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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. Garland and Demko best players today. Miller credit for not wasting a gold plated giveaway chance. Good on Hoogs for being ready when Petey makes one of his passes. Now to not take the Hawks lightly... they are due for a win and will be especially hungry against #1 team... plus a lot of ex-Canucks want payback.
  2. Garland whiners all over the forum yesterday and today he comes back and is the best player of the game. Pettersson looking dangerous and continues to contribute and is developing chemistry with Hoogs. The real problem is the Miller line, Lindholm is not looking like a fit. Right now for the price they paid, it is not a good trade. Hopefully he wakes up. Meanwhile unfortunately Myers is trying to singlehandedly lose the game for the Canucks with his giveaways... reverting to Chaos Giraffe form. Hopefully Boeser or Miller can get one in this PP and get their line going.
  3. He didn't lose the puck.... he didn't have the puck... he was attacking the puckcarrier, took him off the puck... You have to do that when you are in 3 on 3... if you don't attack the puck carrier, you end up in your own zone being dangled as the opposition sets up a perfect shot. He eliminated his man, the other two Canucks then have the responsibility to take theirs.
  4. Ovie is not going to catch Gretz for goals scored.
  5. And speaking about Pettersson... not only is he tied for 5th in NHL scoring, he is now top 10 in goal scoring with 28. And no, he doesn't get most of his goals on the PP... 18 even strength. This even strength scoring comes even though he has been the set up guy on his line throughout the season... with the likes of Mikheyev, Kuzmenko, Lafferty, Suter, etc. as wingers... none of them notable for being assist Kings... the only exception is the few games the Lotto line was together and he had Miller to help out.
  6. On a positive note, I liked Tocchet's new lines. Not much out of the Miller line, but with all the talent there, we should see some production. Lindholm is taking time to make the adjustments to Canuck's system. I liked the Pettersson/Suter/Hoglander line.... yes Hogs did make an error which cost a penalty and resulted in a goal, but he also scored, and had lots of energy. Line was overall +2 4th line is 4th line... work in progress. 3rd line didn't have a great game but didn't give up anything either.
  7. Yes, continue with your bone headed Petey hate.... at the end of the season you'll be sucking up humiliation again when #40 proves you're wrong again.
  8. Only freaking Petey whiners can bitch and complain about a game where he got 3 points. If you want to point fingers, then point at Myers and Hughes... they didn't have great games.
  9. Yeah, make excuses for your lack of observation... "...don't bother me with the facts... I already made my mind up."
  10. Another pathetic puke Peteywhiner... Go back to the Boston thread and my analysis of the goals... he was on ice for the Boston goals, but the responsibility for those goals was on other players not him. Have you looked at his +/- lately? If he is so poor defensively how come he's +13? And if he's only played 4 weeks of good hockey, how come he's tied for 5th in NHL scoring? Some people are just naturally stupid.
  11. Obviously you are blind as well as being a pathetic puke Petey whiner. Petey didn't lose the puck on the 3-3... it was shot into the Canucks zone and Hronek misplayed it allowing Detroit to turn it over. Then went back to the point and was fired in. Nothing to do with Pettersson. And in the OT, he checked the Detroit player and he was out of the play... which means it was 2 on 2 for the rest of the players... and the Canucks should have covered their man... the fact it ended up as a breakaway is not on Pettersson. So f*ck you and the rest of the pathetic puke Peteywhiners.
  12. I see the Petey whiners have shutup at least. Game not exactly a shining example of Refereeing... how is Hughes catching up to the breakaway and pushing Walman down a penalty? Otherwise a decent effort by the team... Detroit is a good team... they will be in the top 25% of the league for a while. On to the next game.
  13. Wrong. Myers is the right D... he should have covered his position, lets Pettersson cover for Cole. But in any case, the trailing guy Zacha is way back in the Boston zone when this starts... Mikheyev and Lindholm are right there with him.... they should have skated with him.
  14. And further re. Pettersson. He put multiple passes on the sticks of Canucks in the game... including a gimme to Zadorov in the slot... who shot it over the net. He also had an assist in the Carolina game and was making plays all night.
  15. You are so full of sh*t its coming out your mouth. I already pointed out the two short handed goals were not his fault... but I will explain again for those like you who can't use your eyes. 1st Goal: Giveaway by Demko and then the players who should have prevented Coyle from feeding the puck out front were Lindholm and Hughes, and the guy supposed to be covering Marchand was Miller. 2nd Goal: Giveaway by Miller... Heinen was already in motion when he got the pass... but still Pettersson caught him, reached and made the defensive play and hit Heinen's stick... was unlucky the puck bounced back to the Bruins player and he was able to shoot. 3rd Goal: Pettersson at the point covered his man Paternak, his hard blast deflected off Pettersson's stick and was going wide... but then the puck deflected off Cole, Demko made the save... but then Myers cleverly kicked the rebound in. Nothing to do with Pettersson. 4th Goal: Here's one which at first look may seem like Pettersson was at fault, but a closer examination shows the bad play started in the Bruins zone... Left Canuck D Cole gambled and pinched in the Bruins zone for the ring around, but missed the puck... which was upped by Pasernak to Van Riemsdyk... who broke out... but Pettersson, who had fallen back to cover for Cole, forced him off to the boards where Myers should have been able to take him out. But no one was covering Zacha coming up the middle... that responsibility was either Lindholm or MIkheyev... both did not come back. Pettersson saw what was happening, tried to move to the middle to cut Zacha off but he was too far away and the pass from Van Riemsdyk was perfect.
  16. Petey whiners are out again. You can hear them up in the nosebleed seats... "....b-b-b-b-but he falls down... wahhhhh!!!!!!"
  17. Bullshit. First, Pettersson was closer to the goal when the turnover happened, but Heinen was already in motion and had the speed... but still Pettersson caught him, reached and made the defensive play and hit Heinen's stick... was unlucky the puck bounced back to the Bruins player. And the reason Heinen got loose was another Canuck giveaway.... this time by Miller. And the first goal was not his fault either... giveaway by Demko and then the players who should have prevented Coyle from feeding the puck out front were Suter and Hughes, and the guy supposed to be covering Marchand was Miller.
  18. Kuzzy boy off the leash... two goals in two games. The thing about Kuzzy... he needs confidence. He doesn't react well to being punished. I bet Calgary sat him down and told him he had a clean slate... told him just to play.... that they believed in him. Overall Lindstrom is a better all around player, but give Kuzzy some confidence and chances and he could easily pot another 40 a year. (probably not this season with his start)
  19. Power Play unit needs a bit of a shakeup. Maybe try Joshua in front of the net instead of Suter.... bigger body. And just let the shots go from the point. First thing they need to do though with the PP is move the puck FAST after the initial faceoff win or after the zone entry. Got to prevent the other team pressuring and the best way to do that is move the puck around fast and get them too far behind to pressure.
  20. Wasn't a case of the Bruins playing spectacularly either... they just took advantage of the gold plated opportunities we handed them. Gifting them two shorthanded goals? And then flubbing any offensive chances. Don't think this game is indicative of the team's real capability. Lets see if they bounce back against Detroit.
  21. Peaked???? In this game. You have to be kidding. They were at the bottom or maybe just above the worst level of their play all season.
  22. Complete garbage game for the team. Probably one of the two worst of the season. Not sure what they had for lunch, but maybe want to avoid that restaurant next time they are in Boston. Way too many giveaways... and to provide the Bruins with those kind of opportunities in their home building.... Nah. Plus everyone who had a decent chance shot the puck wide or mishandled it. File and forget.
  23. I am not sure what people are cheering about this trade. Sure Lindholm is a good player... but Kuzmenko, two other players, a first rounder and a 4th rounder? Plus his contract expires in 2024.... WTF????? Woah.... that is.... EXPENSIVE and SHORT-TERM.
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