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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Well, I mean it's kind of a hindrance on free speech now, isn't it?
  2. You know what I totally agree with you, but if I were to jump on the other website I wonder if I'll actually see any criticism towards him about that. Maybe a couple posts? But you are right. I think what he did to JWR would be right up there as well. I think is ethic violations are pretty bad and I mean let's be honest many that voted for him likely put the environment top of their list. I would imagine they would have to come out and admit how disappointed they are. Because his handling of the environment has been absolutely brutal.
  3. Yeah it's almost like some of you guys want to ban free speech. Oh wait you do want to lol. CDC certainly did that if you didn't see everything through the eyes of Biden Clinton or Trudeau you weren't welcome. I like how Stawns says it's all right to wish death upon people that we deem aren't good people. Who decides that? Can you point to the arguments and the evidence that you were talking about? I'm just not sure if you're trying to include me and something here, but I'd like to know what I've said that's been disproved.
  4. Yes. Wasn't even brought before the house but your buddy Elon Musk sent the Prime Minister a very angry tweet lol or x or whatever you kids call it nowadays
  5. But your opinion means Jack shit to most people. British Columbia's premiere is a complete moron. The prime minister is a complete moron. See how that works. What makes your opinion more valid? Is it all that higher learning up there in Prince George? Lol I'm just bugging you. I mean I don't like Prince George but you attack Albert every chance you get and it's funny because there is a lot to attack Prince George about.
  6. Maybe Canadians are just trusting him with what he's saying. I mean in all fairness we got a number of Canadians that trusted Trudeau that he was only going to run a $10 bill deficit when in turn it was three times that in the first year
  7. Actually I think I did wasn't the question. When does a government ever make things cheaper or lower prices? I mean that would make things cheaper. 1) you have a point except the difference I see is that you slam PP but always come to Trudeau's defense and then say but you don't support him. 2) So let's stick with the status quo because it's working so well? 3) So first of all the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015. The comparisons though are irrelevant because I don't live in those countries, but I doesn't mean I support taking on massive debt in the country I live in. But again I never brought up any of that. But I mean it's like comparing yourself the people that are worse off than you doesn't really solve your problem though, does it. All I would say is we don't need to open the door to potentially allow for wrongdoing to happen. Like you and I think agree criminals will always be criminals, but we certainly don't need to give them easier access. Like the felon in the United Kingdom who said he was trans and got put in a female jail and rape them that never should have happened in the first place. Once again go after Alberta and conservatives. Same old same old. So a couple things, I think we can use the Trump thread as evidence that whenever there's a claim against him, it's you and your cohorts that immediately say him or any other Republican or conservative are guilty and then turn around and say well. We haven't seen enough yet to call out Trudeau. So I would point to hypocrisy right away. And second to that point, I think you've made it quite clear to me that you voted for the NDP. I can't remember was that Nathan Cullen up where you live? Anyways, I don't think personally I've ever called you a Trudeau supporter. To be honest, I didn't even know you follow Canadian politics. I thought it was only American stuff for you. You live in Prince George and you criticize Alberta? Now I see why you are so angry all the time. I would be too if I had to call Prince George home.
  8. If you would like I can find you the story. And whether you think I understand implication or not is irrelevant in my opinion Because the thing is I never spoke about taking away anybody's rights. You inserted that yourself. So you can make all the complaints about me you want. But you're the one in my opinion That's insinuating that I mean something that I don't. And I find that quite disrespectful but you do you.
  9. I don't think I ever said it was trans men. You see if you just Google Britain and look at this. There was a man that claimed he was trans so he went to a female prison and he raped the women. So that's the thing. Criminals generally aren't honest people. Well I can get on board with half of what you said the other half I don't think should be taking place. If we can mitigate these things, we need to try our best to do so in my opinion.
  10. While you aren't wrong because you want to see facts, I'm going to save this post and hope that you stay true to this opinion when it relates to politicians on the other side of the aisle. But who knows, you might be totally liquored up and you don't even know what you're saying my friend lol
  11. You are right, so your answer to it is to make it more accessible for more people to now be attacked?
  12. I mean you kind of have a point except for the fact of the stories of the young girls that have been attacked by men that are using the women's bathroom
  13. You are right. It did get derailed. That being said, again I have no problems with them. You suggested I said it was all right to misgender somebody. I just said I shouldn't be made to believe something that is an accurate but out of respect and dignity to a human being. I will refer to them how they prefer to be referred to. But that being said, if I make a mistake because it isn't very clear then that's not on me at all. And in social settings I don't generally walk up to people and say hey. Are you male or female. Hopefully this helps you with understanding that I'm not this evil monster you think I am.
  14. Well, I mean Canadians saved two percent on GST under the previous conservative government
  15. So now I have to go up to everybody and ask if they're male or female or anything else? Again, let me make it clear to you because so far it hasn't seem to work. Anybody can be whatever they want to be, but I do not support a male using a female's bathroom or a female using a males bathroom. Well if I recall correctly, wasn't it a private school? Again? I would just ask you why has he never come out and denied it? I do agree though if it was the student's parent then obviously it's not a crime. I would agree with you there. Although I don't know all the ins and outs of what is expected of a teacher in the community.
  16. You can hate the guy as much as you want but you would be in the minority throughout this country. The guy is drawing serious crowds because he is speaking to what Canadians want to hear. I would prefer somebody who has a lot of knowledge in the actual workforce, but I would argue those options aren't available. You guys criticized O'Toole and here he was served in the military for a decade yet you guys still criticized him. The reality of it all is I don't think it matters what any conservative does you just won't support him or her. I know you'll keep up this argument that you're a small c conservative, but I'm sorry I don't buy it. You constantly go out of your way to defend Trudeau and throw conservatives under the bus. You vote NDP pro eventually and federally so I'm just confused when you say you're a small c conservative.
  17. You are right, it is about our prime minister so let's put it this way. If it was PP. Do you think you or others on here would come out and say well? He never actually admitted to it nor was he charged with anything? Again, the one thing he could do is deny that it ever happened and when he was asked that point blank after debate he still didn't answer it. So I guess I will ask you why won't he just say it never happened?
  18. I would ask you to point to one time I said that people don't deserve equal treatment
  19. The point I'm trying to make to you is throughout history. Populism is created when people are so far left behind. It might not be affecting you and I, but the majority of Canadians are really feeling the pinch. Everything is so expensive for lots of people. People are now learning. They will never own a house. Fuel prices are through the roof yet emissions are up. The average Canadian cannot get ahead no matter how hard they try. They feel left behind. So that's why I'm calling him the root cause of populism taking hold in canada. It's being a number of months but I seen a thing in Kelowna with PP and I was absolutely shocked at how many people were there to watch him and the young people. Wow
  20. Yeah but the flames lost the other night so there is some good news.
  21. Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think I would trust you with anything. Freedom? How do you feel about forcing a coronavirus shot on somebody? Suddenly you don't support freedom? You should jump in the Donald Trump threat and switch over a couple names and then put this post in there and see what people tell you
  22. Listen. Let me be abundantly clear. I don't care what anybody is or wants to be. That is their choice. I am a limitarian at heart but do not force me to lie to my kids and confuse my kids. Again, I have no issues with what anybody wants to be and I will even if it's made clear to me prefer to them the way they would prefer to be referred to. However, I don't believe it needs to be legislated not to hurt people's feelings nor do I think someone should get angry if I say sir instead of ma'am. No, I don't think he was thinking that. I think he was thinking I need to sign this agreement and get out of here because I've done something very bad. There is even a story which this one is factual when he was down in BC where a reporter was asking him some questions about his father I believe and he was half intoxicated and just reached over her and put his arm around her. Imagine if Trump did that or PP did?
  23. Right? So again, I'm supposed to trust science in the coronavirus thread, but in this thread I should throw science out the window. Thank you for making it clear.
  24. Well you are correct. I suppose it's not proven true but nor is a lot of other stuff that's thrown out people on the other side of the aisle yet it's treated as the gospel around these parts. But I wouldn't doubt that it is true. I mean why would he leave mid semester? And why is he kept quiet about why he did. He's never spoke about it.
  25. Oh so now it's okay that we can wish death upon some people as long as we don't like that person? And you are a teacher? Yeah I thought you might have trouble answering that one.
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