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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. Lotto Line a little stale right now... has been last two games... except for PP last game.
  2. Dickensen was really poorly coached when he was in Vancouver. He is a decent player.
  3. Kuzzy displaying high level skills... and lots of reasons why we should not give up on him yet.
  4. What a stupid comment. Pettersson is not the problem. He continued to put up points when he centered his own line... not as many as hoped for, but the problem was his wingers, not Pettersson. If Kuzmenko, Mikheyev, or Lafferty or any of the other wingers who played with Pettersson could perform at a level they did in the first 20 games, there would be no issue. The reason Pettersson had to be put with Miller and Boeser is JT/BB are the only other guys who are making plays and scoring out of the top 6. The other guys on the line with Miller and Boeser were also not consistently scoring or making plays when they were with JT/BB.... not Giuseppe, not Hoglander, not Suter. Tocchet has decided he doesn't have the patience to wait for Kuzzy/Mikheyev/Lafferty to get out of their slumps or for Hoglander/Suter/Giuseppe to gel with JT/BB. So we have the Lotto line. This is not a permanent solution, the team needs the two top lines going... which is why PA is looking for a winger for Pettersson. He is not looking for a replacement for Pettersson, cause he understands Petey is not the problem. So get off your bullsh*t "I hate 'falling down Petey' cr*p." Next thing we'll be hearing how Boeser isn't scoring anymore and how slow he is and how he needs to be traded.
  5. Lets not take a win for granted. Any team in this league can beat any other team on any given night. Need to play disciplined and not too run and gun.
  6. The difference in shots was due to the Leafs getting the PP opportunities... and squandering them with lots of shots which didn't go in. Whereas the Canucks were quick to score, they didn't require a lot of shots.
  7. So this game was very much like a Playoff game.... lots of intensity and lots of physicality. And having Big Z and a physical D paid dividends. The Leafs forwards were NOT able to dominate our team physically... and hammer the D. Every time they tried to do that, they got dumped on their a$$. This is why we needed these additions... Yes, the scoring is important, yes, having a dominant third line is important, but the fact we are now one of the hardest teams to play against in the D-Zone is a result of management upping the size of the team by a factor of about 2. Yes, you want the skilled offensive D-Men, and they can be smaller guys, IF you also have a core of big D to back them up. I thought Big Z and his hits, as well as Soucy, Cole and Myers hits were sending a message all night... don't try to overpower us, you'll get beat down. Leafs 2nd, 3rd, 4th lines tried to out muscle us, but they failed. (Marner line never plays really physical... neither him or Matthews likes that game) And on the other end of the ice, our guys, athough we are not necessarily the biggest set of forwards overall, were more effective in the forecheck. The only time we really got into trouble is when we started to turn over the puck to them and let their skilled guys skate in the D-Zone.... need to break that up with hits more. And not hand the puck back to them... we have to take the puck down into their zone. Overall I think this game was a real learning experience for the team... if they can play with this level in the playoffs, then maybe they can win some rounds.
  8. Idiots.... Canucks won two of the three periods.
  9. Didn't let in softies... he was either screened or the puck was deflected.
  10. Loved the way Kuzzy was telling jokes to Joshua at the end of the game. He is a character.
  11. Don't agree with Suter on the #1 unit. Unit has scored, but he has not really had any critical role. Kuzzy much better bet... especially the way he is playing this game.
  12. Demko has had three goals scored on him. 1) Nylander... Demko was screened by Myers moving in front of him at the exact moment Nylander shot... puck was perfectly placed top corner... no chance to react... by the time he saw it, it was already nearly in the back of the net 2) McCabe... Mathews made a perfect cross ice pass, Demko had to go post to post, he has made that miracle save many times, but not this one. No blame. 3) Nylander 2... Nylander fired it hard, and it deflected off Canuck D-man's stick... just enough not to slow it down, but enough to change direction and fool Demko None of those goals were bad ones.
  13. Canucks losing their composure. Need to settle down and start playing a puck control game. Can't hand the puck to the Leafs and let them start another rush.
  14. That actually is not on Demko.... bad deflection.
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