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  1. As a last attempt to get it to stick for you since you lack major comprehension and information on the situation, I encourage you to watch this video in response to your scenario.
  2. im done with you. You’re far beyond saving. Shameful.
  3. Israel has restraint eh? They have been keeping palestiniens as prisoners on a land that was taken from them. They control every aspect of their life from food, water, medicine. They have over decades killed innocent palestiniens but you haven’t heard of that so it doesn’t matter right? what you are spewing is filth. You should be ashamed of yourself. then you go on to say nuke a country and get it over with. What an Animalistic behaviour and opinion you are promoting. Shameful. Wow you’ve shown your true colours
  4. Unbelievable you are beyond having an intelligent conversation with. You obviously are not informed enough to be participating in this conversation and do not have an appreciation for the context and gravity of the situation. Again just shameful that’s what you have to say. you kinda sound like this guy
  5. This is a real life scenario where Palestinians are prisoners to Israel and each of their basic needs are allowed or disallowed by the Israeli occupiers, which means Palestinians are not afforded the opportunity or are in a position to feed themselves. you should really take the time to inform and educate yourself, cause all you’re doing is making yourself look terrible.
  6. What an absolutely horrible thing to say. You have lost any respect or validity of opinion based on that statement. Shameful and horrible. https://youtu.be/aEdGcej-6D0?si=F0jwRGS02_E7RXbV im a scenario where Palestinians are prisoners to Israel and each of their basic needs is allowed/disallows by them they have no opportunity or are in a position to feed themselves.
  7. The attitude of this reporter is the same many are foolishly and willingly taking in this very thread.
  8. Your response is so full of idealistic none sense. The point is, that land did not belong to the Jewish populace but they took it through shady agreements, then they have proceeded to expand that initial territory to displace the people who lived their for generations and take FULL CONTROL OF BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS and essential needs of people they displaced into Gaza. Give your head a shake. It’s not an equivalent situation. All good, water, medicine is controlled. The Palestinian people are treated as prisoners on their own land. Did you know lentils are not allowed into Gaza? Lentils! How ludicrous is that. There’s simply no equivalency here. As hard as it is for you to grasp. What I see is modern day colonialism imposing extreme measures on innocent civilians. Unbelievable.
  9. I guess when Israel attacks Gaza constantly upto this conflict and there’s civilian death that’s just collateral damage? No one says what happened last week was justified but neither is the egregious deaths caused by Israeli attacks. Yet One side gets praised for it, gets glossed over or it’s a non issue.
  10. I did before actually It’s the fact that the conversation always starts with “do you think it’s justified for the hamas killings?” And never the other way around. Just goes to show you how people have it framed in their mind.
  11. Obviously not justified, how can you even ask that. Yet you do ask such a bizarre question knowing the innocent killings Israel has been doing all along. Is that justified?
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