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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. You can feel that way but I would tell you to fuck off! I'm married to a GP and her father is a rheumatologist so if they disagree with me they can tell me to fuck off as they have more credentials to do so.
  2. Seriously still the Russia thing? Wasn't that proven to be a hoax? Lol
  3. 1) only women can menstruate so the fact that she said people who menstruate is a bit strange and ridiculous and what the new liberal party is in the United States and in Canada 2) as for the staying silent, I will give you that there needs to be more that speak up against that sort of stuff. But again, it's like when the prime minister did racist stuff here, his supporters just turned a blind eye to it. 3) and I wasn't talking about the normal world I was talking about CDC
  4. Racism and division will always be around as long as governments act the way they do. Look at the pandemic. The prime minister pinned Canadians against Canadians. There was a story out of Ontario while it's not a racism thing but a religion that the government built townhomes and only Muslims could live there. I remember a story Probably a decade back about a guy in Richmond Complaining because the strata board wanted him out because they were all Chinese and he wasn't. The only time we ever see people do something is when white people are being racist, but when minorities are being racist nobody says anything. Governments always like to keep everybody divided because then people need to look to their leaders for direction.
  5. Nope, it's racism. Sadly though there is very racist people of colour that don't believe they are racist because they are not white.
  6. So a couple things. The Democratic party now would be about as far left as it could possibly get. I mean they have prominent members that say people who menstruate. As for January 6th, I don't think you can blame all Republicans for that. It was a small number of people and you just lumped all Republicans into supporting that apparently. I will add to that. Hillary Clinton had said a couple times about election results and accepting the results and I do believe a few others said the same thing Democrats. There is idiots in both parties that's for sure. It's just if you need any proof. Look at the other thread. Anybody that wasn't a liberal was absolutely chastised and in many cases thrown out because the mods were very liberal themselves. Those on the left were allowed to go away further with bending the rules than those on the right. Anyhow, I do agree there's clowns in both parties. I just think the Democrats and specifically the liberals here have more clowns. But I tried to call it for both sides which I find very rare today.
  7. By this logic maybe we should do away with abortions..
  8. I stopped reading at wrong side of this issue..
  9. I don't know It seems like a few of you guys on the left Like to call everybody Nazis. I wonder if you've ever upvoted heffy when he uses that language? Anyway, I have no interest and continuing any further discussion with you. I get your point of view. Conservatives will ruin the whole world and only a socialist utopia will save us. Cheers
  10. You probably didn't have your scooter yet before you got those vaccinations hey?
  11. Well that's what happens when lefties get challenged. The furor himself couldn't point to what I did wrong.
  12. Fair points. One question and it's a serious question because I don't know the answer, but what was the death rate of those other viruses? Was it comparable to the very low death rate of COVID or was it quite a bit higher?
  13. I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I never even mentioned the United Kingdom. I actually don't even know what this post is even about
  14. That wasn't really the question I asked but I think based on what you said you did answer my question and I am correct. Also, I'm not an anti-vaccine just this particular one.
  15. But considering I'm 42, those vaccines we are discussing were tested for quite some time before I ever got one as a child and my kids ever got one as a child, correct?
  16. Oh, I'm not taking it personally to be perfectly honest I think there's a number of people that might feel I'm deranged.
  17. I actually don't think you are correct on this, however, I'm not 100% certain myself but I feel like they were tested for quite some time before they were put into people.
  18. Why? Because the government told you so? How long were they tested for bud? How would anybody know the long-term effects? Anyways, I said I wasn't going to get into any conversations about this. If you want to covid vaccine feel free. I don't judge. But please respect my choice not to get that vaccine.
  19. So I guess I'm deranged. Thanks buddy! That being said my kids, myself and my wife we are all healthy and safe but apparently we are deranged or maybe just my wife and I lol
  20. I don't think anybody would argue these vaccines because they were tested for years before they were ever put into somebody.
  21. Did he seriously say this? Like I'm confused. Are water bombers going to fly around all day long to keep things damp lol
  22. And who's the Democrat that's being charged with some serious crimes? See you're one of the ones I'm talking about. You'll defend that sort of behavior only to criticize a republican. You've done this time and time again with liberals in Canada and Democrats in the US. Conversations with folks like you are absolutely pointless because you will always make excuses for the left-wing parties rather than admit their wrongdoing. You are correct, Santos probably shouldn't be in congress, but he's not the only corrupt politician far from it.
  23. Again, I agree with you. I just have a feeling we disagree on the party.
  24. I agree with that statement. I just don't think we likely agree on what side that is. My point was is that most of you guys going back to the Trump thread? Don't at all call out liberals or Democrats. Actually just skim over it.
  25. Lol most of us? Not even close. I do agree though about the idiots on both sides.
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