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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. 1) inherited a surplus and ran a 30 billion deficit when he said he would only run a 10 billion dollar deficit. 2) has taken on more debt than any other Prime Minister in the history of the country. 3) being found guilty by the ethics commissioner twice. 4) has caused more division in this country than has been seen since his dad was prime minister. 5) fired a justice minister because she wasn't willing to go into bed with a very wealthy Quebec company that had committed serious crimes. 6) took our veterans to court after complaining that the conservative government did it. 7) took a trip to Tofino on the very first truth and reconciliation day, pretty much showing that he didn't care about truth and reconciliation. 8-racist black face. Do you want me to stop or do you want me to continue?
  2. If you don't think he's on the left, you are absolutely oblivious to politics.
  3. Yeah they both are pretty terrible prime ministers. Sometimes I do wonder though if Justin's playbook is to try and eliminate the NDP if that's why he's moved so far to the left.
  4. Yep, it is King of Surrey. Nice talking to you again my friend.
  5. Is there only two countries in the world Canada and the United States? Right! Beautiful comeback though I love it!
  6. Well you seem unhappy that I pointed out your mistakes. Who used that phrase when discussing this liberal government? Or did you just make that up yourself? You are right in the early 80s under his dad's government lol Well I think most of you guys on this side always blame conservatives even when they haven't been in power for 8 years lol Omg I actually agree with you on something.
  7. I actually have a friend in Australia though I haven't spoken with him much in probably the last 5 years, but I remember him telling me about 10 years ago that Australia can be quite a racist place towards indigenous people. Obviously that's only one person's view. But yeah I would be interested in hearing some of your viewpoints.
  8. Good point. God bless Canada! That being said however I don't do the flu shot and I did not do the covid shot so if you know anybody that needs those they can have mine.
  9. I was confused when you said 7 best economies they aren't so I wanted clarification on what you meant. Don't be so triggered When I asked for a clarification on something that is actually wrong that you said.
  10. No, I'm still all right. I just wanted to make clear that it's not the best economies in the world nor is it the biggest ones.
  11. Quick question, do you believe the g7 is the seven best economies in the world? Edit: or maybe I should ask Is it your understanding they are the seven best?
  12. I have a feeling I'm talking to King of Surrey!
  13. It's a popular conversation where I live.
  14. Hey everybody, we are better than the United States. Great argument to make lol
  15. I think once Trudeau is gone we might see the liberal party move back to being a center party. The kind of traditional liberals they used to be not this far left extremist kind of woke movement. As for the conservatives, I mean quite honestly I like PP I have for some time that being said you are 100% correct. He's got like next to zero real life work experience. I do believe JS likely ruin the new Democrats because he basically jumped into bed with the liberals. He has gotten very little out of anything so why would NDPiers even vote NDP anymore? May as well just vote liberal and I wouldn't be surprised if that was Trudeau in the liberals plan all along. Or maybe we end up like Britain where Trudeau messes up the liberal party so bad that way become a two-party system with the far left on one side and the right wing on the other side being the conservatives and the NDP and we no longer have a viable liberal party. It's funny because always I find the best politicians never want to be in the leadership roles and in a lot of ways I can understand, but it just doesn't disservice to a lot of Canadians that we end up with trash all the time.
  16. Great response. I'm going to end discussing anything with you. Cheers
  17. Exactly well said it gave Canada a cushion. Going into the pandemic we had already accumulated like 100 billion in new debt.
  18. So this doesn't even have anything to do with what I said. Prime minister basically made fun of a reporter who asked them what happens when interest rates go up and now it's the prime minister and his party that won't tell Canadians how much it is to service all his debt. You can defend him all you want. It's clear that your purpose, but you should at least respond to what I'm saying.
  19. I mentioned his promise of a 10 billion deficit that he tripled and I don't think you even touched on that at all. It seems more like you took a chance to jump that conservatives and that's fine because I never defended Harper. I merely wondered if he should get the same luxury of making an excuse. There's an old saying in politics. When things are good everybody will jump at the podium to take credit for it when things aren't that great, even when it's not your own doing everybody just points fingers.
  20. See I knew deep down you were a good guy.
  21. I feel like it would take seven or eight of us working non-stop to keep up with him.
  22. If I remember correctly, you are a teacher? If that indeed is the case, of course you wouldn't have felt anything as you're paid through taxpayer dollars. Many businesses felt the effects but I would agree that JC did a good job financially for this country.
  23. The first part about paying down debt is the most important. How @stawns is not understanding this seems odd. Remember when Trudeau bragged about interest rates being at an all-time low? That's why he was borrowing so heavily. Yeah, so what about now? An interest rates are high and he won't tell Canadians how much they are paying to service all his debt.
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