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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. He has been producing and scoring the last half of the season... but at a greatly reduced pace compared to when he was with Kuz and Mik... when HE WAS LEADING THE LEAGUE IN SCORING. And why has he been off for months???? Could that be a result of who he has been playing with as linemates????
  2. No, Lindholm had two games.... how is that a sample? And he scored two goals on the PP in the first game.
  3. Kuz might not have been the answer, but in that case, when they traded for Lindholm, why didn't they put Lindholm with Pettersson? They played together in international play and were on fire. But Tocchet plays Lindholm with anyone but Pettersson. I said it before... like all good offensive players, Pettersson needs someone who he can pass with... Hoglander is not a passer, neither is Mikheyev... Lafferty is a 4th liner. Lindholm is wasted on the 3rd line. This team is going NOWHERE without the Pettersson line scoring.
  4. Bullshit... he stopped scoring when he was removed from Pettersson's line. Before he was removed, he was #5 in scoring on the team behind Pettersson, Miller, Hughes and Boeser.
  5. Fact is, Tocchet either doesn't understand Pettersson or he doesn't like him. All season he has taken away any player who could skate and pass with him. Pettersson's line was leading the league in scoring and Tocchet decides he doesn't like Kuzmenko. Where does that come from???? So they trade Kuzzy for Lindholm, but instead of putting Lindholm with Pettersson, Tocchet plays him anywhere but with Pettersson. Since then its been downhill for Pettersson...
  6. Personally I think we have a better chance to win with Silovs. He has shown he responds to pressure... showed that in International play. He is also big... 6'4"... covers more of the net.
  7. Need to take the puck to the net. No more F*cking around... take the puck to the net and jam it in.
  8. Bullshit. He has had all the players he's had success with taken away from his line... and he is trying his best... he is doing everything he can... hitting, D plays, etc. He needs Lindholm on his line so he has a playmaker he can pass with.... put Blueger back with Garland and Joshua. They got rid of the playmaker who Pettersson was good with, (Kuzmenko) and traded for Lindholm... but didn't put Lindholm with Pettersson. Hoglander is a shooter, not a passer, Mikheyev is also not a great passer. And Lafferty is a plugger.... he can pot garbage goals in front of the net, but can't pass. Every decent player needs a partner he can pass with... Miller has Boeser, Pettersson needs Lindholm.
  9. DeSmith over-committed to the left side... completely unnecessary movement. That goal was stoppable.
  10. Ron MaClean is such lip flapping insincere bozo... who should have been put out with the garbage when Cherry was forcibly retired. He does nothing for the commentary... anyone could look up the history of the players and quote the stats he's always coming up with. And deep in his completely nasty mind, he hates the Canucks.
  11. Key here is to keep the puck in the opposing team's zone. Not to be over-confident... take Nashville seriously. 2nd key is to get Pettersson scoring... which means PUT A PLAYMAKER WITH HIM. Not plugs like Lafferty... he should have Lindholm on his line... put Blueger back on the third line. Third line works fine with Blueger.
  12. Tocchet overplayed Demko throughout the season. Despite his history of being fragile and injury prone... from the previous year when he was overplayed and got injured... So they ignore his history, play him like he has no previous history... and he gets injured.... but luckily comes back... just in time for the last two games of the season... on one of which is important. So he wins the needed game... and it was suggested he sit out for the relatively meaningless Jets game... but no, Tocchet plays him. They sit out Miller, they sit out Boeser, etc... but sit out Demko, just back from a serious injury.... no. So one game into the playoffs he is injured again... supposedly not related to the previous injury. But since no team will ever be specific about injuries during the playoffs... do you really believe them??? Track record for handling of Demko is not good.
  13. Jets are second best team in the West... they didn't lose much in the regular season.
  14. Not so sure of that... Jets beat them 7-0 in a must win game for both teams. And Aves are missing Rantanen.... no Captain either. Jets are coming into playoffs on 8 game win streak. If Jets beat Aves, then it changes who Canucks face in second round.
  15. Not a great game... although the Jets are red hot right now... and they have been consistent throughout the season. In fact, you wouldn't be going out on a limb if you predicted they'd beat the Aves. Let's hope these points don't come back and bite the Canucks on the a$$ later in the playoffs.
  16. Once again, Vegas has circumvented the NHL CAP limit with their LTIR smoke and mirrors.... without a peep from Gary Bettman or the NHL board of governors. I have been trying to estimate what Vegas's real CAP will be for the team they ice for the playoffs... my estimate is around $100 million... similar to what most of the CAP tracker sites say... that is the actual CAP total for the players they will have on the ice... with the supposed 'injuries' all having miraculously healed in time for the post-season. That is only around 18.5 million over the supposed official CAP limit for 2023/2024... Vancouver's CAP seems to be around $85 million... our GM tried to play honest to the limit... and ended up around 1.5 million over with injuries. (real injuries) Anyone else want to put an estimate of what they think Vegas's bill actually is?
  17. Anyway, it all depends on what happens with Dallas and St Louis. St Louis is out for revenge though... they got eliminated due to Dallas... they will want to be spoilers.
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