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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. If you want to talk greatest every... SUPERSTAR... then there are really only 4. Comparing Pettersson to them is stupid. Howe, Orr, Gretzky, Lemieux. Ask Gretzky who the greatest player ever, he'll still say Howe... and he is not being modest, he believes that. If you want to get an idea of how good Howe was, then imagine Tom Wilson leading the league in scoring and putting up the '50's equivalent of 130 pts, while kicking the shit out of everyone who looks at him sideways and being just as dirty as is possible. And imagine him doing that for 20 years in a row, while winning 4 Cups, multiple Art Ross, Rocket Richard and being a perenial allstar... his last appearance at age 52. Back in the 50's, it was hard to get points... especially when there were only 70 games a season. Yet he still sits up there at #3 in the all time scoring... Messier only just squeezed past him despite playing nearly as many games and putting up his points in the high scoring era. And Howe's WHL points have never been counted... add them and its no contest. Orr revolutionized the game... before him, D-Men just didn't do what he did... He could absolutely dominate a game on his own... completely control the pace... the only reason he is not up there with the highest scoring players in history is that his knees went at an early age. Cherry may be a big mouth, but when he says the best player he ever saw was Orr, then he is telling the truth. Gretzky did play in the era of high scores, but he also was revolutionary... in how he used his hockey IQ... (never been rivaled) and high level skills, as well as his team members to pile up the points and goals. Some say he was lucky to be on the Oilers... but when he moved to LA, he created a similar energy and turned that team into a scoring machine too. Lemieux was perhaps the most gifted physically of all four... when he wanted, he could skate and stick handle through any defense and any team and score... but he was also unlucky like Orr, in that he suffered from back problems, not to mention the cancer. Without those crippling him, he probably would have beaten Gretzky's records. Everyone else is at a lower level. There is no shame for Pettersson being where he is.
  2. No, Pettersson is not at the same level as Richard, Howe, Orr, Lafleur, Gretzky, Lemieux, Yzerman, Ovie, Crosby or McDavid. You can number those guys on the fingers of your hand. Those guys changed the league and dominated it. He is second tier superstar, which means he is approximately projected to be on the level of either Sedin, Mathews, Marner, Kane, Thornton, Bergeron, Kopitar, etc. Just how good he's going to be is still to be seen. Injuries, lack of linemates, poor coaching.... could all affect his impact. Even if he is 2nd tier, he is still an incredible player to have on the team... and we are lucky to have him. Without him, this team would not be the same.
  3. Actually Myers was one of the better D-Men in this game... no reason to knee-jerk hate. Hughes, Hronek and Zadorov were the guys who didn't look so good defensively.
  4. I personally expected the team to finish 3rd in the Division. Now they start this game 2nd in the league... worst they can do is 3rd. So all of this is gravy. I expect them to continue to play well, and also lose a few.
  5. This is one bad game... everyone's shooting timing was off. We've watched Boeser multiple times, as well as Kuzzy, Miller, Mikheyev and others miss gimmes.
  6. People who bail early don't deserve to watch the team when it plays well... they should just stop watching completely so we can not have to listen to their whines.
  7. Well the good news is that if they do tie it up, it will be a huge boost. And if they don't, then they can write it off as 'Philly Jinx'.
  8. Actually he has made a couple good plays that in previous games would have likely resulted in goals... but Canuck shooters are not on the ball. His line has been the best for the team... but not finishing.
  9. First goal was simply 'seeing eye' fluke... goalie completely screened. 2nd goal was poor defensive coverage... Blueger should have taken the 3rd man when the first two were covered, but he let him walk in unimpeded. 3rd goal was Big Z being too aggressive, no one to back him up and he tries to stick handle through two Flyers. Except for the first goal, all preventable with normal standards of play. Canucks had plenty of chances to score, Pettersson line was sniffing around all night, and the PP had chances, but every time someone got the puck on their stick with a clear shot, they flubbed it. Maybe too much Xmas Eggnog? Who knows... but timing off.
  10. Good... that is the optimum lineup in my opinion. Four O-lines, with four good centers. And the D is solid. Now Kuzzy needs to have a good D-game and combine with Petey to fill the net. And its time for Boes to get another hat-trick. Lets go boys.
  11. Hmmm.... never saw your name on the old forum... Hmmm.... your signature is of a Chicago QB... Maybe you are just a Chicago Sh*t disturber?
  12. Its the never ending whine of the Petey-haters. They hate all Swedes. If they had their way, the team would be all 6' 5" muckers and fighters and we'd be back at the bottom of the league again.
  13. Bullsh*t again. Bedard is a center, Petey is a center... they can't play together unless it is on the PP. 2nd, if Petey digs in and Management isn't prepared to pay, then they will trade him... and Chicago has ZERO to trade except Bedard... and they won't trade him... he has a higher ceiling than Petey and costs less. If Petey gets traded, it will be to another team, not Chicago... and like I said, very unlikely. Here's what will happen: Pettersson is an intelligent guy, he'll get good advice from guys like the Sedins, and he'll compromise. Management knows he is critical to the team's future and they will compromise. Assuming Pettersson hits around 100 points, the number will be around $9.5-10 million. Which is the market price... look at what other comparable point producers get around the league.
  14. Complete Bullsh*t. Swedes, (and Pettersson) love playing in Vancouver, Chicago not so much. Look at the list of top tier Swedes who have played in Vancouver: Gradin, Sundin, Ohlund, Naslund, Sedins, etc. Now look at the list of top tier Swedes who have played for Chicago... none. Plus why would Petey want to go to a bottom feeding team and start all over again... and have to play with Beauvillier? No in fact you are one of the Pettersson haters, and you are spreading cr*p rumours again.
  15. Yes he should... he made a really smart heads up play to put the puck back to Hughes... he didn't have room himself to shoot or get the puck down the ice, but he realized Hughes did.
  16. How is that going to happen? He is signed for a 3 year Entry contract...
  17. I am a big Pettersson fan, but this was not a good game for him. He was -2 despite having two assists... on for four SJ goals. He went too deep... 3rd man in deep, on the first SJ goal, allowing an outmanned rush, and the 2nd goal he didn't cover his man very well. Kuzmenko scored two goals, but he did have some defensive lapses, notably on the last SJ goal when he didn't cover his man and therefore gave him the opportunity for a tap in. San Jose is not a very good team, but they do have one really good line, that being Hertl, Granlund and Zetterlund... and they actually outplayed the Pettersson line... Hertl is one of the leagues best power forwards and is too big, too fast for Pettersson to handle and the other two guys are very shifty... plus they all can score. I think the Miller line should have been matched up against them not Pettersson. I still think Kuzmenko should play with the Pettersson line... the positives from their connection is more important. And Pius Suter, although he is a good offensive player, is best on the 4th line because when Aman is centering that line, it does not look good. Suter on the 4th at center makes it a competitive line. Also not a very good game for Myers and Zadorov... I thought this was the worst game they've played since big Z arrived and was paired with #57. Maybe it was pre-Holiday lack of focus or whatever, but whole team seemed a little off... except for 3rd line of course. Just a sloppy game... they only won because they outscored the Sharks... and Demko made some big time saves.
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