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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. It was never going to be easy. Canucks were being too cautious... they stopped being aggressive midway through the third and continued to be passive in OT. There is plenty of hockey to go... the Canucks can beat the Oil in Deadmonton. Not that he should be benched, but really boneheaded stick by Cole... you don't angle your stick like that when someone shoots.
  2. I think all the non-calls on the Oilers, and the calls against the Canucks dis-heartened Vancouver in the 3rd. They really have to put that behind them... they have to understand Sutherland is trying to fix the game, and just avoid giving him any reason to make a call. Just go out there and play hard, hit hard. McDavid and Draisaitl are going to get tired... just don't give them room... stay with them and hit, hit, hit.
  3. They are not doing themselves any favours by collapsing to the net and letting McDavid and Draisaitl freebies. They have to take the game to the Oilers. Hopefully Tocchet drills that into their head in the intermission.
  4. In OT they need to do the following to win: - Stop collapsing to the net - Get on McDavid and Draisaitl when they are in the Canucks zone and stay on them... don't let them do their circle game and get their free passes and shots - Offensively they need to start forechecking again... they stopped doing that in the 2nd half of the 3rd period... PRESSURE. The good news is McDavid and Draisaitl have played huge minutes and have to be getting tired. Keep hitting them whenever possible, especially Draisaitl.
  5. Oilers should have been shorthanded for the slew foot by Kane on Hughes... Sutherland is getting his way... he is allowing the Oilers all the advantages.
  6. Sorry, but for once in my life, I am gonna say Juice is full of sh*t. Big Z has zero effect on the play, he is half way over the boards. Like some people have said, I think Kev is trying to appear not to be too much of a homer.
  7. Someone should do an indepth examination of Sutherland's finances... see if he has unexpectedly high net wealth compared to his expected earnings. Personally I think he's been Bettman's go to fixer for the last 15 years.
  8. F*cking puke Sutherland has his fingers all over this game. He is doing all he can to twist the result. Immediate interference call on Suter's check on McDavid, ignore McDavid's interference on Big Z. Sutherland is the senior Ref in this game and he is directing and controlling the other ref and the linesmen.
  9. I have to ask: Why is Kelly Sutherland... with all his negative history with the Canucks, assigned to Ref this game??? Why is he not assigned to one of the American series? Gotta wonder... is he once again, gonna be the designated hitman for the NHL???
  10. It is tempting to call these shows up and rub it in... but probably best to let them sit in their own self-created sh*t for a while and contemplate the error of their ways. Put our energy into positivity for the Canucks.
  11. This team would not have ended up where it was in the standings without Pettersson's play in the regular season. And that position in the standings gave us our matchups in the playoffs and should give us home ice advantage for a lot of it. (unless Dallas goes to the Conference) He is not putting up a lot of points right now, but he is playing defensively well and getting chances. The big problem is he needs better linemates. Mikheyev has hands of stone and Hoglander is out of his depth and not a passer either... he missed two clearcut opportunities to put Pettersson in alone this game... if Boeser, Miller or Lindholm had the puck Pettersson would have received a tape to tape pass. Even Garland or Joshua would have seen the opportunity to put him in the clear. I am hoping that Podz replaces either Mikheyev or Hoglander on Pettersson's line, or Pettersson joins Boeser/Miller.
  12. Cole is 95% of the time solid. He is a massively build D who hits like a truck and can't be moved in the corners by forecheckers. Yes, he occasionally makes a bad pass, but the rest of his game makes up for it.
  13. No he wouldn't sign for 7.5... no agent in the league would allow their client to sign for that amount when the client has put up 102 points. The best the Canucks could hope for was high 10's or low 11's... but to do that they would have needed to drag it out into the summer and risk losing him to free agency.
  14. We shouldn't kid ourselves the series is over. I think the Oilers will come back really hard next game... especially McDavid... he didn't have much of a game. But assuming we learned something from the first and 2nd periods of this game, and don't give them a handicap of 3 goals, we should be ok. I am more worried about the Edmonton games, the crowd and the change advantages will give them the opportunity to come back. I am still predicting 7 games.
  15. Someone should make a gif of him saying that.
  16. Completely agree. I think if Tocchet is not going to move Pettersson to the top line, then he needs to replace either Mikheyev or Hoglander on Pettersson's line. Podz has been on the cusp of breaking out for the last 10 games... worth giving him a chance. He is also better defensively than Hoglander.
  17. Connor McDavid when asked about Oiler team game: "...I kinda liked our game..." Well ok Connor... if you liked it, then please keep on doing the same.
  18. Exactly right... why he should be playing with Miller/Boeser.
  19. Yep, just keep on putting out the bullshit facts.
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