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Posts posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. 59 minutes ago, Xanlet said:

    If you're referring to Ivermectin, you should know it's one of the top medications ever prescribed to human beings, with billions of doses being prescribed worldwide. The WHO has it listed as a top essential medicine for humans due to its anti-parasite properties and long history of safe usage. If you're willing to imbibe a false narrative about a decades old, vitally important and safe medicine, it undermines your credibility in everything you say. Utilize some critical thinking and actually fact check what certain outlets are telling you, this is all publicly available info.

    Bozo, Ivermectin is prescribed for PARASITES.


    To quote Wiki:


    Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug.[6] After its discovery in 1975,[7] its first uses were in veterinary medicine to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis.[8] Approved for human use in 1987,[9] it is used to treat infestations including head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis and lymphatic filariasis.


    To further Quote:


    Misinformation has been widely spread claiming that ivermectin is beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19.[21][22] Such claims are not backed by credible scientific evidence.[23][24][25] Multiple major health organizations, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,[26] the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,[27] the European Medicines Agency,[28] and the World Health Organization have stated that ivermectin is not authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.

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  2. 1 hour ago, RWJC said:

    Might be an option depending on how our extensions play out. Small physical stature though.



    Plays like a much bigger guy... ideal for the top six if we can get him on a discount as a result of his injured season.


    But need to ABSOLUTELY make sure he is healthy... no trading for a guy who immediately is put on LTIR and stays there for the rest of his contract.

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  3. On 5/24/2024 at 6:52 PM, 43isprime said:

    Okay can someone give a plausible explanation for this whole knee injury thing?


    At various points in the season/playoffs, Tocchet said things to the effect of:


    - Pettersson has to move his feet more

    - his play is sporadic 

    - has to practice harder

    - included him in a group of 5-6 players who have to get going


    Nothing in Tocchet's usage of Pettersson in the second half of the season and playoffs would have suggested Pettersson was injured to the point of it significantly diminishing his ability to play.


    He played Pettersson over 18mins (the most of any forward) in a meaningless game in 82 vs the Jets when some other core players didn't even make the trip.


    I also don't recall Pettersson taking many maintenance days.


    I can't imagine Tocchet trying to purposely throw Pettersson under the bus, so something really doesn't add up.


    Sorry, but Tocchet admitted in the Post Season Presser Pettersson had an injury... "...tendonitis... blah blah ...but we decided not to sit him....  blah, blah, Medical Staff, blah, blah..."


    It's clear Tocchet has already thrown Pettersson under the bus.


    Personally I think there is a personality conflict... I don't think Pettersson is Tocchet's style of player... I don't think he really understands his value or respects him... I have never heard anything like the level of praise from Tocchet for Pettersson that I have heard from Tocchet re. Miller... Miller is exactly Tocchet's style of player.


    Tocchet needs to get his head out of his a$$ and accept that Pettersson is a key part of the team and adapt his coaching to that fact.  Either that or Pettersson should be traded ASAP... although I very much doubt the Canucks would get his value back if he is under this kind of cloud.

  4. On 5/23/2024 at 5:37 AM, Alflives said:

    If we want a Cup then we need Petey. Only a moran doesn’t understand we can’t win a Cup without a healthy Demko, Hughes, and Petey. 

    Add Miller and Boeser into that list... plus Z, Myers, Garland and a whole list of yet to be obtained or signed players.

  5. On 5/24/2024 at 7:38 AM, MeanSeanBean said:

    Very similar injuries. Both are flexion/extension high density tendons. Historically more difficult to treat then an epicondylitis (golfers/tennis elbow) or a bicipital tendinitis. Much thicker tendons than work with a much higher force.


    Anyone dismissing this injury as poor management or even fake news is being absurd. It does sound like there could have been some missteps with how they managed this injury when it started, but that's purely hindsight. Like I said previously, shutting down someone at the first signs of a tendinitis would have been stupid, and shutting him down late season hoping the rest you had would be enough is a crap shoot. It's possible the rest could have been enough to decrease the inflammation, it's also possible that the type of rest needed could have just led weakness in the area and coming back for the playoffs even more difficult if the tendinitis didn't fully resolve.

    Whatever happened... and you are speculating, it is clear from Pettersson it affected his play... and reduced his mobility at an ever increasing severity as time went on.


    I just hope this isn't anything serious.

  6. Anyone who suggests that Pettersson is faking his injury is either terminally stupid or a Canuck hater.


    Pettersson has spent his entire life being ultra competitive and doing everything to excel and win.


    To suggest someone with that level of commitment is going to lie about an injury tells you the poster knows nothing about professional athletes... or much about reality... and probably is some 5'8" 300 lb couch potato guzzling down a case of beer every game.


    If Pettersson says he had a knee problem, he had a knee problem.


    I am more concerned about the fact the medical staff decided it was unimportant.


    Pettersson has shown what he can do at 100%... his track record puts him in the elite of the league.  For the medical staff to ignore this problem and let him continue to degrade tells me there is something wrong. 


    We have seen this pattern before... on too many occasions with other Canuck players... Brandon Sutter, Alex Edler, Rick Rypien... Sven Baerschi, etc.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    Henrique was a rental.


    Brown was a top 6 player for Edmonton. Every team has those versatile guys that play up the lineup.

    Legitimate contenders do not have guys putting up 12 points on the top six.... which is why the Oilers brought in Henrique to replace Brown.


    As I mentioned in a reply on the Rangers/Panthers thread, both those teams have really good #1 and #2 lines... with top sixers filling up both lines.


    Look at all the Stanley Cup winners over the last few years and you see the top 2 lines are really strong.






  8. 44 minutes ago, RWJC said:

    i like Suter. I just think he’s a better option for us on the 3rd or 4th line to provide the quality depth we need as a cup contender. I have no problem with him playing in the top 6, but ideally we would have pieces that can perform better in those specific roles. 
    as an example of contrast - would Suter be regularly playing in the top 6 on any of the final 4 teams? Answer is very likey no, save for maybe Edmonton. That’s enough for me to know how strong your 4 lines have to be to make it to the next step. Suter did an admirable job but it’s not an ideal solution playing up the lineup. He was a means to an end as we lack enough talent up top. 

    Suter would not be top six on Edmonton.


    Kane, Nugent-Hopkins, Hyman, Henrique all have more goals/points impact and talent.


    Suter should be the Canuck 4th line center, with two (new) big bruisers who can skate/hit and put up 15-20 pts on either side of him.  If the Canucks can't sign Blueger, then as a last resort Suter can be the 3rd line center.  (not optimum)


    Canucks need legitimate 45 point wingers for the top 6... Suter does not meet that criteria at the moment...  he does not have the finish... he missed dozens and dozens of gimmes this last season.

  9. Rangers were lucky to win this one... they were dominated.  Panarin, who had 120 pts regular season, needs to start producing.  He is playing with legitmate top sixers so unlike Pettersson he has no excuse.


    Watching these two teams tells you what the Canucks need to be a solid contender:


    -  Both the Rangers and Panthers have hi powered 1st and 2nd lines... with 3 guys who can score on each.  Canucks don't have that.  Pettersson on a line with 4th liners, and/or Lindholm centering Garland and Joshua or even Miller/Boeser/Suter are not the equivalent of Barkov/Reinhart/Verhaeghe and Tkachuk/Rodriguez/Bennett.  Rangers are not quite as good, but have Trocheck/Panarin/Lafreniere and Zibanejad/Kreider + Wheeler when he's healthy.


    Having only one line makes it too easy for that one line to be neutralized.  The Oilers for many years struggled with not having a viable second line... but now they play McDavid and Draisaitl on separate lines most of the time...  they now have enough top six players, with Hyman, Kane, Nugent-Hopkins and Henrique.  Same with the Stars... who are deeper than most teams.


    Canucks need to add another two top six players... preferably to find them in our depth pool, but if necessary from trades and free-agency.


    A top sixer doesn't have to score 30 goals... a pair of 20 goal scorers who put up 45+ points and who can play a 200 ft game on a line centered by Pettersson would work.


    Suter is not a top sixer, neither is Mikheyev, and even Joshua, despite the fact he had a greatly improved season, is not putting up top six numbers.  The only Canuck forward other than Miller/Boeser/Pettersson/Lindholm who is legitimately a top sixer is Garland... but he is probably needed on the 3rd line.





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  10. Just now, AngryGoose said:

    The criticism Brock received was more than fair.  I didnt think he was doing enough w/o the puck. Mgmt and Tocchet challenged him as well. To his credit he stepped up big time.  


    I wonder what he’s thinking going forward.  He’s made a ton of money despite some previous lacklustre results.  If he works w the team to stick around I would love it.  



    He was grossly underpaid this year.  Other years he made the NHL standard for his production.

  11. You should have included an option for 40-45.


    That is how many games I would have Demko play.


    He is clearly fragile... and he should be played moderately so he is available for the playoffs.


    This is the most important need... that a healthy and well rested Demko is ready to go on the first game of the playoffs.


    Silovs has shown he can play...  Canucks should use him.


    Basically they should be a tandem... splitting the season... with Demko taking the more important games and the playoffs.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    One thing to point out.

    Bouchard was probably one of the most important players in the Deadmonton line up.

    He also came up big when they needed him.

    Nurse is a joke, but Ekholm and Bouchard is probably as important if not more so than Drysaddle.

    We need a defence that can take some of the heat off of Hughes.

    Hronek took until this game to come up with a goal. And he was pretty meh defensively.

    The Canucks players are going to have a lot of things to work on.

    But special teams just killed us. We got better at penalty killing, but the guys can't blow 2 games with 2 man advantages and not score.

    Tocc told the players mid-season to be quicker on passes, don't hold onto the puck and get more shots on goal.

    They did that for a couple of games then went back to bad habits.

    They got to get out of this perfect pass/goal mindset, and score ugly, gritty, flukey goals, as well as picture perfect goals.

    This is why we need a PP specialist hired and working with them during the summer.

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  13. Something that I think management needs to do:


    Bring in a Powerplay specialist/Offensive specialist.


    The team is not getting the results it needs from the PP and offensively 5 on 5 it is too predictable.


    Too much of the Green offensive style is still a part of the way the forwards play.


    They need a lot of work on how to use the ice, how to criss cross to throw off defenders, how to use the trailing player and how to use the drop pass.


    Every team in the league uses these systems but I rarely see them from the Canucks... too much bread and butter, up and down the wing... side to side passing.

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  14. 1 minute ago, N4ZZY said:

    I honestly think between Joshua/Lindholm and Zadorov, Zadorov is most likely to leave. 


    I disagree... I think Big Z likes Vancouver... his wife likes the city and he knows he is liked here.


    Offer him a decent amount and he'll sign.  I personally think 5.5 would not be unreasonable... even 5.75.


    Myers I say offer a 3 year contract at low ball figures... (3.5-4.0)  I think he is durable (that's his health record) he is still skating well, and probably can play another 3 years.


    He has found a home here finally under Tocchet and fits in where he is playing.

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