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Pirata Morado

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  1. By the way, Astra Zeneca vax has just recently been withdrawn worldwide, guess why? Because it causes BLOOD CLOTS!!!!! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-withdraw-blood-clots-b2541291.html If I were Boeser I would demand an investigation and I would sue those bastards. You can keep trying to block the sun with one finger, but eventually the truth will come out and all these criminals (vax pushers) will see jail or worse.
  2. Conspiracy nuts? This study from India shows that 9.7% of the booster population got injured. https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/indian-study-on-astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine-troubling-atypical-adverse-event-rate-9.7-of-boosted-population-injured-aff1e013 Study in the NEJM: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2402592#ap1 I guess it's fitting that one of the sponsors in yesterday's game was: You can thank them for the loss.
  3. Sad to hear these. I just hope he and the team sue the league for pushing that stupid vax mandate that has so many people suffering from these blood clots.
  4. If you would like me to add the East charts let me know.
  5. As for Division, here are our probs: #1: 73.7% #2: 19.3% #3: 5.6% #4: 1.3% #5: 0.1% Other possible Division Champs: Edmonton: 17.8%, Vegas: 2.9%, Los Angeles: 6.8%, Calgary: 0.1%
  6. And these are the probabilities of ending up in any spot. Black is elimination from postseason: For the Canucks, it's 30.5% chance of ending up #1 in Conference. 28.5% as seed #2, etc.
  7. I just ran the simulation of the remainder of the season and these are the point distribution for each West team: The Box shows the interquartile range (25% to 75% probabilities) while the whiskers show the 5% and 95% percentiles. The number on white is the expected total points.
  8. We win 3-2 in OT. Elias with the GWG Avs socre first.
  9. These are the Pacific Division Standings as of today:
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