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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. The whole team had a low game comparative to other games in the series. But that aside, Z was there... he had 4 hits and he stomped on Kane when he tried a cheapshot.
  2. Tocchet should print this up and post it on the locker room wall.
  3. It's really hard for a first year playoff team to maintain equilibrium throughout a series. A lot of first year playoff teams get blown out in the first round... but we got past that. Edmonton has been to the playoffs for the last number of years, they have been here before. They were in their home building. They are the series favourites... expected to win... Everyone knew they would come out on fire. The Canucks matched their energy in the first period, but were caught off guard with unexpected goals, a lot of disruptive penalties, including a 5 on 3 which exhausted the D and the PK forwards... and an inability to get the PP going which frustrated and sapped energy. Will be better next game.
  4. Demko is not playing. Its Silov or DeSmith... I imagine Tocchet will sleep on it and talk to them in the morning.
  5. Never know... but lets focus on game 7, Oilers.
  6. Wasn't just that... the team lacked energy after the first period... plus the PP's sucked the life out of them. Need to work on zone entries... and shoot, shoot, shoot.
  7. I think Silovs should avoid any interviews with Sportsnet or any other organization like he had after game 5. Just a polite 'no thanks, I need to focus on the game.'
  8. He was excellent in the first period... but like the rest of the team he was mostly invisible 2nd and 3rd except for short patches.
  9. Yes, Gar was pissed after that bullsh*t call on him... and after being punched in the nose with no call. Then the Linesman decided he'd try to dislocate his neck. Complete nonsense calls at that point.
  10. Quick check.. I think your tin hat has a dent in it.
  11. It is what it is.... either stick with the team or go cheer for Deadmonton. I like our chances.
  12. He's gonna rebound... and so will the team.
  13. Yeah, he didn't have a great game... a lot of players didn't.
  14. Only player who drove offensive play tonight... set up the only goal.
  15. #1 Tocchet will put Demko in if he's ready... if his knee or whatever it is prevents him playing, then Tocchet will look elsewhere. #2 Silovs was not a passenger today... he made some excellent saves... Unfortunately he let in two easy ones at exactly the wrong time. But if Tocchet needs to go back to Silovs, you can be sure he will be ready. If he is not, then DeSmith will be.
  16. Tocchet needs to do is work on zone entry on the PP... should be a big focus on this. 2nd focus should be on shooting... just fire it... 3rd focus... take it to the net... no f*king around... take it to the net and jam it in.
  17. You hate Petey and dump all over him any chance you get anyway. He was the best Canuck forward on the ice tonight... which isn't saying much since the whole team went to sleep after the 1st period.
  18. Here's my perspective. - Canucks had a good first period, but only one goal. The PP sucked the life out of any momentum. - Oilers had a good 2nd... and Bouchard capitalized to make it 2-1. Then they got another on a weak goal allowed by Silovs. The Canucks were starting to build momentum when Garland got called on a bullsh*t-penalty... which turned into a 5 on 3... which the Canucks killed but which exhausted the D. Then the Canucks got a 5 on 3, which was wasted, then the intermission broke up the remainder of the penalty. Overall result: The Canucks D got tired from the 5-3, Oilers D did not get tired from Canuck 5-3. - Canucks were starting to build momemtum in the 3rd... then the Oilers got another weak one past Silovs... and Kane put the lid on it. Write it off as a less than stellar game from Silovs... which after all the great play this Rookie has put in, you can't blame him for. 2nd major factor... Canuck forwards were not moving their feet enough... they started well in the first period, probably the Edmonton quick goals in the 2nd took the life out of the team. I think the team will have a lot more energy back in Van... the crowd and desperation will do that. Oilers will again come hard in the 1st... guaranteed they will be on a high. Overall, I think the Canucks have a better chance to win.
  19. Power play does need work... they need to change it up.
  20. The good news? Team is set for a bounce back performance.
  21. I see the whiners/Oilers trolls are out in force. Funny how I remember them appearing after Game 4 too.
  22. A "W" is a "W" is a "W". Doesn't matter if its one goal win or 4 goal win. Canucks didn't play well this game, but the final score was not representative... should have been a couple more Canuck goals. Lots of bounces for the Oilers. I predicted a 7 game series with a Canuck win, it would have been great to finish it in 6, but sometimes that doesn't happen. Good news is this definitely wasn't a good game for the team... they can do a lot better. So bring on game 7.
  23. Silovs a couple weak goals... but I don't blame him... he's been so good overall.
  24. Lindholm has been mostly invisible... wondering if he's hurt.
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