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  1. Subjugation, apartheid and control of basic human rights over many decades are the facts that back up my claim. You can choose to see it or not. That’s upto you.
  2. I posted a video of a Jewish woman who speaks on the issue. You won’t watch it. That’s your problem.
  3. You’re free to have your opinion. But it is not the only view. And you can’t force people to conform to your way of thinking. Again stop quoting me.
  4. Watch the video by the Jewish woman being interviewed. Stop quoting me now I have provided you a place to start. You can go dig up the documents if you wish.
  5. I’m not here to babysit. You have access to the internet. here is an individual who is involved in resolving the conflict, i urge you to watch the whole video but if you haven’t got the time, start at 3:45 mark.
  6. I’ll leave that up to you. Upto this point, every action Israel has taken supports this mandate to totally and unequivocally get rid of palestiniens.
  7. They have been slowly doing it for decades. This is another opportunity to achieve their disgusting goal.
  8. You’re wrong. It’s their official mandate. They’ve stated as such.
  9. Israel government has consistently and openly stated to wanting to wipe palestiniens out. Their intention is clear also.
  10. When Palestinians are killed it’s their fault, when Hamas kills occupiers it’s still Palestinians fault.
  11. What a start to the season. Boys were buzzing all night and had the winning attitude. Played through the ebbs and flows of the game, stayed focused and brought it every shift. Awesome to see!
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