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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Yeah JK was still the premier when they allowed all that to happen early in 2022 they allowed it. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you man. I don't hear anything about covid unless I come in this thread. I don't know if you want to say the tail of two provinces but honestly I never hear anything about it. Radio, people, church, anywhere. Never hear anything about it. If there's the odd person in a mask, which I can't even remember the last time I seen somebody wear a mask. Generally, the conversation I hear is that they're likely sick with something.
  2. So couple things here. Alberta allowed unvaccinated people to work in all fields before she became the premiere. Secondly, I can't speak to British Columbia but from what I've seen in Alberta people get more bothered if somebody sits beside them with a mask on as the assumption is they're likely sick.
  3. I remember years ago I said to my doctor I seen online it could be cancer. He told me don't go online. Everything is cancer!
  4. The premier has never done that. In fact, she said shortly after she was elected. If people want to wear masks they can but they won't be forced to.
  5. So the UN is calling on the Israelis to stop killing children. One would think the UN wouldn't have to say that to a country like Israel.. But I'm sure it's all fake videos and photos of burnt kids...
  6. We seem to have a thread full of you guys one upping each other by bragging about getting another covid shot, but I actually agree with what the premier had to say here. Every other vaccine people just take and don't jump into the internet world to brag about how often they are going in. Who cares if she's vaccinated or not. That's nobody's business but hers and her doctors. this is something I should talk about with my doctor and not media.”
  7. You know, just a couple weeks ago I was reading a story and of course it came from anonymous sources so I have no idea if it's accurate or if anybody else is covered it. And admittedly I don't really follow too much news, especially down in the states anymore, but apparently they were saying he was quite close to death when he had covid-19.
  8. So considering I didn't take any coronavirus vaccine, I think you can make your mind up that I didn't really trust any of them. Secondly, what you are saying about Alberta again your lumping in conservatives but you aren't wrong. There was a bunch of Alberta politicians that were flying around, but again, the health minister in Ottawa who is a liberal was flying back and forth to British Columbia so it wasn't just a conservative thing. All party members were violating the rules. If you don't want to admit the facts, there's no point of having this conversation. Also, we are kind of getting off the topic I was trying to have which was how people seem to be turning away from vaccination rather than moving towards it and I think the booster numbers are a telltale sign of that.
  9. Well, I don't want to derail this thread but as a Canadian I'm sure you can understand why I would be skeptical of that response.
  10. I know what novel means just because I live in Alberta hey.. My wife is in healthcare and yes I will give them passing grades but I will also recognize the message wasn't delivered well and you are right it was new. They were struggling. They were changing but it doesn't change the point people started asking themselves. This doesn't make sense. So if they are doing that that means the message they are hearing isn't making sense or it isn't being delivered well in my opinion anyways.
  11. Okay, admittedly maybe I'm missing something but I remember seeing Putin sitting at like 40 ft long tables and would never meet with even as closest ministers or whatever they call them over there because of fear of covid. Sure. One can say Trump or balsorano were down playing it but I certainly didn't think Putin was from all the photos and videos I seen. Even today he's hesitant to get close to people
  12. I agree with your point here but I mean this conflict goes a lot longer than since Putin has been president. I do believe if there was even an ounce of suspicion that they were behind it, the United States would be running with that story left right and center as with the Ukrainians. Weather we like it or not we have to remember Putin and Russia are also allies of Israel Or used to be.
  13. Thanks! I think that was a great post. I do agree with you and I tell everybody that somewhat of what I call a conspiracy theorist about it. Why is it that every leader on the planet had lockdowns was wanting vaccines because Putin doesn't get along with the US. Canada doesn't get along with Iran. China doesn't get along with the US. India doesn't get along with China. You got my point right? Why would everybody be doing the same thing if it wasn't real that's how I look at it. But really my point I'm trying to make and I won't go back and forth on it is just a concern that this virus had such a low death rate and nobody trusts health professionals or government anymore. What happens when we get the big one that kills 10 or 20% and people don't get vaccinated?
  14. I do think you're lumping all conservatives together and that doesn't help your argument. Boris Johnson was very pro lockdowns. It's just like our politicians here. He himself violated all the rules. But the same thing with the health minister federally she was flying back and forth to Vancouver Island. All parties had members that were flying traveling going to different countries. It's ridiculous and then they told everybody stay home. This is how bad it is. Get vaccinated. This is how bad it is. You can't blame people for not trusting government. And your Vladimir Putin comment doesn't even make sense that guy still today is paranoid of coronavirus. In fact, I think it was Russia that had the first vaccine made.
  15. But you work in health care and have for much of your career. So for the rest of the folks that don't you can understand the confusion I would think?
  16. So do we let all the young people die? Doesn't sound like a model for a successful country moving forward.. My point is they need to explain it better and do it in a way where the story isn't constantly changing or make it clear to people about the story may constantly change. One would have thought a global pandemic would have brought the understanding of vaccines closer to home. However, it's done the opposite in my opinion and it's pushed people away from vaccines.
  17. To be honest, I have no idea. I just know that a Jewish invasion and potential conquering of Arab land will only lead to thousands if not millions of deaths. I will check it out. But yeah, I don't want to derail this thread.
  18. And I think what you're saying is very compelling. However, do you think the average citizen is aware of this? So maybe that should be part of the message. Hey be on board. Things may change from day to day or month to month. I just know that I've heard from a number of people that have said they would never trust another vaccine again because they were told get it and they wouldn't be locked down. That wasn't true. They were told they wouldn't get coronavirus. That wasn't true. My point is just try and get people to understand the importance of it. Does that mean maybe teach it in school? I mean vaccination has saved how many lives over the decades, but yet I don't think the average person is aware of any of this. Admittedly, I don't think I was pre 2020 and I'm married to a healthcare professional so what does that tell you. Either I'm dumb or she doesn't deliver the message very well
  19. Maybe they need liberation from an Arab Nation like say Egypt? I mean it's never going to work if the Israelis try to liberate Palestine they hate the Jewish people.
  20. That's a fair point for both sides to be Perfectly honest. Government sure didn't do any good trying to roll it out by constantly changing the stories behind it. To be perfectly honest, I think governments and medical professionals need to do a better job at explaining things because when the big one actually hits, I'm fearful nobody will trust them and won't take a vaccine and it could lead to billions dying. You know what I'm seeing a lot is those that are vaccinated, changing their minds and saying they won't do it again. So like I said earlier I think it has to be explained to people better and stick to one story, not the constantly changing stories.
  21. I'm not going to have this argument, especially in this thread. I would think that israeli or American intelligence would love to pounce on this if it were there. Not only that, when you mentioned Israel is America's friend, they are also Russia's friend. So again I'm not having this conversation in this thread cuz I get it. Everything is russia's fault. They are such a powerful nation and control everything lol
  22. But yet not a word from the Israeli government about it. Don't you think it would be wise of them to point out this evidence? But yes, I'm sure ones suspicion coupled with a YouTube video should be compelling enough.
  23. Oh FFS! This is like living through the cold war. Blame everything on Russia.
  24. So I didn't get any handouts so it's not as if I'm going to take a position one way or the other. But I would agree with you that the solution is just to get the gouging under control not to give people money because they can't afford the groceries because that isn't solving anything and it isn't sustainable. As far as bailouts and handouts I mean I do agree with you. I don't necessarily agree with them as well. I do think people need to recognize. For example, war hippie goes on and on about how we shouldn't have subsidies for oil and gas companies except what I think a few of you guys forget is that most of those subsidies are going directly into investing in newer and greener technologies for the future. Just look at what the Trudeau government did with Volkswagen. That was the worst possible deal in the history of making deals with auto companies. Volkswagen completely played us! Bottom line though doesn't matter which party it is. They bail out businesses. The list goes on and on. Even Barack Obama thought it was a great idea to bail out the auto industry. Generally speaking it's to save jobs but what stings about it all Is we find ourselves saying but look how much money they have Why should we give any money to them. I agree with that sentiment, but admittedly it would be hard to look at people knowing they're going to lose their jobs. I will say one last thing. We see time and time again. People come on here and post how the government should be investing in green technologies for the future. Why should any of my money be invested in that? If it's a successful business model, why does it need our money? These other corporations they use billions of their own dollars or investor dollars to create their businesses and yet the environmentalists want taxpayers to fund the businesses they support. It's a never-ending argument.
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