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  1. Wagner was doing really well in triple A this year, he deserved the call up and wasn't getting it in Astros, so this is a good opportunity for him and I think he's a good player, better than Biggio.
  2. And Canucks fans thought NHL refs were bad.....
  3. Wasn't it last year Canucks gave Boeser and his agent permission to speak to other teams about a trade..... Obviously teams weren't interested, but maybe Brock wanted to show other teams this year he has value.
  4. Well if you go back to June 2nd and what Atkins said about Schneider then no they won't be worried lol.
  5. If Rogers does agree to do a rebuild it has to be with a new front office, heck any moves going forward need to be done with a new front office, they can't be trusted at all. I still don't understand how Shatkins was able to sell to Rogers we need defense over offense going forward in the AL East.... Did they really think they would be playing 1 and 2 nothing games against teams like the Yankees, Sox, Orioles, when has the AL East ever been a defensive first division over a power house offensive first division. The people at Rogers who went with this direction with Shatkins clearly have no clue what they're approving imo. I'd definitely be ok with trading Bo, but I do like Vladdy, but I'll agree he's not someone who can carry a team, but he's still a decent player, I'd build around him still going forward.
  6. Definitely looked better in the highlight package, I guess an off game but that was a pretty bad off game then imo.
  7. That's the German who scored for Canada
  8. Jays started their mini rebuild in 2019, 5 years later and now rumors are full rebuild, after $500M renos.... I just don't see a rebuild as an option in Rogers eyes right now, but at the same time I don't understand what Rogers is doing keeping Shapiro and Atkins as well.
  9. Has that referee(Wilton Sampaio) from the Canada and Venezuela game been arrested for corruption yet.... That was a pretty biased officiated game, in the first 10 mins when the Canada player got pulled down by his jersey from the Venezuela player you could sense it wasn't going to be good, but I didn't expect it to be that bad and one sided the whole game. When the goalie for Venezuela tried grabbing the ball from Canada to try and stop the throw in, and the referee didn't card him or anything, there's no question all you can think about is this ref was paid off. Looks like the ref has some history with people questioning his officiating calling him horrible back in 2022 Euro's, even Messi called him out. On a side note, I don't know any of the players I don't follow soccer, so maybe someone who does would know better, but from my observation last game Millar for Canada is a very weak striker and should not be taking kicks on net with that weak of a strike, even his penalty kick was weak, do they have anyone else who can play over him because he shouldn't be in if that's how he kicks.
  10. Seems like he is the next top UFA available....
  11. Sometimes it doesn't work cough cough Mark Messier
  12. Bases loaded 1 out and nothing, good thing defense wins you games and not offense.....
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