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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. Except that Joshua is red hot, already had a goal and an assist in the game.... that's the reason Tocchet put him out there. So why wouldn't Petey put the puck on his stick with half the net to shoot at?
  2. Pettersson did nothing wrong on the breakaway, he gave Joshua a perfect pass which Joshua should have shot... he had half the net... If Joshua had returned the pass accurately Petey would have had the room to roof it, but it was late and therefore he had zero room. Look at the play.
  3. Ahh... now I get it, Petey's a fag 'cause he falls down and you being a big tough he-man can't handle that a guy who sometimes falls down when he is hit can put up more points than anyone on the team every year but one since he's been on the team. Petey probably gets more poontang in a week than you'll see in a lifetime. Anyone who brings out the fag insinuations is a prime suspect for being a closet Queen, and you buddy are right up there.
  4. Yeah, your brain is relaxed, relaxed to the point it's dribbling out your mouth like incomprehensible drool.
  5. Ok, now you raised a valid point... Petey needing a scoring winger. But you forgot we already have that winger... his name is Kuzmenko. I love what Tocchet has done with this team... except for one BIG mistake he's made. That is his particular weird hate on for Kuzmenko... to the point he is benching him. Right now the 4th line is playing like cr*p... and Kuzmenko is benched??? Lafferty gets a lot more leeway to make mistakes than Kuzzy does. Tocchet needs to blow out his constipated mind and just realize he is squandering one of the team's best offensive threats. JUST PUT KUZMENKO BACK WITH PETEY AND LEAVE HIM THERE!!!!
  6. What is your problem>>>???? Pettersson is top 10 in scoring in the league and you are whining about him offensively>>>??? He could easily have had a couple goals tonight and a couple assists...1) he hit the post and 2) wasn't able to convert bad return pass from Joshua. Plus he put the puck into places where his linemates could have scored a couple times. He is doing nothing wrong. Just f*ckin' relax. The people who are complaining are the same ones who never stopped complaining the Sedins were 'Soft Swedes'... now they are complaining about Pettersson falling down.
  7. Here's what Canuck fans should REALLY take out of this game: Most Contending teams have two great top lines who can control the play in the offensive zone and score. The Canucks actually have three lines who can dominate in the offensive zone. Garland/Blueger/Joshua are threats nearly every shift. No, they don't put the puck in the net as often as the top two... but they are there in the O-Zone nearly every shift... giving defenses fits. Plus they are very good defensively. Canucks have a TRIPLE threat offensively.
  8. Wow, can you hear that sound??? Splat, Splat, Splat It's the sound of the bandwagon jumpers landing on their a$$'s as they roll off. Go whine somewhere else. The team took 6 points of 8 on a road trip where 3 of the 4 teams were tough to redhot opponents.
  9. Bullsh*t Stars are a good team who played well. Canucks played well too, there was no fault by anyone.
  10. Good game by DeSmith... the first goal was a little weak, but after that he settled down. 2nd goal was pretty much impossible to stop. If we continue to get this quality of play from our backup, I think the team is a shoo-in for the playoffs. Also a good game from the Pettersson line, Petey was showing his flashes of brilliance, he is gradually starting to pick up the pace and get back to last year's late season's superb form. And team was in lock down mode for most of the game after mid 2nd, except for going to sleep in the last 30 seconds... need to work on that. I predict Dallas game will be a challenge... Dallas wants revenge from earlier in the year and they playing well at home.
  11. It cost the team a goal, but I was happy to see Big Z step up when Johnson cheapshotted Petey: https://bleacherreport.com/videos/501146-nikita-zadorov-with-a-fight-vs-reese-johnson Need to make the rest of the NHL understand they don't get a free pass to headhunt our Stars.
  12. Garland is kinda funny in his shooting decisions. He shoots a lot from really cr*p angles... from the goal line or even behind it... or from the wall. Yet he is reluctant to shoot from positions between the hashmarks, he seems to want to stick handle the puck into the net for a perfect goal. Look at Boeser, he will shoot, (now not last season) anytime he has the puck between the face off dots... even if there is a lot of traffic... and he gets goals that bounce around or just squeeze through. Garland could take some instruction from that. In any case, I think Garland is due for a couple... his line has been playing really well.
  13. Well, they could have gone with Arturs Silov as the backup and gotten good results, but this management group thinks long term. They know they have a real star in Silovs, and they want to give him time to develop in Abby like Demko had time to develop on the farm. And they probably thought Pearson was not going to recover as well... obviously he has recovered, he's played really well, but so has DeSmith... so the trade was a good one. We needed a backup for a year or two to allow Silovs to develop, and we had the goalscorers and 3rd liners to replace Pearson.
  14. Damn... the team must be playing well if Deb is so excited she can't control her instrument of destruction.
  15. I am not surprised at the results the team has been getting. The problems have been obvious for years... and finally this management group has started to address those problems in a concrete way. We always had the offensive players, the issue was always adding D who were more highly skilled and bigger... and getting the existing D to play better. Credit to management, they made the trades and the signings, and they brought in the coaches who could create a change in team mindset.
  16. The weakness of the team last year was that we didn't have the solid D to maintain control in our own zone. We had poor structure, the D was running around, and too small to control the boards... and the forwards were not coming back consistently enough. At the beginning of the season, with Hughes and Hronek, we had a solid pair... who were good for both Offense and Defense... but Myers, although he was better, was still not at home with his partner on the 2nd pair. And the 3rd pair was ad hoc, no one knew who was playing from night to night. Now with the addition of Zadorov on the 2nd pair, Myers really has a partner who complements him... and vice Versa. Zadorov and Myers both have their weaknesses, but when they are on the ice together, they elevate their play. The third pair is still a third pair, but the improved play of Juulsen, plus the fact 2nd pair is solid, has really taken the weight off Cole... he can just do his job as #5 and no longer has to take on 2nd pair responsibilities. Who knows what happens when Soucy comes back... but I think he is 3rd pair if he plays. Of course, it could all go to sh*t... Zadorov could start headhunting and taking irresponsible penalties and Myers could start panic mode again... but every game they play together they get more confidence in each other... and the coaches get more confidence in them. It was no coincidence they had more time than Hughes/Hronek. Ideally there should be more of a balance in shift time between the 1st and 2nd pairing, so Hughes/Hronek don't get burnt out. The amount of ice time Hughes was playing in the first 25 games was way too high.
  17. Sedins are not assistant coaches... they are higher up. They work with all the players on the big team... but also those guys down in Abby, those on International teams and in Junior. So for example, they worked with Hoglander while he was in Abby... but they also work with Kuzmenko recently... and guys like Linus Karlsson. They make recommendations about where a given player needs to go with his development. They don't travel with the team like Ass't's.
  18. Look at total games played in the League. 1,044 vs 410. Luongo was consistent over a far higher number of games. --- That being said... my personal favourite Ring of Honour Canuck is Burr... not because he was a better player than Ohlund or Luongo, but just cause he had the personality.
  19. 1) Garland's hard work obviously is the key to putting the puck in the hands of Kuzzy... and he finished it 2) Garland's hustle keeps the puck in, sends it back deep and allows for the rest of the line to finish 3) Garland didn't get an assist on the Joshua 2nd goal... but his pressure was what made Goalie Bob make his mistake Well deserved 3rd Star... lets hope his hard work will see some goals in the next couple games.
  20. Pretty much a perfect game in the 1st and 2nd... although they got a little sloppy in the 3rd, Demko bailed them out. I hope all those idiots screaming for Kuzzy Boi to be traded replayed that first goal a couple times. That goal was the perfect example of a goalscorer's goal... the hands of Kuzzy were on display. Very few players have that kind of clinical finish... Bob is a good goalie, but it wasn't even close... Kuzzy played with him like he was a puppet and made him look like an amateur. This is why we should NOT trade Kuzmenko... he has the hands, maybe even better than Boeser. Yeah, maybe he isn't the fastest skater, maybe he gets lazy at times, but he can finish like few others. The rest of the game you could see the swagger was back... he was sniffing around. I predict he would go on a run if he was put back with Petey... even if he isn't, he will probably pot a few more in the next couple games.
  21. Canucks need to take this game very seriously. Lightning are far from being washed up has beens... they are still two time Cup Champs, with multiple Superstars on the roster. A great game by any of Vasilevsky/Stamkos/Kucherov/Hedman could see the Canucks come up short. Needs to be a very tight checking, hard hitting affair with lots of screens on the Lightning goalie to have a chance of putting one behind him. Edit: If Johansson is starting, that is a bonus, although he is a decent backup.
  22. Some people on this forum think pure goalscorers with the offensive skills of Kuzmenko are a dime a dozen. They aren't. Just like Brock Boeser, Kuzzy has top tier offensive skills in his shooting and play with the puck. He demonstrated that 39 times last season... how many players get to 39 goals in their first season in the NHL? He still has those skills, but what is missing is confidence... he is gripping his stick too hard, not shooting when he should and generally is over thinking every play. But that is not uncommon for NHL goalscorers... and most work through these mental problems if they get support from their coaches and the team. The problem with Kuzzy's situation is that Tocchet is piling on top of his temporary scoring drought, the need for Kuzzy to play to a certain style... which is inhibiting his ability to be creative and play to his strengths. Sure, everyone has to be defensively responsible, but there is a balance. A pure goalscorer who can fill the net should not be held to the same standards as a plugger. The key to the balance is Plus/Minus... how many goals for and how many against. If Kuzzy can pot 30 goals, then a few defensive gaffes don't matter. But Tocchet is holding him to the same standards as Aman or Blueger. Meanwhile Pettersson's line is suffering from a lack of production. (last game not withstanding) And Kuzzy's trade value is dropping every minute. Don't kid yourself, other teams are salivating at the thought of adding him... but of course, they want him on the cheap with Cap retention by the Canucks. What sense does it make to grind this guys confidence out of him when you lose twice... first in production, and second in CAP loss? Kuzmenko's situation needs a new appraisal from management/coaches.
  23. Actually Carolina played a good game... but the Canucks were better.
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