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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. I regret telling you that I thought the sabers are a goaltender away from being a real contender. It all went to your head! F@&k the Sabres!
  2. Very disappointing news. Very concerning. I've heard a few accounts from people from Australia that tell me the treatment of their indigenous people is not good.
  3. I don't think there is an Arab in the middle East that would trust the Americans as peacekeepers.
  4. But I bet you never would have said that pre 2020. In fact, I don't ever remember a politician ever being asked about vaccinations before 2020. Maybe it was your wife he was seeing and she made a mistake because she was so pissed off that you're calling her your "wide" instead of wife. Times are tough bro. Got to save some money somehow.. I guess something was off. He was all drugged up.. Well in this case I would be perfectly fine then! I have enough alcohol in my blood to sink a battleship
  5. Yeah but Egypt is opening that up to try and get people out. It's the Israelis that are bombing it. Also, I think Egypt has a blockade just to ensure weapons don't come in. Israel has a blockade and is controlling everything. Just think for example, if the Americans stole all our resources a bunch of our land and then determined our fate and destiny's for us how we would react? I mean I can firsthand tell you I would never do these things and I think it's despicable but you can only push people so far and then you bring in the whole religion side of it and here we are. Yw man
  6. The individual you are engaging with I have on my block list but because you responded to him I can see his post. I do believe he put me on his block list which is probably for the best but I noticed in his post he said libertarian socialism. Are you able to ask him or are you able to clarify for me how exactly libertarian and socialism go together? I consider myself a libertarian so in saying that I find them to be at complete opposites of the spectrum. Does he have a video for that? Maybe I can view?
  7. Absolutely not. I believe there is a bit too much emotion and anger while making this response. Supporting Israel doesn't mean those things. You can still support something while calling something related to it out. For example, I will always support the Canadian armed forces. However, i will call out the times or they've mistreated women or innocent people in other countries.
  8. I appreciate that. Thank you. I think all that people are trying to make clear actually let me only speak for myself because that's all I can be sure of. the point I'm trying to make is Hamas needs to be eradicated! But we need to recognize Palestinian children are absolutely innocent in all this and Palestinian people are innocent. Indiscriminate killing will only make things worse for the Israelis. This is the mentality of world war II where the British and the Americans and I hate to admit it. The Canadians thought it was okay to just carpet bomb German cities. There is no way to know if somebody is a Hamas supporter or not. So to just indiscriminately bomb is wrong. Now, please don't ask me what the answer is because that I don't know, it's a very tricky situation. But what we could start by doing would be Israel to let Canadian, American, British etc citizens out of the Gaza strip which they haven't done thus far. In my opinion, the only way forward is a two-state solution that's respected by both sides, but under no circumstances can Hamas be the governing power. They aren't a warring party in this. They are a terrorist group in this. While I can agree if somebody says what were they supposed to fight with, I can agree with that. But killing innocent women and children on the Israeli side is no excuse either. They are just as innocent as innocent Palestinians.
  9. Trudeau has about 22% support of the country. However, he controls the country. Why isn't there resistance? Maybe because people don't want to be killed or go to jail? Maybe they want to see their kids again? Why don't you just answer the very direct question that was asked of you?
  10. Well, I'm glad we all equally hate Bill c69. I don't recall that being the case in the past, but I'm just glad that we all agree on that!!
  11. Exactly so obviously you can see why I'm so happy with this ruling and the response from the environment minister.
  12. Actually it was deemed unconstitutional and the environment minister has already come out and said they will respect the decision and only infringe on things that have a federal matter to it.
  13. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/supreme-court-richard-wagner-impact-assessment-act-1.6993720 For all of you guys that supported it over the years. Thank goodness for the supreme court of Canada!! Trudeau and c69 bye bye!! Unconstitutional AF @Bob Long discuss.
  14. Do you know what's always confused me about Alberta health services? Is the governmental say they act independently so basically given themselves an out when AHS imposes masks. Alberta health services is the health system of the province so they are not independent. They have government oversight. They have a government minister so this part confuses me. Personally, I have no issues with masks in hospitals because if you have strep throat or anything and you are in there to see a doctor or a nurse, why do we want to spread it to everybody else. So not just coronavirus but many different viruses. But they play it up as if it's some independent group. In fact, I've had an MLA tell me they are independent. They are the health authority. They aren't independent lol. But yeah you basically just backed up what I was saying so if she were to go back on anything she would find herself out of a job.
  15. And then we go back to this ridiculous argument to try and find any stupid excuse to make an excuse. Cutting off water, electricity, food, fuel, medicine, etc. You sound more like Stalin and Hitler than you do a Canadian.
  16. This is all he is doing and then getting mad because we don't see it his way but he hasn't actually sold anybody on anything
  17. I'm pretty sure everybody in this thread wants Hamas exterminated. What they don't want is all these innocent children who are being bombed and killed and what they don't want is an absolute torturous and illegal treatment of innocent Palestinians. This stupid argument you guys are making while they voted for Hamas just stop! You have called Trump and other Republicans Nazis. You have also called conservatives in this country Nazis would you support the indiscriminate bombing of Canadians and Americans? If you can't see the hypocrisy guy..
  18. 1) First of all, I think there is far more of a libertarian viewpoint in this province. The point I was trying to make though is she drew her line in the sand with black top If she were to go back on that she would basically make people say you're done including in her own cabinet. I mean we had an election where one party was pro masking and pro coronavirus concern and the other party didn't want to talk about it and didn't want to ever take away freedom from people again. And that party won a decisive victory. Democracy!
  19. This is a terrible comment man. How do you know anybody you're responding to isn't Palestinian and potentially has family in Gaza? You are asking him to show compassion yet he's pointing out The person he's responding to is also showing no compassion. What did you hope to achieve with this post?
  20. 1) if you let it happen, you have a reason to respond the way they are. If you don't let it happen, you know longer have that reason and it's a tough sell to the world. 2) the United Nations has already said it is impossible 3) yeah that's quite bizarre. Use this forum for example And how many people absolutely despise Trump and wish he was dead and call him a terrorist. I don't think they would support the mass killing of Americans though.
  21. Great post! I'm actually going to make two comments on that. So number one if there has to be lockdowns and masks Smith will likely be gone as premiere. So it will become political because she has repeatedly staunchly said never again Will a child be forced to wear a mask in a school. That is one thing whether you agree with her or not She won't be able to take back as she was so staunch about her support against masking and mass vaccination. She just can't go back on that look what happened to JK! As for Kennedy I do find it strange why he is making it the cornerstone of his campaign. By the time the election happens it will be over 4 years old and most will have forgotten about it as we all want to and yet he will be talking about it as if it's some sort of government Overreach. While he might be right, it just seems like is this really is successful campaign strategy? The country is an enormous debt, has massive inflation, potentially will be funding three different militaries along with their own, and he wants to go on about coronavirus? At this point I don't even think it's votes from the Democrats he will steal but votes from Republicans to be perfectly honest.
  22. Okay man, I'm going to end our interaction together because that's not what I said at all. I mean maybe I wasn't clear enough but I think this is you reaching. Yeah, I don't know. I was at West Edmonton mall about 4 months ago and even there I don't recall seeing many people in masks at all. I'll be honest man. I didn't even realize the infection numbers until I read that article that John posted. I never hear it talked about. I mean, admittedly, I know that it's still exists because I have healthcare professionals in my family, but outside of that you would never know it exists.
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