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Posts posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. 36 minutes ago, fanfor42 said:


     I don't think you should be suggesting shooting people on a public forum partner.





    I didn't suggest that... please don't put words in my mouth. 


    I have been clear in my suggestions for solutions.


    After your vague threats of 'Action'...  I asked you sarcastically whether you thought that might be a solution... since you haven't proposed anything.

    • ThereItIs 1
  2. In any case, since the thread was originally about the stabbings by a mentally ill person...


    Yeah, we need to do something about the number of un-medicated homeless Schizophrenics wandering Vancouver's streets and self medicating with illegal drugs.


    They should be in treatment facilities and under the care of physicians.  Too bad this government and most of the rest of the Provincial governments in Canada are not willing to spend the money to do that.  (even though they would probably save money in the long run... what with the cost of ambulances, Police, emergency departments, etc.)


    Arbitrarily locking all Schizophrenics up in jail is not a solution or legal... although of course, this particular guy, if he is proven to be criminally insane, should be permanently sentenced to a secure facility.

  3. 4 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

    I just asked my wife. In 35 years of being a Pharmacist she has never seen an oxcy open ended prescription


    Perhaps in Vancouver with  Doctors and Pharmacies  praying on people and breaking their code of ethics

    Maybe not an open ended... as in one prescription "forever".  But the fact is, the prescriptions get refilled whenever there is an ask.


    And the user gets addicted.  Again, did you read the link on Purdue Pharma I posted???  Evidence was conclusive the company pushed the product as '...only mildly addictive'.  Purdue has been convicted multiple times in multiple lawsuits for misrepresenting the product and providing false information and guidelines.

  4. 8 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

    Oxcy has never been pushed as non addictive as far as I know.  If my wife has to fill a prescription she always will check with the doc about it.

    Did you read the article I linked?.... maybe want to do that... your information is completely wrong.

  5. 1 minute ago, fanfor42 said:

    People talking nonsense about drugs. Fact is crazy people are on the streets killing innocent citizens. The time for fuzzy headed thinking is over.


    Action is required to make the streets safe for our families.






    What action is that ?  Shoot homeless on sight ?


    Wake up.... the problem is deepset... it requires a lot of different steps.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Facts about Purdue Pharma, Sackler family and Oxycodone.  (brand name Oxycontin)




    I used to work in News Media and have many times interviewed and talked to Drug Addicts.


    Many times the same story came up....  "I was working in Construction/Warehousing/Heavy lifting job and injured my back.


    Got prescribed Oxycontin.... which ended up as open ended prescription for pain.


    Got addicted... moved onto to harder drugs like Fentanyl because Oxy no longer did the job.






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  7. 3 minutes ago, fanfor42 said:

    This is a provincial government issue.  Decision to legalize hard drugs.



    Federal Government responsibility.


    Drugs which are the problem are not legal.


    The drugs which often created the problems are legal ones developed for the health care system and hyper-marketed by the drug companies.


    As an example...  Oxycodone... marketed by drug companies as non-addictive, low effect, substitute pain killer for old style Codeine, demerol or morphine used by hospitals.  In fact it is even more powerful and addictive... and it leads to addict looking for more powerful drugs.  Drug companies flooded Doctor's offices with promotions urging them to prescribe Oxy... pushed unlimited use by patients, etc. etc.  What do you think all the lawsuits versus Purdue Pharma in the States is about???  That lawsuit was exactly because these drug companies profitted hugely by pushing these drugs and millions of Americans and Canadians became addicted.  Ditto Fentanyl.

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  8. Sims is not an improvement.  He is a Realtor lobbyist... all about cutting taxes to developers and gutting social services.  He has done nothing to deal with the issues on the streets.  Not to mention he has some fishy familial connections to China and the Communist government there.


    The problem with the people on the street is a function of multiple factors


    -  Closing mental health hospitals and relying on self administered anti-schizophrenia drugs to solve behavior problems... typically psychiatric patients will go off their meds and off the deep end behaviorally on a regular basis unless they are monitored constantly.


    -  China turning a blind eye to Chinese companies in China and Burma wholesaling Fentanyl and derivatives to Mexican Gangsters and other neer'do wells in Canada and the US who then manufacture the street drugs and flood our streets with cheap highs... US and Canada need to take a hard line with Chinese and Burmese Governments and other governments who allow the base ingredients to be churned out and ordered over the internet like candy.  I would not be surprised in the least to find out this is hidden Chinese Government policy to undermine Western Societies.


    -  Lack of treatment facilities... and please don't blame the injection drug sites for the problems... unless you are an advocate for the mass euthanization of anyone who even touches these drugs... many fatal OD's are ordinary high school kids who are dabbling in the latest fad high.  If they don't OD immediately, they end up hooked.  There needs to be programs in place in the schools so the problems can be caught early.  And yes, for long term addicts with psychiatric problems, this may need to include involuntary commitment to treatment centers or hospitals if behavior continues.


    -  There were just as many drunks on the streets in the Downtown Eastside in the '60's, '70's and '80's, the difference now is the drug of choice is far more dangerous to the users.  Drunks rarely OD'd...  Fentanyl or Car-Fentanyl users are expected to OD multiple times a year.  If someone is not there immediately to administer an antidote, they're dead.  But the violent crime down there at that time was just as bad... tons of murders related to alcohol abuse.



    • Upvote 2
  9. We've been here before.


    Last season start, the story was Demko is completely healed, we can play him as much as we want.


    Tocchet over-played him... back to back to back to back was the norm.


    Result was he got injured again.


    This team needs to be ultra-cautious with Demko... if there is even the slightest problem, then he should sit out until he is 100%.


    And during the season, he should be regularly spelled by Silovs.  No more stretch of 7 games straight... limit him to 3 games and then a rest.


    Silovs is more than capable of filling the net... if he is not available, then someone else should fill in.


    There is no excuse for him not being healthy and ready for the Playoffs.


    He should not be overplayed in meaningless games or just so the team can win the League title or Western title... even placing first in the Division is not worth him being injured and out of the playoffs again.

  10. All those who are pointing the finger at the two Gaudreau brothers for cycling on the road are completely out of line.


    In just about every Provincial and State law out there, bicycles are classified as vehicles and are required to be treated with the same level of respect as a car.


    People on bikes have a right to use the road.  Period.


    Yes, if there is a bike lane, then cyclists should by preference use that, but if there is no bike lane on the road in question, then cyclists have the right to use the road to get where they are going.  And cars are required to give them the space they need and only pass them only when it is safe to do so.  Yes, Cyclists should use helmets, lights at night, etc.


    And NO, bicyclists should not use the sidewalk.  A sidewalk is for pedestrians, not bikes.  Anyone who thinks bicycles on sidewalks doesn't understand how dangerous that is... pedestrians are hit by bicyclists who ride on the sidewalk... sometimes with fatal results.


    We do need bike lanes, the City of Vancouver and other Provincial municipalities have taken the lead recently in the creation of bike lanes... and that is a good thing... both for downtown core congestion and the health of the residents.


    I am a regular biker in Vancouver... despite the fact I own a Jeep, a Porsche and two motorcycles which I could drive if I want to.  I ride a bike in the city by preference, because it is usually faster to get where I want to go by bicycle than by car... and because I want to keep in shape.  I use bike lanes or the side streets designated as bike routes, but am still amazed by the number of bozos out there who unsafely cut in front of me through the clearly marked bike lane, stop in the marked bike lane, or who drive at speeds exceeding the limit on a side street sign-marked as a bike route and blow their horns at bikers using those routes or actually force bikers off the road with their reckless driving.  Multiple times I have driven past Rogers Place along the bike lane there, and have had idiots nearly cause a collision cutting in front of me in their haste to enter the Casino on False Creek... despite the broad green painted bands at the entrance which show the bike lane.


    In these idiot's minds, a cyclist is not worthy of respect, and in fact should be forced off the road... they are legally completely wrong and need to get their heads out of their backsides.

    • Cheers 1
  11. I said at the BEGINNING of last year the Canucks needed to use Demko sparingly... and not play him a lot back to back.


    It should have been obvious to anyone who even took a cursory look at his injury history that he was fragile.


    They had a really good backup in DeSmith, and they were a shoo in for for the playoffs, so why not play it safe???


    But NO, Tocchet plays him like he is some indestructible robot.


    Then after he is injured, he plays him in the post season too soon.... and he gets injured AGAIN.


    And now, Silovs is injured and the team is REALLY f*cked.


    Someone in upper management needs to look hard at the Canucks medical Staff and have a talk with Tocchet about not pressuring them to ok players who are not ready.


    This could easily end up with a suit against the Canucks for Medical Malpractice.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Rip The Mesh said:

    Well Boeser isn't that much of a hitter but his line mate, JT Miller is. Boes got hurt. You know that and it's not what you mean. You mean hit, check, run along the 

    boards, any thing that draws their confidence out of their souls.

    Actually Boes is a great board player and he is solid...


    He doesn't take runs at people, but he can more than handle himself in the rough stuff.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Joshua.Guy said:

    I knew the second the Oilers got Ekholm they were going to be a threat though. That dude is their unsung hero. I hate that they have him for two more years.

    Their defense is mostly average except for Ekholm... although Broberg is showing really good signs.  🤨


    But Ekholm is 34... he is gonna go downhill fast.


    Nurse is a liability half the time.

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  14. Comments on the players:


    Really impressed with Broberg... really pissed that the Oilers moved up in the lottery and grabbed him.  Unfortunately he will be good for them for along time.  🤨


    Also impressed with Sam Bennett... he has really grown as a player since his Calgary days.


    Of course Barkov is an amazing player... he should have won the Conn Smythe, not McDavid.  But this Lady Byng player joins the list of those who has his name on the Cup.😉


    And by the way, McDavid sulking in the back and not being ready to accept his award is a loser mentality.  Yes, he is a great player, but he came up short.


    Sam Reinhart is a terrific player... too bad it is very unlikely he will every pull on a Canuck jersey.


    Bobrovsky deserves credit... he is not the player he was a couple years back, but he is still a great goalie who got the job done.


    Edmonton has one more kick at the cat in 2024/2025... then Draisaitl will be gone... unless he takes a huge discount.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Better balanced team won.


    Defense usually beats offense.  Barkov didn't shut down McDavid every game, but he shut him down enough games to pull off the win... meanwhile his line chipped in goals.


    Panthers had the better goalie... it showed this last game...  2-1 goal should not have gone in...  Skinner should have had it...  meanwhile Goalie Bob shut the door.


    Build a team around defense... always the key.


    This is why we need to sign Big Z... and find another big D for the bottom six.

  16. 1 minute ago, NoHeart said:

    Who does Elliotte Friedman think he is with these suits man. Fricken Sam Rothstein from Casino? 

    I used to like Elliot... but he has become a complete moron in his effort to suck up to MacLean and the Toronto Mafia.


    Guy is a fat, non-player, egghead who has back channels to management.  He should stay in that track and forget trying to be cool.

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