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NHL Prospect (9/14)

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  1. Points in all 4 games on the road. 4 games in 6 nights at that. Fantastic!
  2. And especially the introduction so-called "advanced stats." GM mode in CHEL as well.
  3. And that's your worry? Some of best teams in the league have more OT losses than we do. Not to mention, they don't even play 3 on 3 overtime in the playoffs. Means mostly fuck all.
  4. Sure can. Bik and Sat on 650 post-game just called it "fantastic" and "awesome."
  5. The Wild were playing well at the time. Preds were the hottest team in the league. Dallas, playoffs yes. Don't try to downplay the competition to justify moving the goalposts here. Like I said. People were arguing they weren't even gonna make the playoffs this year. They are playing well above original expectation to get 6/8 on a road trip like this considering. But now that's not good enough to be deemed great either. It's like only 82-0 will ever do. Lol. A GREAT road trip it was, indeed.
  6. Dave from Ladysmith. Mike from Surrey. Idiots by any other name.
  7. No need to split hairs over nomenclature. Points in every game is great. Hell, compared to last year, we could call points in every game on the road absolutely AMAZING. And to think only a few months ago people we're arguing whether they'd even make the damn playoffs this year. Like talk about setting high expectation with the flick of a switch. So much so that now even points in every game on a road trip isn't "great." It's just "good." Funny how that works.
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