberal MPs who are admitted racists and you don't seem to have a problem with that. https://abcnews.go.com/International/photo-justin-trudeau-wearing-brownface-2001-party-published/story?id=65707332
  6. I wasn't even talking about that. It was all the other things that you said. It was factually incorrect and nothing more than a lie that you spewed.
  7. Are you asking Michael Chong or are you asking me? First of all, I'm not a fan of Chong. Second, I don't support what the government's doing and I could care less which parties or which MPs are supporting this. Finally, while I'm not a supporter of Chong, I certainly do not support the Chinese dictatorship having any sort of control in Canada, which has happened big time under the Trudeau government. I have no idea why the Trudeau government is so in love with communist China. I mean, I know he said that China was the second favorite country but even I will admit I assumed that was only a joke but watching him in government maybe I was wrong.
  8. Actually wouldn't the comparison be to make it easier for people to get guns? Something I hear lots of people on the former CDC complain about.
  9. I don't know about that. I think he's only impressed by Donald Trump. I mean he must be. He's got probably 10,000 comments about the guy lol
  10. All of this is fear-mongering nonsense and is backed up by no facts. So ppl like @Warhippy @Alflives @RupertKBD would say these are nothing burgers and just your opinion. Or at least it's what they should say because it's what they say when it comes to Trudeau. Also, the only racist I know in Ottawa is the prime minister he even admitted what he did multiple times was racist. I mean if you believe that's why they are doing this, then there's no changing your mind. But you should really open your eyes up when the government says we are going to regulate what can be said. And no, we don't have limits to free speech.. hate speech, however, is illegal and should never be considered free speech in the first place.
  11. So you don't support free speech first off. Second you ask shouldn't a government regulate it? Well how do they decide that? Oh like a left-wing government wouldn't want to right when show or a right-wing government wouldn't want to left-wing show. What a brilliant idea you have. I mean it sounds like the Soviet Union I get it alf. I understand that you're 100 years old but we don't want to go back to the Soviet Union.
  12. By the way, how on earth does lower in the GST not make things cheaper? @Warhippy I mean I get it. I don't get a GST on fuel but I still have to pay gsT if I go into the store That's on Crown Land.
  13. Okay, let's try something different. Why does Trudeau deserve to stay in power? Actually we do hate speech however is not allowed. But I know that those on the left are itching to get rid of free speech all together
  14. I'm not doing that at all brother. I'm just pointing out that I've seen you attack Christians on many of occasions.
  15. So what are those barbaric social policies? Because I know what some people have said but I also know under the Harper government that nothing was done to change rights to the LgBTQ or to a woman's right to choose. So I would like to know about these barbaric things. I know that the true dog government wanted to take some barbaric comments out of stuff because people coming from middle Eastern countries found that offensive. So if we want to stop barbaric things, maybe you need to look at the Prime Minister.
  16. Hey you aren't wrong about that and I guess the only difference would be is the liberals don't cut taxes and then make all these cuts anyways. I mean military spending under Chretien, Harper and Trudeau has been pathetic. The only one that tried to increase it quite a bit was Paul Martin. The thing about Paul Martin was he was liberal that conservatives could get on board with.
  17. Well to be fair, if we put you in charge of that you would have NHL players, politicians possibly me all lined up and gunned down. This is just that even if they did a smidge bit better it would be better than what we have. So I don't understand the excuse of well They won't do any better when things have never been this bad in this country since his dad was prime minister. It's almost like just give up and don't try mentality. Seems bizarre to me. Well yes it does mean that as well. But it also means the government will decide who's acceptable and who isn't. So again, it's a hindrance on free speech. But then again that's been going on under the Trudeau regime for some time now and for whatever reason people are supporting it on his side of the aisle. But in all fairness, when you look around the world left wing governments are taken away rights quite quickly. To be honest that used to be a conservative move to do those things, but I guess the liberals want to copy that.
  18. You have to register with the government. Does that sound like freedom of speech? Which means the government can say no. We don't want to hear from you. We won't allow it!
  19. I think Trump and Biden have been drinking the same juice because I haven't got a clue what either one of them are saying lately.
  20. Are Christians a minority cuz I know you've made lots of slurs towards Christians. Just saying
  21. Yeah I don't think Trudeau has a chance lol and you have no idea how long the election is away because if the NDP start to surge in the polls they will pull the pin on that coalition if it means being the official opposition.
  22. No my friend. It's always you doing the same thing over and over. You are asking questions. You are right but when it comes to the conservatives you make accusations and attack. But when it comes to Trudeau you ask questions rather than point out the things that he's done. If you can't see that difference, that's on you, but you are not equal. I fully recognize you didn't vote liberal you have told me you vote NDP in BC and federally That's fine. I don't share the liking of them but they align with you so you do you. That's fine. I do believe you run a small photo business, so I imagine an NDP government might be your desire. That being said, if we go over to the other forum we can see multiple times where you have done a back door way of defending Trudeau.
  23. So you got to ask the questions and everybody else has to give you the answers you want to hear while you are back. Door defending Trudeau and attacking conservatives. I mean if you don't think your position is pretty clear to anybody reading it, you're only fooling yourself, my friend. And again, are you suggesting that the status quo is okay? By the way, again, the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015 so I don't know why you mentioned it again. And no, what is going on in other countries isn't necessarily our concern as far as economics here and while you think having a 32 billion deficit when you were promised, the 10 billion deficit is justified because what it went to that's your opinion and nothing more because to be perfectly honest. He won two minority governments after that so we went from a majority to two minorities so it would suggest Canadians didn't actually feel the same way you did in calling it justified. As for life getting cheaper, if you lower the GST, life gets cheaper for people. I don't know how you do not understand that. If you're trying to pin me into a corner and say is it enough? No, it's not in my opinion, but if you can't see how that makes life cheaper then I guess you don't buy much. Because you have to go to the government to see if you're accepted or not. Sounds a lot like Nazi Germany or North Korea or the Soviet Union. Absolutely. You should speak up about the things that you don't think are right and criticize them for the things that you believe they need to be doing better. But what I would say is when I do that about Trudeau I get attacked. When you guys do that about conservatives I let you do that. I do agree with you about alignment though. That's why I feel like I best align with the libertarian party, but let's be honest they have no chance.
  24. Well said my friend! I'm a little bit confused by some thinking. I mean for those who say they support the liberals I can get on board with that. I mean I would wonder to myself why? But at least they're coming out to say they do. Warhippy on the other hand constantly says he doesn't like Trudeau but he comes to his defense time and time again. And now he's shifted his argument again to be one of well PP would be worse. I mean could it be worse than this? So this is just the reality. Obviously we need change so I don't understand what this argument is or how bad he is. It's like ignoring what's going on.
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