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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. I doubt VGK loses to the Ducks. I think they win and therefore the Kings will be WC2. And the Kings are overrated... I don't think they beat the Canucks in a 7 game series. I think they got wins against us when we were playing backup goalies or were on a back to back. They are like Chicago in 2011... SLAY THE DRAGON.
  2. Actually if Kings beat Hawks and Vegas loses to Ducks, then Vegas could be the opponent. But I think VGK and Kings win in both those games... in which case VGK is third place in Pacific.
  3. Wrong... You win home ice advantage throughout the West... if we lose to the Jets and they beat the Aves, then Jets have home ice. If Dallas takes the Conference, they have home ice. Home ice big advantage in the playoffs.
  4. Not exactly.... VGK have 3rd place wrapped up. So its either Nashville or LA... personally I don't think either of them can beat the Canucks... I don't believe LA will continue its regular season edge. And if we win the Conference, i.e. we beat the Jets, then we have home ice advantage throughout the Western Conference.
  5. Really happy to see Bruins lose and fall to 2nd in Atlantic. I am going to be cheering like crazy for the Laffs.... for one round.
  6. You are thinking first round... and assuming Canucks will lose against Kings/Knights. Don't assume Regular Season results. I am thinking 2nd and Conference rounds... where having home ice advantage is a big deal against Oilers or Aves or Stars.
  7. She's a homer 'cause her husband is a Flames Ass't GM... not surprising. She lives in Calgary too...
  8. If Dallas loses, then team should go all out to win the Conference.
  9. Flames didn't finish high but they are going to draft a LOT of players... lots of picks.
  10. I know a lot of people don't like Cassie Campbell for some reason. I still think she knows a lot about hockey... more than a lot of commentators who never saw the inside of a rink. Sure she is not as verbally sharp as some, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand the game. And by the way, just about every commentator in the NHL picked the Canucks to miss the playoffs... not just Cassie. Go back and look at the consensus on our forum... most picked them to either get to Wildcard or finish 3rd. Overall, good game... contributions from up and down the lineup. Best thing... Demko looks good. But if Dallas wins, then he should sit the next game.
  11. Demko looking very cool, calm and collected. Perfect positioning... flashing the leather when necessary... kick saves. On top of his game. Personally though, unless Dallas loses, I think he should sit for the last game... allow him to be ultra fresh for the playoffs.
  12. There is Petey at his best... completely freezes the goalie, and then back to Hoglander for a tap in.
  13. Wow, first time I have seen Myers actually snipe... usually he shoots wide when he has a chance. Really timely goal... hopefully they get inspired and pick up the pace.
  14. Not playing very inspired hockey. Stupid penalty by Joshua... completely unnecessary. They are giving the Flames an opportunity which was not needed.
  15. JT Miller is a great player, but I am not sure he is Captain material. Captain has to be calm and cool in all situations and not go too far over the top emotionally. For that reason they picked Hughes.
  16. Looking a little sloppy and unfocused. 1st place in the Division is far from being decided... they need to bear down and get some urgency into their game.
  17. #9 is probably the most celebrated and successful number in NHL history. Rocket Richard, Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, Brett Hull, Igor Larionov, Ron Francis, Clarke Gillies, Lanny MacDonald, Taylor Hall, Mike Modano, Tony Tanti, etc. etc. Gretzky took 99 because he didn't feel he was worthy of wearing his hero Gordie Howe's number. So JT is wearing a perfect number.
  18. Career season for Vancouver's Sam Reinhart. Sometimes the pedigree from Father to Son doesn't come through, but in this case, genes were true. I am happy for him... too bad we could not have drafted him... and now he'll likely play for Florida for the rest of his good playing years.
  19. Is Stone supposed to be back from LTIR? If that is the case, and the NHL doesn't do something about this sleazy Vegas move, then the league might as well admit its fixed.
  20. Whoever the opponent is, it won't be easy. Nashville has been playing extremely well... they are a veteran team... the Canucks will take them lightly at their peril. They need to get on whoever it is really hard, forechecking, clearing the D-Zone, never letting up. First round is the graveyard of 1st time playoff teams... especially those who have great records and come into the round overconfident. Take nothing for granted.
  21. Maybe you are forgetting a certain Canuck goalie who was missing? Demko is just as important for the Canucks as McDavid is for the Oilers. Tonight DeSmith played well, but the major reason for the Canucks' lower performance over the last 15 games is Demko's absence.
  22. Team should be pushing hard to win the final two games. Home ice throughout the conference is really important.
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