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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. What are you talking about? What claim just come out and say what you're saying and I'll respond to it.
  2. No because I go for stretches at a time or I can't even be online because of work and some of the areas I'm in.
  3. Again, the government of the day has the ability to block an RCMP investigation. That isn't right. I also never suggested that he should be put in jail though I do like that idea.
  4. What are you asking me? Are you talking about protecting the prime minister? Considering they can block an RCMP investigation, I think that tells you all you need to know. It's not just him. It's the same for conservative prime minister and it isn't right.
  5. So I guess if Trudeau gets given a break because of the covid pandemic then Harper should get a break because of the global financial crisis? That being said You aren't wrong mulroney run up a ton of debt and truthfully, up until Trudeau liberals were pretty good at running balance budgets and not spending like drunken sailors. In fact, the only liberal prime minister that run up massive debt was Trudeau's dad. My biggest issue is that Trudeau promised only a 10 billion deficit and in his first budget it was tripled. He will never run a balanced budget and his whole tenure and that's pretty terrible.
  6. The law that protects the prime minister. You need to admit that if you did some of the things he did, you would be in lots of trouble.
  7. @Coconuts hey, if you are going to look after the waiver wire stuff on the new forum are you able to post the following day who was picked up and who is not picked up? Rem Pitlick cleared the other day and honestly if we didn't have a glut of forwards I would have liked this guy for our bottom six.
  8. To be honest I think it was more of a joke and I think it's almost a joke. How serious people are taking it. And again, let's remember. I'm born in BC! I'm also there every single summer probably blocks from your house and neither one of us know it.
  9. So again, you're generalizing everybody. Again this is hardly on topic. I get it. You hate Albertans good on you. Have a great day sir
  10. Yeah I'm interested to see how this plays out. I was reading this last night and apparently the funding was canceled for Ukraine yet He still signed it so the government wouldn't shut down and claims they were still have the funding. I'm confused.
  11. Is it because the vehicle is nicer than you will ever own? Just bugging you buddy. It's too bad though that you lump everybody in and generalize the way you do. I mean I can certainly understand a joke, but I don't think that's what you were doing here and that's probably why a lot of people in Alberta don't care for the rest of this country. But I do know British Columbia sure loves Alberta money to come over there every summer.
  12. I'm born in BC champ. I own a home in the Okanagan. But by your logic that would mean Canadians shouldn't retire in the United States because they prefer Canada. So just stay there. Also, you don't speak for British Columbia. You are one person kiddo.
  13. So it would be actually you that veered it off topic or actually the individual I'm responding to. So if you have something to complain about, maybe complain to that individual. See this is the confusing part. Why are you responding to me?? Oh that's right because I don't support these vaccines and I don't believe in a socialist utopia. So if you want to stay on topic let's stay on topic but you need to do your part and call out the others who called all Albertans dumb.
  14. I don't think I'm in a heated argument about anything. First of all I'm not even heated lol. And while I appreciate the gesture you are offering, it's funny why those that are on the same side as you, so to speak. You don't need to give the friendly reminder. I wonder if that's because criticizing, Alberta and referring to people as dumb that live here is just simply allowed. This is the issue that I have with so many today. They cry foul once there's a response back, but they feel they have the legitimate right to criticize anything they want and belittle people.
  15. Oh really? I certainly don't recall the phrase people who menstruate being said before. I guess I really am a terrible Nazi. Yeah funny thing. What was I here for about 14 years prior and then all the sudden when this far left took over we weren't allowed to say anything that offended you guys.
  16. Is this even legit? If this is true, this is ridiculous.
  17. Why do you guys get so angry about those of us that choose not to get a covid vaccine? I have an attacked anybody forgetting one but because I didn't get one I'm the one being attacked. You guys are so anti freedom. It's crazy!
  18. See the left wing guy that criticized Alberta you said nothing to and he was the one that said something first and I only responded. And was obnoxious comments part of the board rules? Anyways, it's pretty clear that anybody that didn't share a left-wing viewpoint on everything or criticize covid vaccinations were treated differently. You're free to believe otherwise, but I believe the proof is pretty clear. I also don't know why I would have to tread carefully because I don't know what I said how that broke any rules.
  19. I think you are misunderstanding deficits. I spoke about the deficit not the debt.
  20. You haven't liked me for years yet you needed that post to make it clear? I've always found you to be quite obnoxious anyhow so if you need to ignore me again, no harm done.
  21. British Columbia province where people don't know who's a man and who's a woman
  22. I don't think I was bragging about anything and ftr I have mad respect for nurses! Do all the heavy lifting, over worked and will never be paid enough. That being said, a virus that has a death rate of less than 1% and a vaccine that doesn't even stop the virus should not be reason enough to have a vaccine forced on me. That's my position. I've respected your position. However, it's quite clear you don't respect the position of those that want to forgo a vaccine. And I find that concerning that there is a number of people like yourself that want to take away people's freedom of choice.
  23. Yeah I was reading that other stuff you posted
  24. Decent read. I like how opinion piece is put right at the bottom so everybody will probably just gloss over that lol
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