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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. Ya be like Leningrad. Destroyed, no food, no water, no electricity, no fuel, no medicine.
  2. So quite small. Lots of people crowded in. Won't be good.
  3. What is Gaza like the size of Surrey? Going to be bad.
  4. I don't think it's new buyers to be perfectly honest because most wouldn't qualify. It's people selling their houses and putting half of that money down on the new one, thus making the amount you're mortgaging half the price so then you qualify. All you have to do is look at what the average income is in British Columbia and ask yourself, There's no way these are new home buyers unless family is giving them a lot of money for down payment. Alberta over the last year has seen enormous amounts of people from BC moving here because of what you're talking about right now. Our house prices are up significantly and they will stay up even with higher interest rates because of the fact we are getting lots of people from Ontario and British Columbia that are selling out and buying a house cash.
  5. If everybody is over from CDC, there is more than a few.
  6. It's a really time consuming thing to do, but maybe I will look into the greens and the NDP federally to see if they also take seats from the liberals. Sometimes I know in places the liberals and NDP will finish one and two, but I do wonder if they've ever taken enough votes to put a conservative in that riding federally. Appreciate your response on the BC outlook
  7. How's the vote splitting between the greens and the NDP ever cost the NDP seats? Serious question I don't really follow BC politics all that much.
  8. Well, for British Columbia's sake. Let's hope it's a go. I know the caribou region in the past has been a struggling region. Don't know what it's like these days, but they could probably use the work I'm sure. I can't speak to British Columbia but I can speak to Alberta an our oil companies invest millions into new technologies and way to do things more efficient and cleaner. I do agree with your overall point though, if we could have people meet in the middle life will be so much easier haha.
  9. I'm just watching sky News and oh my is there ever a lot of children that have been injured and brought to the hospital. The number of displaced 250,000 holy.
  10. So those of us that said no to a covid shot are a wuss? Or do you mean you're getting two shots in the same day? I mean I assume that's what you mean because that's what was explained to me.
  11. No thanks. Race to the bottom! Socialism In a socialist economy, every member of society theoretically has equal ownership of the factors of production—natural resources, labor, capital goods, and entrepreneurship—as well as an equal share of the economic output. Based on the belief that human nature is inherently cooperative (rather than competitive), everyone in a socialist society receives a share of profit based on their own contribution, after a portion has been deducted for the common good. Meanwhile, those who cannot contribute are provided for. To facilitate the system, the government controls resources and allocates them where necessary, as in a command economy. Socialism thus eliminates poverty and provides equal access to services like health care and education, but opens itself up to the disadvantages of a command system—total government control over the economy that leads to decreased growth, little innovation, and potential economic instability.
  12. There is no way I could have proven that. You haven't offered any facts or evidence. Nothing! Seriously, you are trying to convince people by swearing and posting a YouTube video. Tell me why it makes for a better society. I'm asking you a rational question. In fact, you've been asked this twice and you and your partner can't answer this. I mean at least he tried. He just got called out for his bs.
  13. Hmmm... sounds like an excuse.. I mean governments have been lying about the covid vaccine for a couple years now. So what's another lie.
  14. How on earth am I a bully? I just second Bob's call for Facts and proof of your position. Don't get so angry guy. Just offer the facts and proof. I mean maybe you're right. Maybe I should join your team but I need to have facts and proof before I do it no? I feel like you're convincing me the stalinist way..
  15. Or without entering threads You know you will regret and then like a bad habit, you just can't let it go.
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