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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. DeSmith redeemed himself for some of those late season less than stellar performances. Definitely on his game tonight. Team is still starting too slowly... they give the opposition to many opportunities in the first 10 minutes. Same situation tonight. Overall it was the third and fourth lines were the keys to this win... they played extremely well and kept the momentum on the Canucks side from the midpoint of the 1st. Didn't like the collapse to the net in the last few minutes of the third... would have liked to see more pushback... but they got the job done.
  2. Would be REALLY STUPID to rush Demko back into action and risk his knee for a non-playoff game. I don't care how important this game is, it is not a playoff game... the Canucks are in the playoffs no matter what. And to bring back Demko early and risk a very fragile knee would be incredibly dumb. Let him heal completely and have him fresh and ready to steal games when the playoffs start.
  3. I trusted him earlier in the season, but he has now allowed two goals due to staying out too long. One of those goals was the difference between a win and loss.
  4. Still time if they can keep up the energy.... need to push hard and keep Coyotes down.
  5. Refs are garbage... but the Canucks are giving them the opportunity to make bad calls.
  6. Yes, you have to ask why Lindholm is back on the 3rd line. Unless he really isn't ready, and needs a sheltered role, but why play him if that is the case?
  7. Hughes being over-played... his tiredness led to that goal Same thing happened in the LA game... he got tired and got caught.
  8. Canucks have a chance to be in control of their destiny if they win this one. Lose it, and the chances are, they will lose the division.
  9. Yes to OP. We would not be in this position if Tocchet had not overplayed Demko. Coaches knew his history... he is fragile... they should have spelled him with DeSmith more often.
  10. I hope we don't see more stupid line juggling from Tocchet. Time to go back to what worked. Just leave Boeser with JT and Hoglander with Pettersson. Suter with JT and Mikheyev with Pettersson. AND RE-UNITE THE 3RD LINE!!!! PUT GARLAND BACK WITH JOSHUA AND BLUEGER!!!!
  11. All the Petey haters need to look at how that play happened... not coincidence the puck was placed for JT to pickup.
  12. Penguins loading up their lines... Crosby line and best Offensive D backing them up.
  13. Pettersson started and ended that shift with multiple scoring chances.
  14. Can't wait till Dak gets back and he and Blueger/Garland can be re-united. Neither Blueger or Garland has been the same without the big guy on their line.
  15. Wrong... he falls because he is a threat and players go at him hard. Yes he is lighter than some, but he is not faking it or diving.
  16. We are into the nitty gritty of the season. Up against the tougher teams in the next 7-10 games. Lots of home and homes. This is what will determine where the Canucks finish in the overall standings. Personally, I don't care about first place overall, the first place team almost always gets upset. But finishing first the Division is a top priority, followed by finishing first in the Conference. Home ice is a playoff advantage fact.
  17. I think Deb probably had a smile with the intensity of a spotlight by the time she finished watching this.
  18. Petey is worth way more than 8 million. If the Canucks only offer him 8 million, other teams will snap him up. Its all about points and goals. More points, more money, more goals, even more money. Compare him with Mitch Marner... who is making approx. 10.9 mil per.... and Marner signed in 2019, nearly 5 years ago. Inflation exists in the NHL too. When Marner signed, his highest point and goal totals was 94 and 26, both below what Pettersson has achieved. And Marner declined from 94 points to 67 in the year he signed. Petey had 102 pts and 39 goals last year... and he is already up to 72 points and 28 goals this year. How could you imagine a universe where he gets paid 2.9 mil less per year than Marner? And Marner plays with Matthews, who is the probably the best pure goalscorer in the NHL right now... with an amazing shot. And when he's not playing with Matthews he's playing with Tavares, who is no slouch when it comes to goal scoring. Kinda easy to pick up points with them around. Yet, since Marner has signed, he has never beaten Pettersson's point or goal records, best has been 99 points. He's been in the league two more years than Pettersson and is nearly two years older. Fact is, even if you accept Dumbass paid too much for Marner, Pettersson is worth at least 10.5 mil... and with inflation, probably closer to 11.5. Nobody knows what the Canucks have offered or what Petey's agent is asking. But if the Canucks don't want to see him walk, they better pony up and offer something to the north of 10 million.
  19. Scheifele is a great player... would be a great addition to the team. However, you got your facts wrong. He signed a 7 year contract extension with the Jets this year... along with Hellybyck.
  20. I agree... he's playing too much. I think he should play less on the PK. Can't afford to lose him on the PP, but he gets roughed up too much on the PK fighting on the boards and there is always a chance he'll block a shot and get injured.
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