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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. I think you're lying. If memory serves me you badmouth him any chance you get. After every game the team loses, the Petey whiners all line up to complain. How many points did Hughes get this game? How many points did Miller? How many goals did Boeser? How many goals Hoglander? How many goals Lindholm? Those who think we can trade Pettersson or be stupid enough not sign him and the team will improve are delusional. Well wake up bozos... you won't get an equal return in any trade. 100 pt players are not a dime a dozen in the NHL, they are rare and tough to find. When you have one, you keep them... when you don't, you try to trade for one but most of the time no one tradest them. Pettersson is not perfect, but neither are most of the 100 point guys around right now. (exception Crosby in the past and Kucherov in the present)
  2. Bullshit... he was one of the best forwards for the Canucks... set up multiple chances which were not cashed in. Had the best chance for the Canucks in the third when he stick handled through most of the Jets defense, too bad nobody picked up the garbage when the puck was loose in front of the net.
  3. Arizona will never trade Crouse... he has 19 goals and 29 points. McBain maybe... but he is probably too expensive too. And not really big or tough enough... only 200 lbs over that 6' 3" frame. They don't need a lot of skill... just a player with size and skating who likes to hit and fight.
  4. Final score did not represent how close this game was. Canucks actually had the edge in play right up to the middle point of the third. BUT... the key is they were their own worst enemies as they sabotaged themselves with unnecessary penalties and started to lose their cool and focus on getting payback instead of staying with the defensive coverage. You had to know with the Jets being snakebit on the Power Play for so long over the past stretch of games, it was inevitable they would score. I think the key point of the game was when Lowry beat down Di Giuseppe... the entire Canuck team got mad and decided they were going to take the game physically to the Jets... but they took it too far. Fine line between timely hits and taking risks with high hits, and the Canucks were letting the elbows come up and not holding up when they should have.
  5. Bullshit... almost impossible to stop the Scheifele goal. And the one before it. The problem is the Canucks players are losing their coverage... not the goalie.
  6. Make no mistake, what we saw happen when 6' 5" Lowry started to run around is exactly what will happen in the playoffs. Give Di Giuseppe credit, he stood up for his team mate, but without the size, it was a beat down. Canucks do not have enough size on the 4th line, team needs a big winger who can be physical and who can fight.... also needs speed... no slowpokes. We don't need to pay a lot for a goalscorer, the team has enough scoring, but we need to add toughness and size in a forward. This is not just to help out the 4th line, it is because during the playoffs, when things get rough, a big body may be needed on Pettersson's line to prevent cheapshots. Team has good size on the D, but the forwards are generally undersized, Miller's line excepted... both he and Boeser are good size and can't really be bullied. Should not give up the farm for this... just a journeyman who has size and speed and likes to fight.
  7. Peggers in town.... gonna be duel of goalies.
  8. Oilers and Vegas just lost too.
  9. What is the team missing? My opinion: (based on what the team can afford) 220-230 pound 6' 3" - 6' 5" bottom sixer who can skate and hit. Does not need to score goals.
  10. Gotta admit Mikheyev is working well defensively with the Garland line... too bad he just can't finish. Had multiple chances which Joshua would have buried.
  11. Speaking of one of the biggest whiners in the game..... Ladies and Gentlemen: PATRICK KANE !!!!
  12. Big Z feeling feisty tonight. He won't fight during the PP though... too smart to do that.
  13. Kessel had two things going for him... speed and shot. He's lost the speed and rarely is in position to take a shot. Defensively he sucks.
  14. He punched a helmet once out of three swings he took at the ugly mug of the Detroit idiot who was bullying Garland.
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