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  1. I never never watch the game like this. I have no words to describe my feeling right now. I won't watch or cheer this team forever.
  2. I don't care about win or loose. But, play likes this, it is unacceptable. Come on boys! You are playing for a game that probably the one in your life time. Please show your heart. Please show your passion. I know you are tired, you have almost nothing left in the tank. But! But! PLEASE SHOW US WHAT YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR! WHO YOU ARE FIGHTING AGAINST!
  3. Yes. Please! Brock has been Vancouver almost 10 years. When we were high or when we were low, he always kept his dignity. We are all in for BB. No 6.
  4. A Young team likes us has a limit. I assumed we reached a limit. I have bad feeling about game 7. Silov will allow few soft goals early in 1st period, then that's it. Better team deserves to advance. We aren't Better team. Coilers are.
  5. All Coilers are morans. All AB persons are shi**. Winter world. Too cold. No funs. Only fucking Bettman owns hockey!!
  6. Fuck the ref. Fuck the Coilers. Fuck the McBaby. Fucking morans!!
  7. What is Demko's condition? He should be on game 7 whatsoever. It might be out last game in playoffs for a while.
  8. That's it! Seal the deal. I am off. See you Monday.
  9. No easy win. I think game 7 will be on. See you Monday.
  10. That's right. EP got a charging penalty in game 4 same as Mcbaby!
  11. Spillover is so amazing. 4 games in regular season. 9 games in playoff!
  12. I'm so proud our boys! They dominated 2nd period. They even dominated the fucking refs who tried to rob our game. Fuck the ref. Fuck the NHL.
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