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Ryan Strome

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Everything posted by Ryan Strome

  1. If you honestly think $100,000 a year is rich. Wow
  2. Yeah, I don't think that's the case at all. You're the one here arguing for socialism yet you haven't told anybody a thing about it or a fact or any evidence on why it would work. You are just in here yelling loud. I'm going to do like Bob and peace out. This is actually just wasting my time. I can see the type of individual I'm dealing with.
  3. I don't know how new you are to CDC or this forum for that matter, but this has been discussed so many times over the years. The only difference is those that held your point of view actually provided facts and evidence on why they felt so passionate about their position. You have yet to do so all I see is anger and swearing and telling other people they are uneducated. Calling others uneducated that don't share your viewpoint would be as ridiculous as me saying hey, let's compare annual salaries. Grow up and provide some facts and proof if you want to get my attention.
  4. Yeah it's pretty crazy to be perfectly honest. With the looming threat coming from China, I'm absolutely puzzled what American lawmakers are thinking right now and why American generals are not sounding the alarm.
  5. This utter nonsense that corporations don't pay anything lol And you two speak of uneducated is actually fitting. Corporations at a federal, provincial and municipal level pay more in taxes than you will in your entire life. What is your issue that if somebody wants to work a little harder they make more money than you? What is your issue that if somebody wants to spend more time in university they will make a little more money than you? There is opportunities all throughout this country where you can make big money. Go do it rather than trying to convince everybody else They should pay more so you can work less.
  6. The point I was trying to make is that people like you want us to pay for everything so that everybody can be lazy. Second to that point I will second what @Bob Long is saying provide me some proof of where it's worked and how it would work? I know this is going to be a stumbling part for you because in socialism nobody's rich they are equally poor. I love when the small fringe socialist crowd comes out They start telling the majority how they are wrong.
  7. Hey, don't give remember you got mad about that. Just provide proof and facts and then we can have a rational discussion. But if you're not going to provide any proof or facts what is the point of the argument you're trying to make?
  8. I'm yet to find anybody that makes over $100,000 a year that likes your idea. That's the point I'm making. Again provide facts and proof and somebody might take you serious. Until then. It's doubtful anybody is going to take you serious. Why don't you point to the countries that are thriving or have thrived previously or the socialist government. Your partner there who nobody else on this forum take serious either was talking about how the Norway taxes the hell out of corporations, I had to point out to him that he is completely wrong on that. So why should anybody take you too serious when the only evidence you provide is false evidence? Actually, I apologize you haven't provided false evidence because you haven't provided anything except somebody else's YouTube video lol.
  9. Your politicians will be spending more on other countries militaries than your own if this thing spirals out of control. Ukraine, Israel, Tawain..
  10. Pretty shocking. You and I actually agree on something. Stop being such an evil bastard! You are swearing and getting angry like you are 18 and mad because nobody's listening to you. He's asking for examples and proof. If you are so passionate about your position, you should be able to offer proof and examples, no? Again more swearing. Funny, Why people who make a decent living are never in favour of socialism, nor is job producers. Imagine having our federal government-run businesses lol there wouldn't be groceries in the stores ever. Spoken like a true communist getting angry because others won't buy into your position. Again more swearing right on the very first post it said to be civil. Did it not?
  11. https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/varcoe-aeso-federal-clean-electricity-rules Actually they don't. The Alberta government’s pitched battle against federal plans for a net-zero electricity system by 2035 got a jolt Thursday from the province’s grid operator, which raised the possibility of blackouts and spiralling costs for consumers.
  12. I can't speak for all Albertans but I can speak for many that would be over the moon to see that environment minister quit. Absolutely horrific at his role.
  13. Or a Greenpeace Radical has way too much power in that government?
  14. I will keep my eyes peeled for the decades of delay and protests because heaven forbid a hole might get dug in the ground
  15. Given the cost of living in this country and how ass backwards our finances are Palestinians can't afford Canada and sadly we can't afford them unfortunately. I think moving forward we'll see mass immigration from India and China as they have money. I was just speaking with an immigrant last week and I asked him about Canada and he said holy Is it ever expensive!
  16. I'm not sure why we are seeing such defiance from SG and JT. Is it a control thing? Is it a who cares about Alberta because they don't care about us? One would think we where they are in the polls They would be open to ideas to make things more cost effective for Canadians? Have they completely given up on being competitive in the next election? Imagine the next election is in 2025 or any day depending on what Jag does would you really want to go into an election with a province declaring the sovereignty act and fighting it out in court? Or do the liberals view that as a good campaign tactic? Show the rest of Canada that okay Alberta and Saskatchewan are against us but who cares look at them They're a bunch of far right anti-vaxar lunatics? I mean it does seem bizarre that SG has drawn a line in the sand with essentially blacktop.
  17. I didn't see this response, but if this is accurate I would say that's the response to go with. Hamas is a trash terrorist group, but the Palestinian people have suffered for decades. Unfortunately, they'll be used as pawns.
  18. Admittedly there is days I feel like I am a slave but that is more to do with my kids and wife. I enjoy work. It's like a holiday lol
  19. So kind of calls into question His argument doesn't it?
  20. At least you aren't pissing around. Ask the important questions right off the hop to get this nonsense out of the way lol
  21. I don't think it's a stall tactic. Admittedly, initially I had thought of it when they talked about it, but we have energy companies that are looking to be carbon neutral, but they need a little more time. I would imagine splitting the difference is something that Alberta has already thought about and I'm sure they're saving it for a negotiation response but it's Ottawa that won't move on 2035. I bet you 100%. If we were Ontario or Quebec they would go 2050 but we are Alberta. We are in the west and we are hated by the liberals So 2035 will be pushed on us and the sovereignty act will have to be used.
  22. I have the person you are interacting with blocked for multiple reasons. That being said, I opened up one comment and noticed he said Nordic countries tax the f$#k out of corporations if this is true. This is new because what it was is corporations paid very little and people paid the majority of it as if that would ever fly in Canada.
  23. Alberta's plan is 2050 the federal plan is 2035 and the federal plan admittedly doesn't protect all Canadians as there could be blackouts. 2050 is far more achievable and far more cost-effective 2035 will bankrupt people and leave them in the dark. While you might not trust Smith or the UCP nobody in Alberta trust Trudeau or the liberals
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