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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Did I read that accurately? Was that a Democrat? You aren't supposed to criticize democrats in this thread lol.
  2. But to be fair to him not everybody's sharing your opinion. So when I say I'm not vaccinated to a bunch of people on a British Columbia forum they get mad and attack me. Somebody who is vaccinated say like alf those that don't have the covid shot like myself don't seem to attack him. That would be the only difference I would say. Hell you have people saying about the healthcare system should no longer be used by those that don't have a COVID vaccine, but yet they can use the healthcare system if they smoke their face off or drink their life away. I think covid has showed those that want to pay attention that the governments can very easily turn people against each other.
  3. Well there will be a referendums. Never change by the way. I love how you call any conservative names but when it's a liberal or an NDper they are a good person lol.
  4. Yes and only because we are only in the very early stages. Those that choose to retire in BC like myself will still get their Alberta pensions and premiums will be lower so that will help lots of people. Truthfully it seems BCers on the so called left are more interested in this than Albertans are.
  5. So again that was the group put in place that came up with that figure and that's based on the fact that Albertans pay the most into it.
  6. I guess that depends on where you live. Quite cold here this morning. Do you by chance know that guy in Summerland who ended up paralyzed in his doctor's deemed it to be from the vaccine? I remember reading the story a number of months back. I know you live right close to Summerland or you used to. I'm just interested to know if you know this person or if you heard the story? Edit: I believe that is the guy hip https://www.castanet.net/news/Penticton/376873/Summerland-man-dealing-with-a-paralysis-reaction-to-COVID-vaccine-frustrated-by-slow-government-support
  7. If the economy was rolling along quite well, why was he running deficits each year? And why were they three times bigger than he promised? As for the, it's not his fault, it's a global situation while you might be correct about that for whatever reason and this board is a perfect example of it. I'm sorry the previous forum, nobody gives credit to Harper about a global economic crisis. He's brought in over a million immigrants a year with no houses for anybody to live in. Rich corporations have gotten richer under his watch. Emissions are up even while he has a ridiculous carbon tax which hurts everybody. And as for the covid stuff, i don't agree with you in my opinion he went way too far.
  8. I find this comment to be a little bit odd. I mean just use these forums and the previous one. It's actually those on the left that are calling anybody that's a conservative, a racist, a climate denier, etc etc. And it seems like you're not even acknowledging that rather saying that conservatives are acting like American conservatives or something. I think Trudeau has been pretty bad in his 8years as prime minister and just so you know the prime minister of Canada is one of the most in control and powerful jobs there is in the free world. I would actually wonder what you could even point to to say it hasn't been bad. I will assume that you likely vote new Democrats? As for the NDP, they kind of own all this failure as well because this is kind of their policies at play as well.
  9. So I feel like you're trying to goat me into a COVID conversation. I'm not doing it buddy. But if you do feel that strongly about science, you should have made it clear to all the liberal cabinet ministers that were flying all over the place. Anyhow, cheers. I'm going to leave this thread for a day or two. Have a good weekend
  10. Why did you have to make a critical comment? See I wasn't knocking anybody or anything and you go and do it and then you cry foul. So it's almost like saying there is a bunch of morons in BC who will do anything the government tells them even when the numbers don't back it up.
  11. It certainly is a terrible idea and quite unconstitutional. That being said I've actually heard People go a lot further than that but to be perfectly honest it's when I visit BCI here all this hogwash.
  12. So you do respect me then? All these years I thought you never did lol. Great thread Deb. What are you going to do today to remember? There was a small event earlier at a park where I live. Live music but quite cold out today.
  13. Ya that's not very cool. What about guys like @Warhippy live in Penticton and have to pay taxes for BC ferries. I mean I suppose the argument would be that they have to pay it because they might use it at some point. I don't know. I'll be more than happy for you to educate me on that.
  14. So you aren't even defending such a unconstitutional position you have, but instead pointing to other provincial taxes on people that might not use something? The rest of Canada doesn't pay for BC fairies just BC citizens do. Even was saying that don't they charge money to use the fairies? I would imagine that's what pays for the fairies, not taxes. Edit: my apologies for the spelling and the misplaced words talking into my phone is not a good idea lol
  15. @moosehead I actually don't want to have a covid debate today so I'm not ignoring you. I'm just don't feel like debating it lol. I will point out though and you can respond and maybe we can keep the conversation to that. But the death rate of this is pretty low and we've seen people like yourself come up with very crazy ideas. And of course you aren't the only one. But I would just like to ask considering the death rate for this is quite low. Imagine if we end up with a pandemic where the death rate is in the double digits. I feel like there's lots of you that will really turn on your neighbor's, family and community members.
  16. Right... But the people with out the kids went to school..
  17. Imagine taking a vaccine to stop a virus and you end up in the hospital after you've had a half a dozen shots...
  18. Yeah I would be in favor of that but would that mean I don't have to pay taxes anymore for healthcare? Otherwise you're making me pay for something I can't use. Seems a little bit bizarre, doesn't it?
  19. It never made sense in the first place. Imagine charging something to somebody when they already paid for it. Further to that point how could they even consider doing that and not making smokers pay more. I've seen a previous poster said that smoking and alcohol tax is offset the cost of healthcare that's not even close.
  20. Man some of you guys would love to live in a dictatorship I think. Also given that I'm not vaccinated, does that mean I don't have to pay taxes? If you want me to pay more to go see a doctor? I mean I don't mind but then again I pay significance amount of taxes for the health care system. So if I don't have to pay that and I have to pay extra because I'm not vaccinated I might be able to get on board with that. But I doubt you are the government would allow me not to pay my taxes hey?
  21. I think it works both ways. I read a story a number of months back about a mid 30s guy in Summerland BC who is now paralyzed and his doctor's deemed it from the vaccine. My assumption would be that you live in British Columbia, so looks like it hits a lot closer to home.
  22. It's funny why some feel so strongly to need to come to his defense rather than just admit he botched this. He said they would never buy that jet low and behold seven years later they're buying the jet. He changed the rules to allow f-35 to win so he could have just saved all this time and we would be flying the jet now instead we are flying near 50-year-old jets. If you call that acting like a prime minister then I guess you have exactly what you're looking for.
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