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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. So again, a tender wasn't necessary because the previous liberal government had already decided that was our plane of the future. The rules were changed so f35 could win because the previous rules which again Trudeau put in place f 35 could not win. They then change the rules again so that they could win after saying he wouldn't buy the plane. So again we would already be flying the jet as countries that have ordered less have already received theirs.
  2. Is it? I think Trump is the worst human being of all time and all Republicans are Nazis will control this thread.
  3. @Gurn and even to say a proper tender is a little bit ridiculous and shouldn't give the Trudeau government any recognition because they actually changed all the rules so that the f-35 could win. So again, they should have just bought it. We would already be flying it but instead we'll be flying 50-year-old jets.
  4. I do agree with the last part. As far as the proper tender, it didn't need to go to a tender anyways. The previous liberal government before the Harper government had decided that was the jet of the future. That's why we were in the f-35 program. I'm not even saying I'm 100% behind the f-35, but it was already determined that that was our jet. But for political purposes. Trudeau said he wasn't going to buy it only to waste 5 more years to buy it anyways. As far as GDP spending goes, you are accurate on that but it certainly isn't that much more as now. All they did was added veteran, spending and stuff to military spending. So it really isn't a whole lot. Both parties are pretty brutal when it comes to military spending. I think you and I both agree on that. And in the past you and I both called for increased spending. Hell, I don't even want 2%. I want to see it upwards of three to four percent. People need to stop. Assuming that the United States is a happy friend to have next to us, we should be preparing ourselves for an eventual invasion from the United States. Whether it ever comes or not is another story, but we should always be prepared.
  5. It would be near impossible for Alberta to separate under the current conditions of the supreme Court of Canada. Why would any other province support Alberta to do so? Alberta pays the most into equalization without Alberta the GST would likely double. While there certainly could be an argument to be made for the benefits of separation, the biggest issue would come that the other provinces wouldn't agree to it and you need the other provinces to agree to it. Politically and maybe from a personal level many leaders and other citizens seem to like to hate Alberta however, they seem to love Alberta's money.
  6. I don't know if you are aware or not but I live in Alberta. I was actually on these forums from like 2006 to 2020 and most anybody that knows me knows. I live in Alberta so I'm all aware of who the group was. I was just pointing out it wasn't the premier herself who made the comment and I think maybe you missed that part or maybe you thought you were educating me. But nevertheless I'm well aware of who did it.
  7. What if some of us weren't actually crazies? I feel like some of us just weren't far left enough for a BC forum discussion..
  8. I find this kind of confusing because actually we would have already had our fighter jets except it was the liberals who said we are not buying the f-35 only to delay it five more years. Just to say okay We are going to buy it without any promise of money back to Canadian companies. As for the ships, they will long be out of power before the first one is even built. Now I'm not blaming the liberals for this because both parties seem to always take forever to get anything done with military upgrades but I'm not sure how anybody yourself included. Could give the liberals credit on ships and fighter jets. Like I said, the fighter jets are way behind schedule and that's on the liberals completely and as for the ships that's behind schedule and that's on the liberals and the conservatives. So I guess my point of view is neither party has done any good with military procurement. And please don't even mention the NDP. If they were in power we wouldn't have a military lol
  9. The issue with calling everybody a Nazi. It actually makes it seem as if the atrocities that a true Nazi committed aren't that bad. It's also what he's calling for from others and calling them out for he is doing himself so it it makes it really ridiculous from that point of view. I mean, certainly! She's got some baggage in her break from politics. However, I would argue that many leaders do have tons of baggage. Just look at the Prime Minister or even the president of the United States hell if he had it his way. I guess every black person would be in jail for life. As for the awful calls, I'm not even sure what you mean by that? If we're going to look at when she said the unvaccinated for the most targeted people, the media blew that out of proportion she was asked what is the most discriminatory thing she has seen in her life? Maybe she hasn't actually seen racism first hand. But again, I don't know what you're referring to when you say some bad calls. As for the 53% that Alberta wants back that wasn't her that came up with that number. That was the group that they had look into it. I'm certainly not an economist or in that group and would be interested to know how they came to that number. I would suspect it's because we give a bigger portion of tax revenue but I don't know and I haven't looked into it enough. It's relatively new. I see there's lots of ads though.
  10. His numbers are absolutely incredible, however, I think his size at the NHL level could be a question mark and thus far in the preseason he hasn't exactly been lights out pretty much nothing else to do but send him down
  11. Or why don't you just admit that he's right and you should stop calling everybody Nazis because it actually shows how misinformed you really are. Now back to Premier Smith. Imagine standing up for the middle class and low income Albertans and being called a Nazi for it. If you want to call somebody a racist maybe you should look at the Prime Minister because there's lots of proof there.
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