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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Only because you responded and said it has nothing to do with the liberal government. I'm going to quote you and ask a quick question. How much is the carbon tax on fuel imposed by the liberal government? Canada Higher prices at Canadian gasoline stations is part of the reason its consumer inflation reached 7.6% for the 12-month period ending in July. The previous CPI report showed 8.1% inflation, the largest yearly change since January 1983, which was driven in part by high gasoline prices. @Optimist Prime did anybody even blame the liberal government or did you just preemptively defend them?? Lol
  2. But, but inflation is almost under control.. Such nonsense. I had two bags of groceries last night, small bags. 109 dollars. Sure we shop organic and healthy but 109$ is stupid. There was no meats at all lol. Goin good boys!
  3. Were you ever going to post facts about your claim of conservatives increasingly growing number of MPs that are against abortion..oh sorry I mean a woman's right to choose? Been waiting a while..
  4. 20 goals?? Dude, he's on pace for a lot more than that!! No man after last night's game. I'm convinced we are a mid-80s hockey team now!! Bingo!!
  5. So not that I wanted to defend the liberals like ever!! But based on the bolded part you posted, wouldn't that actually be money well spent? By that i mean the federal government pushed its environmental agenda while creating jobs a significant amount of jobs.
  6. I followed the money my man! If I stayed in BC life would have been a lot different I think! Now this I can get on board with! They are about as obnoxious and ridiculous as Toronto fans! For example, just look at the Oilers. They believe they have a Stanley Cup contending team... Welcome to game one Edmonton! By chance is 8 your favorite number?
  7. Yeah, especially in Canada and the United States.
  8. I'm not at all but I noticed is when people make derogatory comments towards Alberta. I don't see you pointing out to them that it's not a contest or we are all one country. We are all the same people etc. But when I come to the defense of Alberta you point out to me It's not a contest. We are all one country. If you want me to agree with that, speak up because believe me I'm in the minority here.
  9. I completely agree and I imagine this is why Alberta so generously helped British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec during the coronavirus. Alberta donated ventilators, PPE, etc because we are a country and because it isn't a contest.
  10. First Canadian evacuation flight from Israel lands in Athens, 130 passengers on board https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/first-canadian-evacuation-flight-from-israel-lands-in-athens-130-passengers-on-board-1.6598348
  11. No water, food, gas, medicine, electricity, etc. Then to use the second world war as an example. The second world war violated so many international rules. Also, what is he on about 1942? The bombardment of Britain started in 1940. Anyway, it's ugly all around!
  12. It's your wording of how you said it. I don't see you saying that in the same manner when it's other provinces receiving a lot more money for different things. None of those provinces contribute near as much as what Alberta does.
  13. Of course it is. We don't spend near as much as we should and we depend on the American lead coalition to protect us. I'm not advocating to leave NATO but as if the United States would allow Russia to attack its neighbour lol
  14. @4petesake Canadians will be on the hook? Sure The feds used tax dollars, but you should probably look at what Alberta contributes to the federal economy for all Canadians before you make comments like that.
  15. Yeah I've since learning this. To be honest, up until 2020 I was pretty uneducated on vaccines in general. I guess we all had a little time given the lockdowns to educate ourselves.
  16. 1) You think so? I thought Alberta was pretty diverse as far as politics go. 2) apparently a chimp can't Notley was an epic fail Would you consider investing in me? I can give you an address to send that money to.. Every little bit helps lol
  17. So the beheading of children was a lie? Typical war. We will never know what the truth is I guess.
  18. 1) of course she can. Do you really think a NDP government would have done that? 2) I do believe it and so do a lot of other people and you need to know that it didn't come from the premier directly. 3) I'm talking about an industry that creates jobs all across the country with trickle down jobs. Also, the feds take royalties as well. So again I would argue that Alberta does the most to benefit all Canadians. To the first part you pretty much exactly said if revenue wasn't so high, this likely wouldn't happen, or at least that's what I interpreted feel free to straighten it out. Second, I'm not criticizing you or moaning about being in a different province. I'm saying you don't get firsthand news regarding all the things that are being done or at least I wouldn't think you would. While you talk about that rhetoric think about it This way the everything conservative is bad rhetoric that comes from you and a few others is getting old. See how that works?
  19. I think that would be the approach of somebody living in a different province. To be perfectly honest, she hasn't been as hostile as some of us would even hope. She is using logical, responsible ideas to share with the feds. The reality is people should actually support their provincial government standing up to federal overreach. In fact, it was you that not too long ago pointed out she's doing exactly what the constitution allows her to. You aren't wrong. There is huge profits being made the last 2 years but there's also huge amounts of money going into new technologies for the future from the same oil companies. Edit: also, why should I imagine what it would look like if oil companies weren't in Alberta? I mean do we take out British Columbia's top economic producer and say imagine what it would look like? That seems to be quite silly. The oil industry actually benefits all Canadians where I'm not sure any industries in British Columbia benefit all Canadians. The fact of the matter is they're putting more into social programs than any NDP or liberal government you could think of. So this is all you could come back with. What you should be doing is applauding a well-done job by a very good premier and cabinet.
  20. @Bob Long Let's not forget. Her government is also standing up for all Canadians by fighting Ottawa on their gun buyback program. They are also standing up for all Canadians to halt this terrible 2035 decision that will cost Canadians lots of money and potentially lead to blackouts. Minister Amery just sent a letter to LeBlanc on Ottawa's crazy gun rules targeting law abiding citizens.
  21. While it's important to understand the whole context and the fact it appears to be short lived, I will admit you are on to something here. Our premier has been amazing!! 13 billion paid off debt as well. 70 new nurses!! I'm not sure why you are even talking about Trudeau. He has nothing to do with any of this.
  22. Oh f@$k off that's every year in Calgary.
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